BS 5150-1990铸铁闸阀.pdf
BRITISH STANDARD BS 51501990 Specification for Cast iron gate valves UDC 621.646.5669.13 BS 51501990 This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Piping Systems Components Standards Policy Committee, was published under the authority of the Board of BSI and comes into effect on 31 May 1990 BSI 01-1999 First published, as BS 464, January 1962 First revision November 1965 Second revision, published as BS 5150, September 1974 Third revision May 1990 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard Committee reference PSE/7 Draft for comment 88/74715 DC ISBN 0 580 18371 8 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Piping Systems Components Standards Policy Committee PSE/- to Technical Committee PSE/7, upon which the following bodies were represented Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers Association Offices Technical Committee Association of Bronze and Brass Founders Association of Building Component Manufacturers Ltd. British Chemical Engineering Contractors’ Association British Compressed Gases’ Association British Foundry Association British Gas plc British Maritime Technology British Plumbing Fittings Manufacturers’ Association British Valve and Actuator Manufacturers’ Association Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers Copper Development Association Department of the Environment Property Services Agency Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales Energy Industries Council Engineering Equipment and Materials Users’ Association GAMBICA BEAMA Ltd. Health and Safety cutive Institute of British Foundrymen Institution of Chemical Engineers Institution of Gas Engineers Institution of Mechanical Engineers Institution of Water and Environmental Management IWEM Society of British Gas Industries Water Companies’ Association Water Services Association of England and Wales West Midlands CBI The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard, through sub-committees and panels British Effluent and Water Association British Non-ferrus Metals Federation Amendments issued since publication Amd. No.Date of issueComments BS 51501990 BSI 01-1999i Contents Page Committees responsibleInside front cover Forewordii Section 1. General 1Scope1 2Definitions1 3Types of valves1 4Nominal sizes1 5Nominal pressures2 6Pressure/temperature ratings2 7Dimensions and tolerances3 Section 2. Design 8General7 9Body or bonnet tappings7 10Stem sealing7 11Body end ports and seat bores7 12Back seat7 13Valves for potable water8 14Operation8 15Indicators8 Section 3. Materials 16Body, bonnet, yoke and stuffing box materials9 17Trim, stem nut/yoke sleeve materials9 Section 4. Testing 18Production pressure testing11 19Test certificate11 Section 5. Marking 20Marking12 21Identification symbols12 Section 6. Preparation for storage and transportation 22General13 23Obturator position and body ends13 Appendix A Ination to be supplied by the purchaser14 Appendix B Designation for purchasing purposes15 Figure 1 Sketches showing maximum heights of valves6 Table 1 Pressure/temperature ratings for PN designated valves2 Table 2 Pressure/temperature ratings for valves with Class 125 and Class 150 flanges3 Table 3 Face-to-face dimensions and tolerances of flanged end non-clamp pattern valves 4 Table 4 Face-to-face dimensions of flanged end clamp pattern valves5 Table 5 Minimum outside diameters of sealing faces for parallel threaded values complying with BS 27795 Table 6 Maximum heights of valves5 Table 7 Minimum thread nominal size for body or bonnet tappings7 Table 8 Dimensions of body end ports and seat bores8 Table 9 Body, bonnet, yoke and stuffing box materials9 Table 10 Materials for trim components and yoke sleeve10 Table 11 Identification symbols12 Table 12 Identification codes15 Publications referred toInside back cover BS 51501990 ii BSI 01-1999 Foreword This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Piping Systems Components Standards Policy Committee and constitutes the first revision of BS 51501974 which is withdrawn. This British Standard takes into account ISO 5996 published by the International Organization for Standardization ISO. It incorporates many of the requirements of ISO 5996 for flanged valves although not necessarily in the same at; the essential differences between this British Standard and ISO 5996 are as follows. a The scope has been extended to cover valves of nominal sizes DN 10 to DN 1 000. b Valves having threaded ends of sizes in the range 1/2 to 6 have been included. c Valves of nominal sizes DN 550, DN 650 and DN 750 have been omitted. d Valves having nominal pressure designations PN 1, PN 1.6, PN 2.5, PN 4, PN 20, PN 40 and PN 50 have been omitted. e Valves having Class 125 and Class 150 flanges have been included. f Clamp pattern valves having the body-to-bonnet connection via a U bolt have been included. g Greater details have been specified for trim materials. h Operation has been given in greater detail. i Marking requirements have been included in greater detail. j Inspection requirements have been omitted. k Ination to be supplied by the purchaser has been included in a non-mandatory appendix see appendix A. l Reference to BS 6920-1 is made concerning requirements for valves when used to convey potable water. The essential differences between this British Standard and BS 51501974 are as follows. 1 Valves having nominal pressure designations of PN 1.6, PN 2.5 and PN 4 have been omitted. 2 Short series valves for nominal pressures PN 10 are included for the first time. 3 Valves with bodies made from spheroidal graphite and malleable cast iron are included for the first time. 4 Clamp pattern valves having the body-to-bonnet connection via a U bolt are included for the first time. 5 A greater choice of trim materials is given. Product certification. Users of this British Standard are advised to consider the desirability of third party certification of product conity with this British Standard based on testing and continuing surveillance, which may be coupled with assessment of a supplier’s quality systems against the appropriate Part of BS 5750. BS 51501990 BSI 01-1999 iii Enquiries as to the availability of third party certification schemes will be forwarded by BSI to the Association of Certification Bodies. If a third party certification scheme does not already exist, users should consider approaching an appropriate body from the list of Association members. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv, pages 1 to 16, an inside back cover and a back cover. This standard has been updated see copyright date and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the inside front cover. iv blank BS 51501990 BSI 01-19991 Section 1 Section 1. General 1 Scope This British Standard specifies requirements for flanged, threaded end and clamp pattern cast iron gate valves for general purposes. The range of valve sizes covered is DN 10 to DN 1 000 for flanged valves and 1/2 to 6 for threaded end valves for nominal pressures in the range PN 6 to PN 25 and for valves having Class 125 and Class 150 flanges. NOTE 1For cast iron gate valves for waterworks purposes reference should be made to BS 5163. NOTE 2The ination to be supplied by the purchaser at the time of the enquiry and/or order is detailed in appendix A. NOTE 3The titles of publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover. 2 Definitions For the purposes of this British Standard the following definitions apply. 2.1 nominal size DN a numerical designation of size which is common to all components in a piping system other than components designated by outside diameters or by thread size. It is a convenient round number for reference purposes and is only loosely related to manufacturing dimensions NOTE 1Nominal size is designated by the letters DN followed by the appropriate reference number, e.g. DN 150. NOTE 2This definition is identical to that given in ISO 67081980. 2.2 nominal pressure PN a numerical designation which is a convenient round number for reference purposes all equipment of the same nominal size DN designated by the same PN number shall have compatible mating dimensions NOTE 1The maximum allowable working pressure depends on materials, design and working temperature and should be selected from the tables of pressure/temperature ratings in the appropriate standard. NOTE 2It is designated by the letters PN followed by the appropriate reference number, e.g. PN 16. NOTE 3This definition is identical to that given in ISO 72681973. 2.3 face-to-face dimension the distance, expressed in millimetres, between two planes perpendicular to the valve axis located at the extremities of the body end ports 3 Types of valves Valves shall be one of the following types, with either rising or non-rising stems a solid or split wedge; b double disk. NOTEThe manufacturer should state in his enquiry and/or order whether the valve is to have rising or non-rising stems. See appendix A. 4 Nominal sizes 4.1 Flanged end PN designated valves 4.1.1 Flanged end PN designated non-clamp pattern valves. Flanged end valves other than those in 4.1.2 shall be one of the following nominal sizes. DN 10, DN 15, DN 20, DN 25, DN 32, DN 40, DN 50,DN 65, DN 80, DN 100, DN 125, DN 150, DN 200,DN 250, DN 300, DN 350, DN 400, DN 450, DN 500,DN 600, DN 700, DN 800, DN 900, DN 1 000. 4.1.2 Flanged end, clamp pattern valves PN designated valves. Flanged end, clamp pattern valves which are PN designated shall be one of the following nominal sizes. DN 25, DN 40, DN 50, DN 65, DN 80, DN 100. Class 125 valves. Flanged end, clamp pattern Class 125 valves shall be one of the following nominal sizes. 1, 11/2, 2, 21/2, 3, 4. 4.2 Threaded end valves 4.2.1 Threaded end non-clamp pattern valves. Threaded end valves other than those in shall be one of the following nominal sizes. 1/2, 3/4, 1, 11/4, 11/2, 2, 21/2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Threaded end, clamp pattern valves. Threaded end, clamp pattern valves shall be one of the following nominal sizes. 1/2, 3/4, 1, 11/4, 11/2, 2, 21/2, 3, 4. 4.3 Valves for use in Class rated flanged piping systems with Class 125 and Class 150 flanges Valves for use in Class rated flanged piping systems with Class 125 and Class 150 flanges shall be one of the following nominal sizes. 1, 11/41, 11/2, 2, 21/21, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 24. 1 These sizes have been retained only for the purpose of replacing existing valves. Their use for new construction in piping systems using BS 1560 flanges should be avoided. BS 51501990 2 BSI 01-1999 Section 1 5 Nominal pressures 5.1 Non-clamp pattern valves 5.1.1 General. Non-clamp pattern valves shall be selected from the following nominal pressure designations. designations. PN 6, PN 10, PN 16 and PN 25; or Class 125 and Class 150. 5.1.2 Valves for use in Class rated flanged piping systems. Valves for use in Class rated flanged piping systems shall be designated a Class 125 for grey cast iron and malleable cast iron; b Class 150 for spheroidal graphite ductile cast iron. 5.2 Clamp pattern valves Clamp pattern valves shall be selected from the following nominal pressure designations. PN 10 and PN 16 or Class 125. 6 Pressure/temperature ratings The pressure/temperature ratings for PN designated valves shall be as given in Table 1. The pressure/temperature ratings for valves having Class 125 and Class 150 flanges shall be as given in Table 2. Table 1 Pressure/temperature ratings for PN designated values Materiala Nominal pressure Temperature CCCCC – 10 to 120150180200220 Maximum permissible working pressure PN barb barbarbarbar Grey cast ironc66.05.4 1010.09.08.4 1616.014.413.412.8 2525.022.521.020.019.0 Spheroidal graphite cast iron grades 400/18, 420/12 and 414/18 6d6.05.8 1010.09.79.4 1616.015.515.014.7 2525.024.323.523.022.5 Spheroidal graphite cast iron grades 500/7 and 600/3 6d6.05.8 1010.09.59.2 1616.015.214.714.4 2525.023.823.022.521.5 Malleable cast ironc 6e6.05.8 10e10.09.79.4 16e16.015.515.014.7 2525.024.323.523.022.5 NOTE 1Intermediate values may be obtained by linear interpolation. NOTE 2Restrictions on temperature may be placed by the manufacturer by reason of valve type, trim materials or other factors see 20.3 for marking requirements. a See Table 10 for material identification. b 1 bar 105 N/m2 100 kPa. c Materials ASTM A126, grade B and grade B30-06 of BS 6681 are limited to PN 16 maximum. d PN 6 spheroidal graphite cast iron flanged valves have flange dimensions in accordance with grey cast iron flanges specified in BS 4504-3.2. e For nominal sizes DN 10 to DN 100 inclusive the pressure/temperature ratings given for grey cast iron apply. BS 51501990 BSI 01-19993 Section 1 Table 2 Pressure/temperature ratings for valves with Class 125 and Class 150 flanges 7 Dimensions and tolerances 7.1 Face-to-face dimensions and tolerances for flanged end valves The face-to-face dimensions and tolerances for flanged end non-clamp pattern valves shall be as given in Table 3. The face-to-face dimensions of flanged end, clamp pattern valves shall be as given in Table 4. Both sets of dimensions shall apply to unlined valves and include the raised faces of the flanges. 7.2 Body flange dimensions The body flange dimensions shall comply with BS 4504-3.2 with the exception of valves having Class 125 and Class 150 flanges. The dimensions of Class 125 and Class 150 flanges shall be as given in BS 1560-3.2. The tolerance on Class 125 and Class 150 flange thicknesses shall be Valves of nominal pressure PN 6 having spheroidal graphite cast iron bodies shall have body flange dimensions in accordance with grey cast iron flanges specified in BS 4504-3.2. 7.3 Threaded body ends Threaded body ends shall have one of the following a female taper or parallel threads complying with BS 21; b female taper threads complying with ANSI/ASME B1.20.1. c threads complying with BS 2779. NOTEThe manufacturer will supply threaded body ends complying with BS 21, female taper unless the purchaser specifically requests a parallel thread complying with BS 21, a female thread complying with ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 or threads complying with BS 2779 see appendix A. End sealing faces for parallel threads complying with BS 2779 shall have a smooth finish at 90 to the thread axis and shall have minimum outside diameters in accordance with Table 5.