采煤机用防爆型水冷电机设计 【中文摘要】薄煤层电牵引采煤机用防爆型电动机的技术发展趋势是加大功率和功率密度,随着采煤机电机设计容量的不断提升,使电机运行时产生的单位体积损耗增加,引起电机各部分温度升高,因此限制电机温升,解决好电机的发热与冷却题目,成为采煤电机技术发展中的主要题目之一。为达到此目的,主要从电机材料公道选用、电机电磁优化设计、冷却器优化设计方面开展研究,使电机总发热降低、热源分布公道。论文首先具体地先容了电机设计的各种相关知识及计算原理,根据电机设计的技术要求,计算出了相关的电磁参数和电机各部分损耗。其次,针对电机的结构特点和性能要求,结合电机冷却设计的相关技术要求,对电机的冷却水路进行了系统的设计,采用了一种生产工艺简单、制造本钱低的机壳水冷折弯式水路结构。然后对这种冷却结构在流体和热力两方面进行了校核计算。最后,为使电机安全稳定运行,对电机的机座、转轴进行了刚度与强度核算。论文中的每项工作都是在相关理论依据或者相关校核计算下进行的,同时每个目标的研究又兼顾其他方面。电机损耗计算是为了给热力计算提供依据;流体和热力计算是为了验证电机的冷却结构的公道性;机械强度计算是为保障电机结构可靠性。该设计方案已用于电机企业的生产,运行结果表明电机设计是公道的。; 【Abstract】 The explosion-proof motor, used in the machine for excavating thin coal bed, has a technical developing trend of more power and more power density. Along with the continuous increase of the design capacity of motor unit volume losses in the motor increase, which lead to the rise of temperature in every part of the motor. So improving cooling system and confining temperature difference become one primary problem in the development of technology in the machine for excavating coal. Aim the problem,three sides include reasonable selection of motor materials, optimization of electromagnetic design and optimization of cooler are researched, which reduce power losses and make distribution of heat suited.Electromagnetic parameter and power loss are calculated according to electric engineer theory and related research results. Secondly, For the structure of the electrical characteristics and perance requirements, combined with the cooling system of motor-related technical requirements, Reciprocation watercourse is adapted to cooling system whose Production process with easy and low-cost manufacturing. Thirdly, the fluid and the thermal force is checked numerically. Finally, In order to ensure safe and stable running of motor ,the frame and shaft of stiffness and strength are calculated.Every job is done in the light of reasonable foundation and related check. The electromagnetic loss is the base of thermal force calculation, thermal force and the fluid used to check the rationality of waterway structure. The mechanical force is assured the operation reliability of motor.The design of the motor is reasonable according to operation result in the practice.