色谱质谱法测定柴油机排气微粒 过滤前后可溶有机成分 刘丽萍 肖福明 田茂诚 杨 滨 山东大学能源与动力工程学院, 山东 济南 250061 摘要 先采用自行设计安装的柴油机微粒袋滤系统, 对过滤前后的柴油机排气微粒进行采集。 然后用气相色谱-质 谱技术 GC-MS, 对柴油机排气微粒中的可溶有机成分 SOF 进行分离分析。 用超声法制取可溶有机分析液。 测定结 果表明 微粒过滤前后检测物的成分组成变化很小, 基本以直链及支链烷烃为主, 碳数从 C16~ C26, 此外还有相当数量 的蒽、芘、菲等多环芳烃 PAHs 。 采用微粒袋滤系统过滤柴油机排气微粒, 烷烃以及多环芳烃等有害物含量明显下 降, 说明袋滤技术对柴油机排气的处理效果较好 。 关键词 色谱-质谱 柴油机微粒 可溶有机成分 0 引言 柴油机具有热效率高 、 油耗低 、 性能可靠等优点, 被广泛应用于交通运输、工程机械以及农业机械等装 置。但是柴油机排气微粒含量比汽油机高出十几倍, 这些小粒径的微粒在大气中悬浮时间长 ,不易沉降, 将危害人类健康及大气环境。柴油机微粒从组成上 可以分为两类 不溶于有机溶液的 IOF 不可溶组分, 主要组成是炭烟 ; 可溶于有机溶液的 SOF 可溶有机 组分 ,主要组成是高沸点的碳氢化合物 HC 。 采用柴油机微粒袋滤器作为排放后处理技术 ,已 经有十几年的历史。该技术具有捕集效率高 90以 上 、 工作可靠 、 结构简单、成本较低等优点 [ 1] 。本研 究在自制的试验台上对柴油机袋滤器过滤前后微粒 进行采集 ,利用气相色谱 - 质谱联用技术 GC- MS 分 析微粒的可溶性有机组分 ,旨在对该技术具有更深的 认识 ,并对进一步开展柴油机微粒排放控制具有指导 意义 。 1 试验部分 1. 1 试验台架 试验在SD1110柴油发动机台架上进行, 试验装 置如图1 所示。发动机工作容积为1. 093 L , 标定功 率13. 2 kW, 标定转速2 200 r min。袋滤器捕集排气 微粒依靠其滤袋单元来完成, 滤袋单元的支撑骨架表 面覆盖一层滤料 针刺毡 ,在排气经过时其中的微粒 被捕捉。 1. 2 试验内容 试验选定发动机在 5 个工况下进行 1n 图 1 柴油发动机台架试验装置 1 600 r min , N 9 N m ; 2n 1 600 r min, N 18 N m ; 3n 1 600 r min , N 36Nm; 4n 1 600 r min , N 60 N m ; 5n 2 200 r min, N 36 N m 。试验时, 通过调节阀门的开关, 在取样 1、 2 处分别接一自制柴油机微粒采样器 ,收集袋滤器过滤 前后排气微粒样品, 以便做进一步分析。另外, 还通 过控制阀门开度 ,使同一工况下、过滤前后采样前的 压强相同。 所有采样完成后 ,将采集的微粒样品分别在恒温 箱中焙烧, 然后在一恒温 、 恒湿的洁净室内,用精密电 子分析天平对焙烧的微粒样品进行称重 。不断重复 烘烤和称重过程 ,直至微粒样品质量恒定 ,将其放入 干燥瓶中避光保存, 用于有机成分分析。 1. 3 可溶有机分析液的制取 将采集有微粒的玻璃纤维滤纸打碎 剪碎 后放 入磨口三角烧瓶, 加入20 mL二氯甲烷 AR分析纯 , 重蒸。重蒸后经色谱检测不出杂质峰 。超声30 min, 过滤后用氮气浓缩至 0. 6 mL ,进样量1 μ L 。 提取后的样品 ,再进行GC- MS 分析。有机成分分 83 环 境 工 程 2008年 10 月第 26卷第 5 期 析仪为美国热电公司生产的Trace GC- DSQ 气相色谱- 质谱联用仪,配有 Xcalibur1. 3 数据处理工作站和NIST 质谱数据库。质谱条件 离子源为电子轰击源 EI ,温 度250℃,电子轰击能量70 eV ,运输线温度 280℃,溶剂 延迟时间4 min。色谱条件 BD-5 MS 型色谱柱 30m 0. 25 mm 0. 25 μ m,J 载气为高级氦气 ,流量 1 mL min; 柱温为 50℃, 以8℃ min升至 250℃, 保持 20 min,进样口温度 250℃,不分流进样。 2 结果与讨论 2. 1 检测结果 首先对空白滤纸和试剂做总离子色谱图。图中 有几个峰值 , 峰值时间24. 21 min为邻苯二甲酸二异 丁酯, 峰值时间25. 48 min为邻苯二甲酸二丁酯, 分子 式均为 C16H22O4,峰值时间32. 66 min为邻苯二甲酸二 乙基己基酯 ,分子式 C24H38O4。此图表明空白滤纸和 试剂中含有我国常用的苯二甲酸酯类,是常用的塑料 增塑剂 。在以后所有的 SOF 分析中, 都会出现这几 种物质 , 因此在计算总积分面积时 , 将它们共同 除去 [ 2] 。 试验得到 5个工况下柴油机排气微粒中 SOF 样 品的总离子流色谱图, 由于篇幅所限仅以工况 5 为 例,列出检测出的各种成分物 ,其详细参数见表 1。 表 1 工况 5 过滤前后排气微粒中可溶有机成分的 GC -MS 检测结果 化合物名称分子式 相对质量分数 过滤前过滤后 化合物名称分子式 相对质量分数 过滤前过滤后 十五烷C15H320. 98二甲基蒽C16H140. 290. 12 2, 6 -二叔丁基苯酚C14H22O1. 343. 28二甲基蒽C16H141. 190. 44 十六烷 C16H34 3. 373. 67二甲基蒽 C16H14 0. 350. 09 支链十七烷 C17H36 3. 212. 85二甲基蒽 C16H14 0. 290. 07 十七烷 C17H36 12. 2115. 80二甲基蒽 C16H14 0. 499. 49 支链十八烷 C18H38 1. 193. 15二甲基蒽 C16H14 0. 16 支链十八烷 C18H38 1. 82芘 C16H10 0. 820. 44 十八烷 C18H38 13. 0814. 05二十一烷 C21H44 3. 485. 93 蒽C14H103. 261. 77芘C16H100. 700. 27 支链十八烷C18H3810. 6812. 00三甲基菲C17H60. 190. 10 支链十九烷C19H401. 631. 09三甲基菲C17H60. 270. 11 十九烷C19H404. 5810. 17三甲基菲C17H60. 120. 04 甲基蒽C15H121. 050. 50三甲基菲C17H60. 080. 02 甲基蒽C15H121. 330. 68二十二烷C22H461. 932. 73 甲基蒽 C15H12 0. 680. 36二十三烷 C23H48 3. 931. 92 甲基蒽 C15H12 0. 560. 29二十四烷 C24H50 6. 501. 93 二十烷 C20H42 4. 989. 49二十五烷 C25H52 8. 352. 58 二甲基蒽 C16H14 0. 380. 12二十六烷 C26H54 5. 911. 76 二甲基蒽 C16H14 0. 560. 19 2. 2 讨论 由表 1 可知 ,过滤前后检测物中可溶有机成分的 变化很小, 基本以直链及支链烷烃为主, 碳数从 C16~ C26, 此外还 有相当数量 的蒽、芘、菲等多 环芳烃 PAHs 。另外,过滤前后排气微粒中都检测出了2,6- 二叔丁基苯酚, 该化合物为改善柴油或者润滑油油品 性能的抗氧化剂添加物。研究表明 ,2,6-二叔丁基苯 酚具有致癌或促癌作用, 动物试验显示具有生物毒 性 [ 3- 4] 。但是通过比较可以看到, 过滤后排气微粒中 长碳链直链烷烃的含量有明显下降。另外蒽 、甲基 蒽、 二甲基蒽、 三甲基蒽过滤后含量都有大幅下降 ,分 别下降了 46、49 、67和 59。芘经过过滤 , 含 量也下降了 53。许多碳氢化合物被确定对人体的 健康有很大的危害, 特别是多环芳烃是一种强致癌物 质。由此可见, 采用袋滤技术应用于柴油车排放控制 是非常有效的方法。 根据 5 个工况的检测结果发现, 其中 C17~ C24的 正烷烃相对质量分数占到 38~ 71, 而总的正烷 84 环 境 工 程 2008年 10 月第 26卷第 5 期 烃相对质量分数则占到了 70~ 80, 总的支链烷 烃的相对质量分数也在 13~ 26 。这与对柴油成 分进行定性分析的结果基本吻合 [ 5] ,说明柴油机排气 微粒可溶性有机物中的主要组分还是来自于未燃烧 或者未完全燃烧的柴油。试验中检测出了 C25~ C27 这样的高碳烷烃 ,柴油中没有这种烷烃 , 在机油中则 含有 ,这只能是由窜入燃烧室的未燃机油导致的。因 此,降低柴油机机油消耗量和提高机油的品质是降低 柴油机微粒排放物的重要手段之一 。 5 个工况下 , 在相同转速时 , 微粒 SOF 中长链烷 烃相对含量随着工作负荷的增加而增加 ,短链烷烃相 对含量减少 。微粒中 SOF 主要来自于燃油中的 SOF 和机油中的 SOF 两部分, 而柴油不完全燃烧主要产 生短链烷烃,机油不完全燃烧主要产生长链烷烃。随 着负荷的增加, 燃烧室温度升高,有利于燃烧的进行, 未完全燃烧的燃油比例下降; 柴油机相同转速下, 负 荷大小对机油消耗量的影响不大 [ 6] 。因此 ,随着工作 负荷的增加 ,SOF 中来自于未完全燃烧的燃油比例下 降,来自于机油的比例上升。 3 结论 在柴油发动机台架进行过滤前后排气微粒采集 的基础上 ,利用气相色谱质谱技术对微粒中可溶有机 成分进行了分离和分析。结果表明 ,尽管过滤前后排 气微粒中有机可溶成分变化很小, 但是长碳链直链烷 烃、 蒽等多环芳烃的相对含量有明显下降 。说明柴油 机微粒袋滤系统是一种有效的柴油机微粒后处理技 术。另外还检测出在机油中才含有的高碳烷烃,因此 降低机油的窜入以及提高机油质量都是降低柴油机 微粒排放的重要手段 。 参考文献 [ 1] Fuming Xiao, Chen Lu. 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Combustion and Flame , 2003 132 157 -169 作者通信处 刘丽萍 250061 济南市 山东大学能源与动力工程 学院 电话 0531 88382890 E -mail polsdu. edu. cn 2007- 11-19 收稿 欢迎订阅四川环境杂志 四川环境杂志为中国科技论文统计源期刊, 中国科技核心期刊, 国内外公开发行。 国内统一刊号 CN 51-1154 X, 国际标 准刊号 ISSN1001-3644。 由四川省环境保护局主管, 四川省环境保护科学研究院、四川省环境科学学会联合主办的一种综合性、 科技性学术类期刊。 本刊设有 试验研究、生态环境、环境监测、治理技术、环境科研、环境工程、环境医学、环境经济 、综述、环境法规、环境评价、 环境规划、环境教育、环境管理、环境对策、环境咨询、环境论坛、人口资源与环境、综合利用、污染与防治、调查报告 、考察报告、问 题探讨、知识介绍、动态简讯等栏目。 可供从事环境科研、监测和管理等科技人员交流学习, 也可供大专院校环境专业师生参阅。 本刊为双月刊, 大 16 开国际标准版, 128 页, 每逢双月 26 日出版。 国内订价 含邮费 15 元 期, 全年 6 期订价 90 元。 邮发代 号 62-75, 全国各地邮局均可订阅。 如漏订, 欢迎直接与本刊联系, 通过邮局汇款订购, 随时办理。 本刊还承接彩色或单色广告业务, 刊出技术成果及信息服务项目, 价格优惠, 需者与本刊编辑部联系。 地址 四川省成都市人民南路四段 18 号 邮编 610041 电话 028 85511646传真 028 85511646 E -mail schjscemc. cn 开户银行 工行成都市跳伞塔分理处 帐 号 4402248009008801873 单 位 四川省环境保护科学研究院 85 环 境 工 程 2008年 10 月第 26卷第 5 期 APPLICATION OF MBR TECHNOLOGY IN TREATMENT OF PCB s WASTEWATER Wu Shiwen 68 Abstract The practical application ofMBR technology in treatment of PCB s wastewater was introduced. The operation results show that the MBR system is stable with quality effluent under the following conditionsthe influent COD of 1 500 mg L, Cu2 of 1. 5 mg L, MLSS of 6 000~ 8 000mg L and DO of 2~ 4 mg L, with the system temperature of 20~ 40℃, residence time of 10 h and aeration quantity of 40 ~ 43 m3 min. The average removal rate of COD is over 87 and that of Cu2is about 70. Keywords MBR technology PCB COD Cu2 treatment of wastewater ENGINEERING PRACTICE AND STUDIES ON SLAUGHER WASTEWATER TREATMENT Guo Ting Yang Ping Wang Honglei 70 Abstract The slaugher wastewater was treated with hydrolytic acidification -CASS technology. The operational results prove that the CASS technology has good effectiveness. Various fouling inds of the effluent meet the first class of Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants of Meat Packing Industry GB13457 -92. Keywords slaugherhouse wastewater treatment hydrolytic acidification CASS PRETREATMENT OF REFUSE LEACHATE BY COOPERATION FUNCTION OF HIGH MAGNET- IC POWDERTang Yanchao Cheng Yue Fu Mingliang 72 Abstract The cooperation function of high magnetic powder Fe3O4and abio -coagulant Al2 SO4 3were studied in this paper. The result indicated that the flocculation effectfrom complex use of Fe3O4andAl2 SO4 3was better thanuse of Al2 SO43only . When dosage of Al2 SO43 is 2. 0 g L, Fe3O4is 1. 6 g L, stirring rate is150 rpm, pH is3. 0, sedimentation time is 5min, the COD removal rate of leachate is 70. The sedimentation velocity of colloidal particle is picked up evidently in flocculation. Keywords high magnetic powder cooperation function leachate flocculation RESEARCH ON MAIN FACTORS OF INFLUENCING BIOLOGICAL P -PEMOVAL IN EBPR SYS - TEMCai Tianming Cai Shu Ning Qiang et al 74 Abstract Taking enhanced biological phosphrous removal EBPR system as the object of study, it was researched the effects of influent s acetate concentration after keeping anaerobic condition for 2h, the concentration of acetic acidhas less effect on PR. The suitable pHwas6. 0~ 7. 0for anaerobic PR, aerobic obso - rption of phosphorus and COD degradation. When pH was larger than 8 . 0 the system would lose EBPR capacity and PR was only 39. 7. If the age was 4 d the concentration of P in the effluent was lower and the system would have the best running effect. Keywords EBPR acetate concentration pH sludge age DESIGNOF COMPOSITIVE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT OF A LARGE TEXTILE COR - PORATIONLi Fang Yang Bo Tian Qin et al 77 Abstract According to the characteristics of the compositive wastewater in a large textile corporation, the process of coagulating sedimenta - tion and biological treatment was adopted in this project.The sludge reduction technique was taken into account in this design.The practice showed that the effluent quality met the requirement of Grade Ⅰ of “ National Textile Wastewater Discharge Standard” GB4287 -92and part of bio -filter effluent was reclaimed. The excellent biological sludge reduction was obtained during the run. Keywords textile dying and finishing compositive wastewater sludge reduction A UNIVERSAL EXPONENTIAL ULA OF AIR QUALITY ASSESSMENT BASED ON ARTIFI- CIAL FISH SWARM ALGORITHMLi Zuoyong Wang Jiayang Wu Min 80 Abstract By setting up benchmarks for air quality indices, a universal exponentialula with power function for multi -indices of air pol - lutant is put forthfor uating air quality. Artificial fish swarm algorithm AF was used for optimizing the parameters in the ula. uation of air quality of several cases, using the simplified ula with power function, while comparing with results of other s, shows that the modified universal ula becomes simple, easy , practical, applicable and free of the confine of kinds and numbers of pollutant. Keywords air quality assessment uation exponent artificial fish swarm algorithm parameters optimization DETERMINATION OF SOLUBLE ORGANIC FRACTION BEFORE AND AFTER FILTRATION OF DIESEL EXHAUST PARTICULATES WITH CHROMATOGRAPHY-MASS SPECTROMETRY Liu Liping Xiao Fuming Tian Maocheng et al 83 Abstract First, particulates of the diesel engine were collectedwith self-designedbag -type particulates filtration system. Then, the organic soluble fractions SOFin diesel exhaust particulates have been extractedwith ultrasonic separator and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spec - trometry GC -MS. The results showed that components of soluble organic fraction before and after filtration were changed a little. Alkanes were mostly , with some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs . The content of alkanes and PAHs couldbe decreasedobviously using bag -type par - 5 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Vol. 26, No. 5,October, 2008 ticulates filtration system, showing that the technique is an effective after -treatment technology of diesel exhaust. Keywords gas chromatography -mass spectrometry diesel exhaust particulate soluble organic fraction DETECTION TECHNIQUE OF SO3CONTENT IN COAL -FIRED FLUE GAS AND ITS APPLICA - TIONWang Fangqun Guo Rong Sui Jiancai et al 86 Abstract According to the situation, where flue gas analyzer still can t measure and test SO3content in coal -fired flue gas, the detection technique of SO3in coal-fired flue gas, including SO3sampling device and measuring -testing of SO3contentwasput forward. The detection technique has the advantages of accuracy, reliability and rapidity and can be applied to SO3content detection during FGD commissioning , daily operating of FGD and coal -fired power plant. Keywords coal-fired flue gas SO3 detection technique sampling device application DETERMINATION OF THE MATERIAL MIGRATION INTHE BIOFILM MICROENVIRONMENT BY THE MICROELECTRODEMeng Qianqiu Wang Lei Wang Tao et al 88 Abstract The migration of variousmaterials in biofilm at different C N can be obtained through determining the profiles of pH, NH 4, NO2, NO3and O2in a bio -activated carbon fluidized bed reactor by microelectrodes. It has been found through analysis and comparision that in the tra - ditional condition of C∶ N100∶ 5 is not the best condition, while at C N5, the removal rate of NH 4-N is the highest. Keywords biological fluidized bed biofilm microelectrode nitrification DETERMINATION OF DISSOLVED OXYGEN DOIN WATER BY SPECTROPHOTOMETRY Liu Qiaoyang Liu Jun GuoJianlin 92 Abstract It was studied the determinationof DO in water by spectrophotometry. MnSO4andaldehyde oxime solutionwere added to wa - ter samples, MnⅡwas oxidized to Mn Ⅳby DO in alkaline solution with pH of 10. 0~ 11. 0 and then a brown complex was produced with aldehyde oxime, whose absorbance value was determined by spectrophoto metry on condition of 450 nm wavelength, by which MnⅣ content was got. Do content was obtained indirectly by a ula with a range of 0. 6~ 12 mg L. The results of DO sampleswere agreedwellwith those of DO gauges. Keywords spectrophotometry dissolved oxygen manganese DETERMINATION OF PESTICIDE RESIDUES IN SEDIMENT BY GC -MS Zhao Fengying Guo Ping Zhang Dongmei et al 95 Abstract GC -MS was used to determine organophosphorous and carbamates pesticide residues in soil sample. The pesticide residues were extracted from soil sample by ultrasonic using acetone -petroleun ether volume ratio 1∶ 3as extractant were cleaned upwith Florisil column and analyzed by GC -MS-SIR in the same time. The recoveries obtainedfrom samples spiked with standards at the concentration levels of 0. 1μ g mL and 0. 5μ g mL were in the ranges of 70. 1~ 119. 0 and 78. 1~ 119. 0, respectively , with relative standard deviations of 6. 30~ 9. 80 and 5. 20~ 8. 23, respectively. Keywords soil sample organophosphorous carbamates pesticide residues determination GC-MS PROCESS OF PREPARING PRECIPITATED SILICA AND CaHPO42H2O WITH YELLOW PHOS - PHORUS SLAGSuYi Li Guobin Xia Jupei et al 98 Abstract The yellow phosphorus slag is a solid waste of producing yellow phosphorus in electrical furnace, containing a lot of CaO and SiO2, andmay be applied to producing Ca andSi product. It is researched preparing technology of precipitated silicawith 97 SiO2, white degree 90 and specific surface area 205 cm2 g, which is produced by leaching yellow phosphorus slag, then purifying and calcining, and CaHPO4 2H2O is got. The study indicates that the optimum technical conditions are phosphoric acid 80 mL, natural leaching temperature, HNO3concen - tration 8, purifying time 2. 0 h and purifying temperature 70 ℃. Keywords yellow phosphorus slag prepare precipitated silica CaHPO42H2O Manager China Iron and Steel Association SponsorCentral Research Institute of Building and Construction of MCC Group PublisherIndustrial Construction Magazine Agency EditorThe Editorial D