也门Wadi Bayhan和中国金川含铂族元素铜镍硫化物矿床对比研究(MOTEEA ANWAR ABDULL MALIK AL-SHAMEERY2005吉林大学硕士论文)(英文).pdf
论文分类号论文分类号 P618 单 位 代 码单 位 代 码 10183 密密 级级 内部内部 研究生学号研究生学号 9200364219 吉吉 林林 大大 学学 硕硕 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 也门 Wadi Bayhan 和中国金川 含铂族元素铜镍硫化物矿床对比研究 Correlation Study on the Magmatic PGE-Bearing Cu-Ni Sulphide Deposits in Wadi Bayhan of Yemen and Jinchuan of China 作者姓名作者姓名MOTEEA ANWAR ABDULL MALIK AL-SHAMEERY 专专 业矿物学业矿物学 岩石学岩石学 矿床学矿床学 导师姓名导师姓名 孙丰月孙丰月 丁清峰丁清峰 及及 职职 称称 教教 授授 博博 士士 学位类别理学硕士学位类别理学硕士 论文起止年月论文起止年月2005 年年 9 月至月至 2007 年年 6 月月 吉林大学硕士学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明 所呈交学位论文, 是本人在指导教师的指导下, 独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明应用的内容外, 本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表过撰写过的作品成果。 对本人的研究成果做出重要贡献的个人和集体, 均已在文中以明确 的方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名 日期2007 年 月 日 中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库投稿声明 研究生院 本人同意中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库出版章程的 内容,愿意将本人的学位论文委托研究生院向中国学术期刊(光盘 版)电子杂志社的中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库投稿, 希望中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库给予出版,并同意在 中国博硕士学位论文评价数据库和 CNKI 系列数据库中使用, 同意按章程规定享受相关权益。 论文级别■硕士 □博士 学科专业矿物学 岩石学 矿床学 论文题目也门 Wadi Bayhan 和中国金川含铂族元素 铜镍硫化物矿床对比研究 作者签名 指导教师签名 年 月 日 作者联系地址(邮编) 作者联系电话 作者姓名 作者姓名 MOTEEA ANWAR ABDULL MALIK AL-SHAMEERY 论文分类号 论文分类号 P618 保密级别 内部 研究生学号 保密级别 内部 研究生学号 9200364219 学位类别 硕士 授予学位单位吉林大学学位类别 硕士 授予学位单位吉林大学 专业名称 矿物学 专业名称 矿物学 岩石学岩石学 矿床学 培养单位 (院、所、中 心) 地球科学学院 矿床学 培养单位 (院、所、中 心) 地球科学学院 研究方向 热液矿床成矿理 论与预测 学习时间 研究方向 热液矿床成矿理 论与预测 学习时间 2003 年年 9 月月 至至 2007 年年 7 月月 论文中文 题目 也门论文中文 题目 也门 Wadi Bayhan 和中国金川和中国金川 含铂族元素铜镍硫化物矿床对比研究含铂族元素铜镍硫化物矿床对比研究 论文英文 题目 论文英文 题目 Correlation Study of the Magmatic PGE-bearing Cu-Ni sulphide Deposits in Wadi Bayhan of Yemen and Jinchuan of China 姓 名 孙丰月 职 称教授 姓 名 孙丰月 职 称教授 导师情况 学历学位 博士 工作单位吉林大学 导师情况 学历学位 博士 工作单位吉林大学 论文提交日期2007 年 月 日 答辩日期2007 年 月 日 论文提交日期2007 年 月 日 答辩日期2007 年 月 日 是否基金 资助项目 否 基金类别 及编号 是否基金 资助项目 否 基金类别 及编号 如已经出版,请填写以下内容 如已经出版,请填写以下内容 出版地(城市 名、省名) 出版者 (机构)名称 出版地(城市 名、省名) 出版者 (机构)名称 出版日期 出版者地址 (包括邮编) 出版日期 出版者地址 (包括邮编) Summary According to comparing the geological setting, metallogenic conditions and geological characteristics of Wadi Bayhan Cu-Ni deposit of Yemen and Jinchuan deposit of China, it was thought that there are many similar characteristics between them. The author considered that Wadi Bayhan deposit belong to magmatic PGE-bearing Cu-Ni sulphide deposit. Based on above conclusion, the genetic model for Wadi Bayhan deposit was built, and the prospective potential was assessed by the author Key wordsWadi Bayhan;Jinchuan;Magmatic PGE-bearing Cu-Ni sulphide deposits 内内 容容 提提 要要 金川岩浆岩型含铂族元素铜镍硫化物矿床是中国最大的一个铜镍硫化物 矿床,其镍储量占世界第三位。 本文通过系统地对比也门Wadi Bayhan铜镍矿床与金川铜镍硫化物矿床的 区域地质背景,成矿地质条件,以及矿床地质地球化学特征,认为二者存在着 许多相似特点,初步判断Wadi Bayhan铜镍矿床也属含铂族元素铜镍硫化物岩 浆矿床,在此基础上,建立了其成因模式,并评述了找矿潜力。 关键词关键词Wadi Bayhan;金川;含铂族元素铜镍硫化物矿床 Correlation Study on the Magmatic PGE-bearing Cu-Ni sulphide deposits in Wadi Bayhan of Yemen and Jinchuan of China 1 Preface 1 Objectives Jinchuan deposit, which has similar characteristics with Wadi Bayhan magmatic PGE-bearing Cu-Ni sulphide deposit, has profound economic importance. However, we have poor data on Wadi Bayhan deposit. The aim of this study therefore, is to compare the two deposits and show their similarities. Basically the main objectives are 1- To find out the similar characteristics of the Wadi Bayhan deposit in southeast Yemen and Jinchuan deposit of northwest China. 2- Determine the age of mafic-ultramafic intrusions of the Wadi Bayhan by Ar/Ar isotopic analysis. 3- Discuss the genesis of Wadi Bayhan deposit. 4- Assess ore prospects of Wadi Bayhan deposit in the future. 2 Location of the study areas The Wadi Bayhan Cu-Ni deposit is located in Masswarh area of southeastern part of the Republic of Yemen, about 60 km NW to Al-Bayda city in Al-Bayda uplift terrane at the southeast margin of the Arabian-Nubian Shield. It must be noted that the target object located in Wadi Bayhan extends to the area of approximately 47 km length and 43 km width. Topographically this study area has no difficult terrain. The main roads passes through the Valley of Bayhan to the eastern part of the body and in some valleys that affect the Valley such as Wadi AL-tum and Wadi Themed are available. 吉林大学硕士学位论文 Moteea Anwar Abdull Malik Al-Sha 2 Oman Quaternary sediments Tertiary intrusions Tertiary volcanics Cretaceous sediments Jurassic sediments Paleozoic sediments Precambrian rocks Major faults Tertiary sediments Quaternary volcanics Legend 0 100km Saudi Arabia Yemen Gulf of Aden Red Sea Marib 13 15 17 434547495153 Suqatra Al Mukalla Aden Hudaidah Al Ghaythah Ramlat as Sabatayn N Study area Bayda terrane Fig.1 Geological map of Republic of Yemen with location of Wadi Bayhan However, Jinchuan is located in Gansu Province in northwest China, about 1200 km west Beijing. The deposit is located in the Longshou Mountain uplifted terrene at the southwest margin of the Alxa Block to the north of the Northern Qilian Orogenic Belt. The Longshou Mountain uplifted terrene is bordered by Central Asia Orogenic Belt on the north and the Qilian-Qinling Orogenic Belt on the south Fig. 2. Correlation Study on the Magmatic PGE-bearing Cu-Ni sulphide deposits in Wadi Bayhan of Yemen and Jinchuan of China 3 Fig.2 Simplified tectonic map of the Qinling Orogenic belt and adjacent regions showing the locality of the Jinchuan deposit after Tang, Z. Yang, J., et al., 1988-1991 3 Geographical and Climatic Features The different landscapes of the Republic of Yemen can be grouped into four main geographical and climatological regions 1. The Coastal Plains these plains are located in the west and southwestern part of the country, and are flat and slightly slopy with hot climate and low rainfall 50 mm/year. 2. The Yemen Mountain Massif it is high with very irregular and dissected topography, with elevation ranging from a few hundred meters to 1,000 m above sea level. The climate varies from hot at lower level to cool at the highest elevation. Wadi Bayhan is located in this massif and of course is easy to reach. 3. The Eastern Plateau Region most of the eastern half of the country is covered by this plateau. Its elevation decreases from 1200-1800m at the major 吉林大学硕士学位论文 Moteea Anwar Abdull Malik Al-Sha 4 watershed lines to 900m in the northern desert border and to a lower sea level on the coast. In general its climate is hot and dry. 4. The Islands The most important of all the islands is Socotra, where more exuberant flora and fauna can be found than in any other region in Yemen. 4 The workload involved 4.1 Office work extraction Anomaly estimated location Total Magnetic Map from the interpretation of geophysical ination for Wadi Bayhan with a scale of 150,000; extraction of satellite pictures, drawing geographical map with a scale of 150,000 have been undertaken. Besides, spreading geophysical anomalies on the topographic map and geological map, as well as mineralogical and geographical studies coupled with readings in previous studies about the study area have been conducted. 4.2 Field work One trip was carried out during the research activity in 2003 to Wadi Bayhan. Systematic regional and detailed ground traverse were carried out using Geological map Al-Bayda sheet at scales of 1250,000 and 1100,000. During 17 days of the field work, a total of 135 rock samples were collected from the outcrops representing the various lithological units or ores in the area and 75 samples were analysed in ALS Laboratory in Canada Table. 1. Table.1. Showing workload in Wadi Bayhan Field work Wadi Bayhan Geological map 1250,000 and 1100,000 Topographic map 150,000 Rock samples 135 samples, 75 were analysed Period 17 days photos 12 photos 1 Contents CHAPTER 1 Geological setting.........................................................................1 1. Regional geology of Wadi Bayhan ............................................................1 2. Regional geology of Jinchuan. ....................................................................4 Comparing.......................................................................................................7 CHAPTER 2 Geology of the two study areas...................................................8 1. Geology of Wadi Bayhan...............................................................................8 1.1 Features of igneous rocks....................................................................11 1.1.1. Petrographical data....................................................................12 1.1.2 Isotopic data...............................................................................16 1.2 Structural paragenesis.........................................................................17 1.2.1 Generation deation ..............................................................17 1.2.2 Shearing......................................................................................19 1.2.3 Magnetic interpretation...20 1.3 Strata..................................................................................................................22 2. Geology of Jinchuan....................................................................................22 2.1 Features of igneous rocks...................................................................24 2.1.1 Petrographical data.....................................................................25 2.1.2 Isotopic data ...............................................................................26 2.2 Structural paragenesis.........................................................................28 2.3 Strata...................................................................................................30 Comparing.......................................................................................................30 CHAPTER 3 Geological characteristics of ore deposit.................................32 1. Geological characteristics of Wadi Bayhan deposit ....................................32 1.1 Features of ore bodies in Wadi Bayhan ............................................32 1.2 Feature ore in Wadi Bayhan...............................................................40 1.2.1 Ore types ....................................................................................40 2 1.2.2 Mineralogy.................................................................................41 1.2.3 Geochemical characteristics.......................................................43 1.3 Alteration ..........................................................................................49 2. Geological characteristics of Jinchuan deposit...........................................51 2.1 Features of ore bodies in Jinchuan .....................................................51 2.2 Feature of ore in Jinchuan ..................................................................53 2.2.1 Ore type......................................................................................53 2.2.2 Mineralogical .............................................................................54 2.2.3 Geochemical characteristics .....................................................55 2.3 Alteration............................................................................................62 Comparing ....................................................................................................63 CHAPTER 4 Deposits genesis..........................................................................65 1. Deposit genesis in Wadi Bayhan.................................................................65 1.1 Intrusion genesis in Wadi Bayhan ....................................................65 1.2 Ore genesis in Wadi Bayhan ............................................................67 1.3 Ore controls for mineralization...........................................................69 2. Deposit genesis in Jinchuan.........................................................................70 2.1 Intrusion genesis in Jinchuan ............................................................70 2.2 Ore genesis in Jinchuan ....................................................................73 2.3 Ore controls for mineralization76 Comparing ...................................................................................................76 CHAPTER 5 Conclusions and Recommendations ........................................78 1 Conclusions...78 2 Recommendations ........................................................................................79 References...........................................................................................................80 中文摘要中文摘要...............................................................................................................I Abstract............................................................................................................. IV Acknowledgments...............................................................................................1 3 List of Figures Fig.1 Geological map of the Republic of Yemen with location of Wadi Bayhan................2 Fig.2 Simplified tectonic map of the Qinling orogenic belt and adjacent regions showing the locality of the Jinchuan deposit...................................3 Fig.1.1 Tectonic map of the Arabian–Nubian Shield .........................................................1 Fig.1.2 Geological map of the Arabian–Nubian Shield .......................................................4 Fig.1.3 Simplified regional geological map of the Jinchuan area ........................................6 Fig.2.1 Geological map of Masswarh with Wadi Bayhan intrusion.....................................9 Fig.2.2 General location of Wadi Bayhan intrusion ................................................................. 11 Fig.2.3 Back-scattered electron images of olivine from the Wadi Bayhan samples..........14 Fig.2.4 Satellite image of Masswarh area show deation, folding and faulting after GSMRB 2004....................................................................................................18 Fig.2.5 Shearing zone in Wadi Bayhan.................................................................. 19 Fig.2.6 Anomaly estimated location from Total Magnetic Map of Wadi Bayhan area .....21 Fig. 2.7 sketch map of the Jinchuan Cu-Ni sulfide deposit after Beijing Geological Publishing House, 1984 ......................................................................................23 Fig.2.8 The CL images of representative zircons from the Jinchuan intrusion rocks.........27 Fig.2.9 Diagram showing U-Pb Zircon results of the Jinchuan mafic-ultrmafic intrusions.....28 Fig.2.10. Geological sketch map of the Jin