分 奥 喜 丁 ‖ う | | U D C 務 編 与 豊2 2 2 9 ヱl ■ 0 2 3 J I A N G S U U N I V E R S i 丁Y ェ学薇. 士 巧 象れ狙鶉手云カ カ 学 椛 励カ ュ 私 及ュ 私無物泄 _ 稔i 雛 告ュ 朱 湯1 不千 宛 λ 学木型碩士学位沈文 Thesis for Academic Master Degree 碩士癸別8 沈文題目 学科寺並 作者姓名 指早教l J m 8 答丼日期 稔 薩羽 | ● 万方数据 日 7 1 訂′喜θ t t r ン T ソ場芽 卦 υ勁 井 C 離 まY Ψ甲音彰彰沼靭節車宰i 重婆早平 Y V 輸饗 γ摯胎漁中軍撃寝解 勃彰 督 ま Y ↓解騨菫話軍軍聯彫艶明軍率継 博絆明啓 田勁型汁理謳動秦堺瞬1 1 呈酵ユ漸口秦Y 墜■鬱準γじD 立珊 音V 管専 堺裏L 滅 半 凛彰冒彰当準Y ・1 / 二Y ■ I L l じつ立軍黎率 ヾ 襴 撃 靭冒| [ 郵L 翠理中軍判・音筆瞬彰准 勢動I 影控身群下職 三苦易 1 明菫 台 撃Y 率著 軍ひ聯薫靭尊吾鮒 諭 菫華」 Y 率 餡 菫 珊f i 3 職 万方数据 日. ぎ っ 争 り | 幻 L t 力翁豊 酵 台誹 目 7 / ビ′寺m τ ン ` F ン 堀昇 劫 γ 黎 珊 斎 G 困 難静立壬冒軍黎動秦率 酪γ W T 彰抑 秦 暫コ凛舜 萩1 讐葺D 摯彰靭軍み 叫豆瀞譲 1 1 即 望葺豪軍等軍歌珊燕平聖 麒象聯国中Y 彫軍υΨt t k 覆軍半■陣 酬響γ 1 1 鷹平芸回中凛舜 映豆静計予製卸 ギ 謝離聯X t t X 黎聯秦国中Y 野軍ひ率力k 整し挽糧 ′ 勁辛嚢薫博国中准舜鞠L I 関尋 日 y 田豆殺軍ひ黎γ 裏一騨拳率明X υヨツ畦彪印切尉軍去取Y V Q 軍ひ攣瀞薔士l 華じ 軍 率J コ彩 ` 」 ヨ 循菌※て塁 熙γ芸摯畦♯」 ヨ 冨鯛軍黎動秦尊要望Y 宰尾澪凛単覆軍ヽ シ 壬■ 謝響1 , 1 師辛秦国中 ` 襲悴図著ぼ| `推彰艶言署辛舜秦博国中 ` 斎Y 7 Щ 俸碑藝冒革} 碑酬軍ひ聯藁 万方数据 矿用多级抢险排水泵内部流动 与泵机组转子动力学研究 Research of inner flow in mine multi-stage emergency drainage pump and rotor dynamics on pump set 专业名称 动力工程及工程热物理 指导教师 曹 卫 东 指导小组 研 究 生 徐 玉 敏 2020 年年 6 月月 万方数据 江 苏 大 学 硕 士 论 文 I 摘 要 大型矿用多级抢险排水泵主要用于矿山排水作业, 此类型的泵与潜水电机之间一般 采用刚性联轴器联接。 实际使用中, 抢险排水泵与高压潜水电机组成的泵机组潜在水面 以下并呈卧式姿态放置。 大型矿用多级抢险排水泵具有扬程高、 高效率区范围宽的优点。 因泵扬程通常较大幅度高于装置扬程, 所以在实际应用中此类型的泵经常在大于设计流 量点的工况下运行。 该类型的部分泵在大流量点运行时泵转子轴向力方向容易发生改变, 结果导致电机内部止推轴承严重磨损, 部分泵机组的径向滑动轴承也出现磨损严重的情 况。本文以一台型号为 BQ500-85/4 的对称布置式多级抢险排水泵为研究对象,对可能 影响泵转子轴向力和转子稳定性的因素进行了系统的研究,主要研究内容和结果如下 (1) 对矿用多级抢险排水泵进行定常数值模拟, 针对泵叶轮前盖板口环密封尺寸、 泵叶轮与导叶轴向间隙, 分别选取多组参数并进行模拟计算, 得到了泵转子轴向力随口 环密封尺寸和叶轮导叶轴向间隙改变时的变化规律。 对电机进行定常数值模拟, 计算得 到了电机转子的轴向力, 并得到了电机转子随泵转子轴向移动过程中轴向力的变化规律。 (2) 对矿用多级抢险排水泵进行气液两相流定常数值模拟, 针对泵入口液流条件, 基于欧拉多相流模型研究了泵入口混入空气时对泵性能和转子轴向力的影响。 考虑到气 体在泵内随水流动时的实际变化, 分别设置了不同气体体积分数、 不同气泡直径等参数 量, 通过对泵的气液两相流研究和分析泵流道内的流动参数, 得到气液两相流条件下泵 转子轴向力的变化规律。 通过对矿用多级抢险排水泵进行气液两相流分析, 可以断定造 成泵机组转子轴向力方向发生改变的最可能的原因是泵进口混入了空气。 (3)对矿用多级抢险排水泵进行非定常数值模拟,分析非定工况下泵流道内流体 压力的变化规律和泵转子轴向力的变化规律。 研究结果表明, 叶轮叶片数和导叶叶片数 会影响流体压力波动和转子轴向力波动性变化的频率, 在单相流非定常工况下, 泵转子 轴向力方向不会发生改变。 (4)对泵转子和电机转子组成的泵机组转子进行模态分析和临界转速计算,考虑 到径向滑动轴承和可倾瓦推力轴承的刚度和阻尼对机组转子动力学分析的准确性, 并为 了研究轴承对转子的承载能力,分别开发了计算径向滑动轴承和可倾瓦推力轴承的 Matlab 程序,可用来计算轴承的承载力,刚度和阻尼。考虑轴承支承转子的刚度和阻 尼, 并对泵机组转子进行无流场作用下和有流场作用下的转子动力学分析, 发现泵流场 万方数据 矿 用 多 级 抢 险 排 水 泵 内 部 流 动 与 泵 机 组 转 子 动 力 学 研 究 II 作用力使得机组转子的一阶固有振动频率明显下降, 转子的实际运行转速和模拟计算的 二阶临界转速比较接近。 关键词关键词矿用多级抢险排水泵,高压潜水电机,气液两相流,轴向力,模态分析,临界 转速 万方数据 江 苏 大 学 硕 士 论 文 III ABSTRACT Large-scale mine multi-stage emergency drainage pumps are mainly used for mine drainage operations. Rigid couplings are generally used to connect this type of pump to the submersible electric motor. In practical application, the pump set consist of the emergency drainage pump and the submersible electric motor is placed below the water surface and placed in a horizontal posture. Large-scale mining multi-stage emergency drainage pumps have the advantages of high head and wide range of high-efficiency zones. As a result, this type of pump often operates at conditions that its real volume flow is more than the design flow point. When this type of pumps are operated at high flow points, the axial force of the pump rotor is easy to be changed. As a result, the thrust bearings inside the electric motor are worn seriously, and the radial sliding bearings of the pump unit are also worn seriously. In this paper, a symmetrically arranged multi-stage emergency drainage pump of type BQ500-85 / 4 is used as the research object. A series of factors that maybe influence the pump-rotor’s axial force and entire rotor’stability has been study by the way of numerical simulation. The main research contents and results are as follows 1 Steady simulation calculation about the mine multi-stage emergency drainage pump is pered. For the seal size of the front cover of the pump impeller and the axial clearance between the pump impeller and the guide vane, multiple sets of parameters are selected and simulated, and get the law about axial force with the change of the size about ring seal and the axial clearance between impeller and guide vanes. The steady simulation calculation about the submersible electric motor is pered, and the rotor’ axial force of the submersible motor is obtained as same as the law of the axial force with the movement of the motor rotor. 2 Steady gas-liquid two-phase simulation calculation about the mine multi-stage emergency drainage pump is pered. The condition of the inlet about the pump should be considered. Based on the Euler multiphase flow model, the effects of pump’s perance and rotor’s axial force when air was mixed into pump were studied. Taking into account the actual changes of the gas with the water flowing in the pump, parameters such as different 万方数据 矿 用 多 级 抢 险 排 水 泵 内 部 流 动 与 泵 机 组 转 子 动 力 学 研 究 IV gas volume fractions and different bubble diameters were set. By studying the gas-liquid two-phase flow of the pump and analyzing the flow parameters in the pump flow path, The law of the change about the axial force of the pump rotor under the condition of gas-liquid two-phase flow is obtained. Through the analysis of the gas-liquid two-phase flow for the mine multi-stage emergency drainage pump, it can be concluded that the most likely cause of the change in the axial force direction of the rotor of the pump set is that the pump inlet is mixed with air. 3 Unsteady simulation calculation of the mine multi-stage emergency drainage pump is pered. The law of the change about fluid pressure in the pump flow channel and the axial force of the pump rotor under unsteady working conditions are studied. The results show that the number of impeller blades and guide vane blades affect the frequency of fluid pressure fluctuations and rotor axial force fluctuations, the pump rotor’s axial force direction will not be changed under the situation of unsteady single phase. 4 Modal’s analysis and cratical speed’s calculation of the pump set rotor consisting of pump rotor and motor rotor was pered. The stiffness and damping of the radial sliding bearing and tilting pad thrust bearing were considered for the accuracy of the pump set rotor dynamics analysis. And in order to study the capacity of the bearing for pump set rator, the Matlab program were developed to calculate radial sliding bearings and tilting pad thrust bearings, which can be used to calculate bearing capacity, stiffness and damping. Considering the stiffness and damping of the bearing supporting, the rotor dynamics of the pump set rotor under no-flow field and with flow field was analyzed. It was found that the pressure of the flow field caused the first-order natural vibration frequency of the pump set rotor to decrease, and the actual speed of the pump set rotor is close to the second-order critical speed calculated by simulation. Keywords Mine multi-stage emergency drainage pump, High voltage submersible electric motor, Gas-liquid two-phase flow, Axial force, Modal analysis, Critical speed. 万方数据 江 苏 大 学 硕 士 论 文 V 目目 录录 摘摘 要要 ....................................................................................................................................... ⅠⅠ ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................... ⅢⅢ 第一章第一章 绪绪 论论 ......................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 ............................................................................................ 1 1.2 相关课题国内外研究现状 ........................................................................................ 1 1.2.1 多级泵轴向力及其平衡的研究 ..................................................................... 1 1.2.2 泵气液两相流研究 ......................................................................................... 3 1.2.3 转子动力学研究 ............................................................................................. 4 1.3 主要研究内容 ............................................................................................................ 5 第二章第二章 泵泵机组内部流场定常数值模拟机组内部流场定常数值模拟 ................................................................................. 6 2.1 矿用泵模型建立及网格划分 .................................................................................... 6 2.1.1 矿用泵模型及基本参数 ................................................................................. 6 2.1.2 矿用泵计算域及网格划分 ............................................................................. 7 2.1.3 控制方程及模拟方法 ................................................................................... 10 2.1.4 矿用泵转子轴向力计算方法 ....................................................................... 11 2.1.5 网格无关性分析 ........................................................................................... 11 2.2 潜水电机模型建立及网格划分 .............................................................................. 12 2.2.1 潜水电机模型及基本参数 ........................................................................... 12 2.2.2 潜水电机计算域及网格划分 ....................................................................... 14 2.2.3 边界条件及设置 ........................................................................................... 14 2.2.4 潜水电机转子轴向力计算方法 ................................................................... 15 2.2.5 网格无关性分析 ........................................................................................... 15 2.3 泵叶轮前盖板口环密封间隙与叶轮轴向力 .......................................................... 15 2.4 泵叶轮和导叶轴向相对间隙与叶轮轴向力 .......................................................... 17 2.5 电机滑板位置与电机转子轴向力 .......................................................................... 19 2.6 本章小结 .................................................................................................................. 21 第三章第三章 矿用多级抢险排水泵气液两相流动特性分析矿用多级抢险排水泵气液两相流动特性分析 ....................................................... 23 万方数据 矿 用 多 级 抢 险 排 水 泵 内 部 流 动 与 泵 机 组 转 子 动 力 学 研 究 VI 3.1 两相流数值模拟方案 .............................................................................................. 23 3.1.1 两相流计算方法与边界条件 ....................................................................... 23 3.1.2 气液流工况下泵转子轴向力计算 ............................................................... 25 3.2 计算结果与分析 ...................................................................................................... 26 3.2.1 气液两相流条件下泵性能 ........................................................................... 26 3.2.2 气体体积分数与矿用泵转子轴向力 ........................................................... 28 3.3 气液两相流内部流动分析 ...................................................................................... 30 3.3.1 叶轮流道内压力变化 ................................................................................... 30 3.3.2 叶轮和导叶流道气体分布 ........................................................................... 32 3.4 试验结果与分析 ...................................................................................................... 34 3.5 本章小结 .................................................................................................................. 35 第四章第四章 矿用泵内部流动非定常数值模拟矿用泵内部流动非定常数值模拟 ........................................................................... 37 4.1 非定常数值模拟及性能分析 .................................................................................. 37 4.2 压力脉动分析 .......................................................................................................... 38 4.2.1 各监测点压力脉动时域分析 ....................................................................... 39 4.2.2 各监测点压力脉动频域分析 ....................................................................... 41 4.3 泵轴向力分析 .......................................................................................................... 43 4.4 本章小结 .................................................................................................................. 43 第五章第五章 泵泵机组转子模态及临界转速机组转子模态及临界转速 ................................................................................... 45 5.1 基本理论与分析 ....................................................................................................... 45 5.1.1 模态基本理论 ............................................................................................... 45 5.1.2 临界转速基本理论 ....................................................................................... 47 5.2 径向滑动轴承静特性及动特性分析计算 ............................................................... 47 5.2.1 径向滑动轴承润滑理论 ................................................................................ 47 5.2.2 径向滑动轴承静特性计算 ............................................................................ 51 5.2.3 Matlab 程序求解水膜压力分布 .................................................................... 53 5.2.4 径向滑动轴承动态特性计算 ........................................................................ 57 5.3 可倾瓦推力轴承静特性及动特性分析计算 ........................................................... 60 万方数据 江 苏 大 学 硕 士 论 文 VII 5.3.1 可倾瓦推力轴承润滑理论 ............................................................................ 60 5.3.2 可倾瓦推力轴承静特性计算 ........................................................................ 62 5.3.3 可倾瓦推力轴承动态特性计算 .................................................................... 65 5.4 泵机组转子模态分析及临界转速计算 ................................................................... 66 5.4.1 泵机组转子模态分析 .................................................................................... 66 5.4.2 泵机组转子临界转速计算 ............................................................................ 71 5.5 本章小结 .................................................................................................................. 73 第六章第六章 总结与展望总结与展望 ............................................................................................................... 74 6.1 研究总结 ................................................................................................................... 74 6.2 研究展望 ................................................................................................................... 75 参参 考考 文文 献献 ........................................................................................................................... 76 致致 谢谢 ................................................................................................................................. 80 攻读硕士学位期间参加的科研项目以及学术成攻读硕士学位期间参加的科研项目以及学术成果果 ............................................................. 81 一、参加的科研项目 ..................................................................................................... 81 二、发表的论文及申请的专利 ..................................................................................... 81 万方数据 矿 用 多 级 抢 险 排 水 泵 内 部 流 动 与 泵 机 组 转 子 动 力 学 研 究 VIII 万方数据 江 苏 大 学 硕 士 论 文 1 第一章