BS 1560-3.1-1989 管道 阀门和管件用圆法兰(特定类别).钢、铸铁和铜合金法兰 第1节 钢法兰规范 .pdf
BRITISH STANDARD BS 1560-3.1 1989 Incorporating Amendment Nos. 1 and 2 Circular flanges for pipes, valves and fittings Class designated Part 3 Steel, cast iron and copper alloy flanges Section 3.1 Specification for steel flanges UDC 621.643.4 – 034.14669.13669.35621.643.411.412.8001.4006.3/.8 Licensed Copy Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Sun Jul 30 104500 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, c BSI BS 1560-3.11989 This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Piping Systems Components Standards Policy Committee, was published under the authority of the Board of BSI and comes into effect on 30 June 1989 BSI 04-2000 First published as BS 1560-2 November 1970 First revision as BS 1560-3.1 June 1989 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard Committee reference PSE/15 Draft for comment 85/78241 DC ISBN 0 580 17046 2 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Piping Systems Components Standards Policy Committee PSE/- to Technical Committee PSE/15, upon which the following bodies were represented British Chemical Engineering Contractors’ Association British Compressed Gases Association British Fluid Power Association British Foundry Association British Gas plc British Malleable Tube Fittings’ Association British Maritime Technology British Non-ferrous Metals Federation British Pump Manufacturers’ Association British Steel Industry British Valve and Actuator Manufacturers’ Association Ltd. Combustion Engineering Association Copper Development Association Department of Trade and Industry National Engineering Laboratory Ductile Iron Producers’ Association Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales Energy Industries Council Engineering Equipment and Materials Users’ Association GAMBICA BEAMA Ltd. High Pressure Pipework Consultative Committee Institution of Gas Engineers Institution of Mechanical Engineers Institution of Production Engineers Institution of Water and Environmental Management IWEM Water Authorities Association Amendments issued since publication Amd. No.Date of issueComments 7557June 1993 8593July 1995Indicated by a sideline in the margin Licensed Copy Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Sun Jul 30 104500 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, c BSI BS 1560-3.11989 BSI 04-2000i Contents Page Committees responsibleInside front cover Forewordiii 1Scope1 2Ranges of nominal sizes1 3Class designations and pressure/temperature ratings1 4Materials1 5Bolting2 6Repairs2 7Dimensions2 8Flange facings3 9Spot facing or back facing of flanges4 10Tolerances4 11Marking4 Appendix A Ination to be supplied by the purchaser40 Appendix B Application and installation40 Appendix C Determination of bolt lengths for lapped-type joints41 Appendix D Recommended bolt lengths for flanges other than lapped-type41 Appendix E Recommendations for weld ends of weld-neck flanges43 Appendix F Dimensions of seamless and welded steel pipes44 Appendix G Use of metric bolting in lieu of inch bolting45 Appendix H Comparison of flange descriptions in BS 1560-21970 with descriptions used in this Section of BS 156046 Figure 1 Flange codes5 Figure 2 Facings of types A to F and J6 Figure 3 Reducing threaded flanges, Classes 150 to 25009 Figure 4 Flange facings, Classes 150 and 300 only, for other than lapped-type joints11 Figure 5 Flange facings, Classes 600 to 2500, for other than lapped-type joints12 Figure 6 Facings for lapped-type joints13 Figure 7 Dimensions of ring-joint facings all Classes15 Figure 8 Dimensions of Class 150 flanges20 Figure 9 Dimensions of Class 300 flanges22 Figure 10 Dimensions of Class 600 flanges24 Figure 11 Dimensions of Class 900 flanges26 Figure 12 Dimensions of Class 1500 flanges28 Figure 13 Dimensions of Class 2500 flanges30 Figure 14 Minimum fillet radius at the hub after back facing39 Figure 15 Bolting for flanges, Class 150 to Class 250041 Figure 16 Recommended bevel angles for welding43 Table 1 Types of steel flange1 Table 2 Synoptic table7 Table 3 Materials8 Table 4 Reducing threaded flanges Classes 150 to 250010 Table 5 Facing dimensions for flanges other than ring-joint, classes 150 to 250014 Table 6 Dimensions of ring-joint facings all Classes16 Table 7 Surface finish for facings A, B, E and F19 Licensed Copy Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Sun Jul 30 104500 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, c BSI BS 1560-3.11989 ii BSI 04-2000 Page Table 8 Surface finish for facings C, D and J19 Table 9 Dimensions of Class 150 flanges21 Table 10 Dimensions of Class 300 flanges23 Table 11 Dimensions of Class 600 flanges25 Table 12 Dimensions of Class 900 flanges27 Table 13 Dimensions of Class 1500 flanges29 Table 14 Dimensions of Class 2500 flanges31 Table 15 Tolerances32 Table 16 Class 150 pressure/temperature ratings33 Table 17 Class 300 pressure/temperature ratings34 Table 18 Class 600 pressure/temperature ratings35 Table 19 Class 900 pressure/temperature ratings36 Table 20 Class 1500 pressure/temperature ratings37 Table 21 Class 2500 pressure/temperature ratings38 Table 22 Minimum fillet radius at the hub after back facing39 Table 23 Determination of studbolt lengths for lapped-type joints41 Table 24 Bolting for flanges, Class 150 to 250042 Table 25 Dimensions of seamless and welded steel pipe44 Table 26 Nominal bolt diameters45 Table 27 Inch/metric bolt comparisons46 Table 28 Steel flange descriptions and code numbers specified in BS 1560-3.11989 and BS 1560-2197046 Publications referred to48 Licensed Copy Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Sun Jul 30 104500 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, c BSI BS 1560-3.11989 BSI 04-2000iii Foreword This Section of BS 1560 has been prepared under the direction of the Piping Systems Components Standards Policy Committee and constitutes the first revision of BS 1560-21970. BS 1560-2 will be withdrawn 12 months after the publication of this Section of BS 1560. For PN designated steel flanges, reference should be made to BS 4504-3.1. It was originally intended that BS 1560-21970 would be superseded by a British Standard technically equivalent or identical to an International Standard for a single series of flanges when finalized by ISO1/TC 5/SC 10, Metallic flanges and their joints. However, the International Standard has not been finalized but this revision of BS 1560-21970 incorporates the principles of the international work. To align with the at of ISO 7005, BS 1560-3 will be published in three Sections. Section 3.1 Specification for steel flanges; Section 3.2 Specification for cast iron flanges2; Section 3.3 Specification for copper alloy and composite flanges. BS 1560-21970 was based on American standard ANSI B16.5 published by the American National Standards Institute, and, until such time as ISO 7005-12, Steel flanges is published, and BS 1560 is further revised, this Part of BS 1560 continues to specify steel flanges that are interchangeable with flanges made to ANSI B16.5. In ANSI B16.5 some dimensions are rounded decimal inches; however, in Section of BS 1560, all metric dimensions have been calculated from the original ANSI B16.5 fractional inch sizes. The flanges specified in this Section of BS 1560 are intended to be interchangeable with, but not necessarily identical in every detail to, steel flanges manufactured to BS 1560-21970. This Section of BS 1560 differs from BS 1560-21970 for the content covering the steel flange requirements in the following respects. a In this Section of BS 1560 the descriptions of the various types of flanges have been augmented with code numbers. The code numbers adopted are based on the type numbers specified in ISO 7005-1. b Plate flanges for welding, for Class 150 designations only, are included for the first time. c The 31/2 in nominal size has been omitted. d Class 400 flanges have been omitted. e The pressure/temperature ratings are based on ANSI B16.5 and it should be noted that there are some differences to the ratings given in BS 1560-21970. f Materials specified have been revised, new materials added and reference is made to comparable ASTM3 materials. Generally, the range of materials corresponds to those given in ISO 7005-1. g All flange dimensions are within approximately 0.5 mm of the proposed International Standard and ANSI B16.5 metric dimensions so the flange dimensions of BS 1560-21970 generally have been retained. Inch dimensions have been retained for bolt holes to accommodate inch dimensioned bolts. h Due to minor differences in the dimensions of ring joint facings between BS 1560-21970, ANSI B16.5 and ISO 7005-1, the ring joint dimensions in this Section of BS 1560 have been re-calculated from the ANSI fractional inch sizes. 1 International Organization for Standardization. 2 In preparation. 3 American Society for Testing and Materials. Licensed Copy Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Sun Jul 30 104500 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, c BSI BS 1560-3.11989 iv BSI 04-2000 i Tolerances have been compiled from requirements given in BS 1560-21970 and ISO 7005-1. j Requirements for the surface finish of flange faces have been given in greater detail. k The small spigot and recess flange facings previously designated as small male and small female and small tongue and groove facings have been omitted from this Section of BS 1560 since no requirements exist nationally. Therefore throughout this Section of BS 1560 reference is made to spigot/recess facings which correspond to the previously designated large male and large female and to tongue and groove facings which correspond to the previously designated large tongue and groove. l Spot facing or back facing complies with ISO 7005-1. m The marking of flanges is basically in accordance with the principles of ISO 7005-1 but limitations on the s are included. n For threaded flanges, BS 21 thread is specified in addition to ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 and API 5B. o Appendix A lists ination that should be supplied by the purchaser when ordering flanges. p Guidance notes and recommendations contained in BS 1560-21970 and similar notes in ISO 7005-1 have been included in Appendix B. Appendix B is not intended to be exhaustive. q Since BS 1560-21970 was published the lengths of stud bolts and headed bolts have been increased by 1/4 inch in ANSI B16.5 in many cases. These revised lengths have been incorporated in this Section of BS 1560 see Appendix D. Furthermore, since bolt sizes are expressed in inches in this Section of BS 1560, it has been agreed that it is more logical to express the lengths of bolts in inches also. r For ination, pipe dimensions for flanges are given in Appendix F. The nominal size of a flange is the same as the corresponding nominal pipe size. s Details of minimum hub radius after back facing are included. t This Section of BS 1560 specifies inch bolting only and the use of metric bolting is outside the scope of this Section of BS 1560. Appendix G gives the proposed metric bolt sizes to be used in lieu of the inch sizes specified, together with appropriate warnings. u The specification of gasket types, materials and dimensions previously contained in BS 1560-21970 have been omitted from this Section of BS 1560. Dimensions of gaskets for use with steel flanges to BS 1560-3.1 are specified in the following British Standards. BS 3381, Specification for spiral-wound gaskets for use with steel flanges to BS 1560. BS 7076, Dimensions of gaskets for flanges to BS 1560 Part 1 Specification for non-metallic flat gaskets Part 2 Specification for metallic ring-joint gaskets Part 3 Specification for non-metallic envelope gaskets Part 4 Specification for corrugated, flat or grooved metallic and filled metallic gaskets. For comparison purposes, the descriptions of flanges used in this Section of BS 1560 are compared with the descriptions given in Appendix H of BS 1560-21970. Assessed capability. Users of this Section of BS 1560 are advised to consider the desirability of assessment and registration of a supplier’s quality systems against the appropriate Part of BS 5750 by a third party certification body. Licensed Copy Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Sun Jul 30 104500 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, c BSI BS 1560-3.11989 BSI 04-2000v A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to vi, pages 1 to 48, an inside back cover and a back cover. This standard has been updated see copyright date and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the inside front cover. Licensed Copy Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Sun Jul 30 104500 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, c BSI vi blank Licensed Copy Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Sun Jul 30 104500 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, c BSI BS 1560-3.11989 BSI 04-20001 1 Scope This Section of BS 1560 specifies requirements for Class designated circular steel flanges of Class 150 to Class 2500 and in nominal sizes up to 24 in of the type given in Table 1. Table 1 Types of steel flange This Section of BS 1560 specifies types of steel flanges and their facings, dimensions, tolerances, threading, bolt sizes, flange face surface finish, marking, materials for bolting and flange materials together with associated pressure/temperature ratings. The weld end preparation of weld-neck code 111 flanges see 7.4 and the routine inspection and testing of flanges are outside the scope of this Section of BS 1560 but some guidance on maximum test pressure is given in Appendix B. NOTE 1To assist purchasers Appendix A lists ination which should be supplied when ordering flanges. NOTE 2The titles of publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover. 2 Ranges of nominal sizes The ranges of nominal sizes from 1/2 to 24 applicable to each flange type and for each Class designation shall be as given in Table 2. 3 Class designations and pressure/temperature ratings 3.1 Class designations The range of Class designations shall be as follows Class 150; Class 300; Class 600; Class 900; Class 1500; Class 2500. 3.2 Pressure/temperature ratings The pressure/temperature ratings of the flanges manufactured from the materials specified in Table 3 shall be as given in Table 16 to Table 21 for applicable materials and shall be the maximum allowable non-shoc