BS 6290-4-1997 铅酸固定电池和电池组.阀门调节类型分类规范.pdf
BRITISH STANDARD BS 6290-41997 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 Lead-acid stationary cells and batteries Part 4 Specification for classifying valve regulated types ICS 29.220.20 Licensed Copy Queens UniversityAthens, The Queens University of Belfast, 19/03/2010 1544, Uncontrolled Copy, c BSI BS 6290-41997 This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Electrotechnical Sector Board, was published under the authority of the Standards Board and comes into effect on 15 July 1997 First published January 1987 Second edition July 1997 BSI 2 October 2002 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard Committee reference PEL/21 Draft for comment 95/204704 DC ISBN 0 580 26423 8 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical Committee PEL/21, Secondary cells and batteries, upon which the following bodies were represented Association of Manufacturers Allied to the Electrical and Electronic Industry BEAMA Ltd. British Industrial Truck Association British Railways Board British Telecommunications plc Electric Vehicle Association of Great Britain Electricity Association Health and Safety cutive Lighting Industry Federation Ltd. London Regional Transport Ministry of Defence Society of British Battery Manufacturers Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Ltd. Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. DateComments 135612 October 2002See national foreword Licensed Copy Queens UniversityAthens, The Queens University of Belfast, 19/03/2010 1544, Uncontrolled Copy, c BSI 标准分享网 w w w .b z f x w .c o m 免费下载 BS 6290-41997 BSI 2 October 2002 i Contents Page Committees responsibleInside front cover Forewordii 1Scope1 2References1 3Definitions1 4Measuring instruments1 5Capacity2 6Safety features3 7Perance4 8Durability5 9Classification6 10Marking8 Annex A inative Applications and contractual recommendations11 Annex B normative Capacity tests13 Annex C normative s of test safety features16 Annex D normative s of test perance18 Annex E normative s of test durability25 Annex F inative Electromagnetic compatibility27 Figure 1 Product label8 Figure C.1 Gas collection and measurement17 Figure D.1 Discharge characteristic U f I24 Figure D.2 Typical test circuit25 Figure E.1 Temperature-time cycle27 Table 1 Perance class3 Table 2 Schedule of classification tests7 Table 3 Type test certificate9 Table 4 Classification table10 Table A.1 Temperature and service life11 Table B.1 Final voltages at discharge durations of between 1 h and 10 h15 Table B.2 Final voltage at discharge durations of less than 1 h15 Table D.1 Programme of discharge tests19 Table D.2 Standard final end voltage see B.320 Table D.3 Summary of standardized, corrected duration data21 Table D.4 Standard deviation maximum and minimum factors22 Table D.5 Percentage conity values23 List of references29 Licensed Copy Queens UniversityAthens, The Queens University of Belfast, 19/03/2010 1544, Uncontrolled Copy, c BSI BS 6290-41997 ii BSI 2 October 2002 Foreword This British Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee PEL/21. It supersedes BS 6290-41987 which is withdrawn. The start and finish of text introduced or altered by Amendment No. 1 is indicated in the text by tags . BS 6290 was initially published in four parts. Part 1 specified the general requirements and s of test and was a common reference to Parts 2, 3 and 4 which were product standards specifying the design and perance requirements respectively for Plant, flat plate and valve regulated lead-acid stationary cells and batteries. The publication of BS EN 60896-11992 partially superseded BS 6290-11983 which was declared obsolescent. The relevant provisions of BS 6290-11983 which are not given in BS EN 60896-11992 are contained in this revision of BS 6290-4 and BS 6290-11983 is therefore withdrawn. Ination on life at various temperatures, operational recommendations, general applications, acceptance tests and contractual ination, have been transferred to Annex A of this standard. The title of this revised standard has been changed to Lead-acid stationary cells and batteries Part 4. Specification for classifying valve regulated types. This more accurately reflects the scope of the standard and will avoid confusion with Part 2 of BS EN 60896 which will carry a title similar to that of BS 6290-41987. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages 1 to 29 and a back cover. The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. Licensed Copy Queens UniversityAthens, The Queens University of Belfast, 19/03/2010 1544, Uncontrolled Copy, c BSI 标准分享网 w w w .b z f x w .c o m 免费下载 w w w . b z f x w . c o m BS 6290-41997 BSI 2 October 2002 1 1 Scope This Part of BS 6290 specifies the criteria for classifying lead-acid units cells or monoblocs of the valve regulated type. The system of classification relates to electrical perance, durability and safety. Ination that can be used to estimate battery lives is shown. NOTEThe titles of the publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover. 2 References 2.1 Normative references This Part of BS 6290 incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are made at the appropriate places in the text and the cited publications are listed on the inside back cover. For dated references, only the edition cited applies; any subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, the cited publication apply to this Part of BS 6290 only when incorporated in the reference by updating or revision. For undated references, the latest edition of the cited publication applies, together with any amendments. 2.2 Inative references This Part of BS 6290 refers to other publications that provide ination or guidance. Editions of these publications current at the time of issue of this standard are listed on the inside back cover, but reference should be made to the latest editions. 3 Definitions For the purposes of this Part of BS 6290, the definitions given in BS 6133 apply, together with the following. 3.1 unit a cell or monobloc 3.2 monobloc a secondary battery in which the cells are fitted in a multi-compartment container 3.3 valve regulated cell a secondary cell which is closed under normal conditions but which has a valve arrangement which allows the escape of gas if the internal pressure exceeds a predetermined value. The cell cannot normally receive addition to the electrolyte 3.4 thermal runaway a critical condition arising during constant voltage charging in which the current and the temperature of the battery produce a cumulative, mutually reinforcing effect which further increases them, and which may lead to the destruction of the battery 4 Measuring instruments 4.1 Electrical measuring instruments 4.1.1 Ranges of measuring devices The instruments used shall enable the values of voltage and current to be measured. The calibration of these instruments and the measuring s shall be chosen so as to ensure the accuracy specified for each test. NOTE 1For analogue instruments this implies that readings should be taken in the last third of the graduated scale. NOTE 2Any other measuring instruments may be used provided they give an equivalent accuracy. 4.1.2 Voltage measurement The instruments used for voltage measurement shall be voltmeters of an accuracy class equal to 0.5 or better. The resistance of the voltmeter used shall be at least 1 000 /V see BS 89-2. Licensed Copy Queens UniversityAthens, The Queens University of Belfast, 19/03/2010 1544, Uncontrolled Copy, c BSI w w w . b z f x w . c o m BS 6290-41997 2 BSI 2 October 2002 4.1.3 Current measurement The instruments used for current measurement shall be ammeters of an accuracy class equal to 0.5 or better. The entire assembly of ammeter, shunt and leads shall be of an accuracy class 0.5 or better. 4.2 Temperature measurement For measuring temperature, thermometers shall be used having a suitable measuring range in which the value of each graduated division does not exceed 1 C. The absolute accuracy of the instruments shall be 0.5 C or better. 4.3 Time measurement For measurement of time, the instrument accuracy shall be 1 or better. 4.4 Gas pressure measurement For measurement of pressure, the instrument accuracy shall be 1 or better. 4.5 Gas volume measurement For measurement of volume, the instrument accuracy shall be 1 of full scale or better. 5 Capacity 5.1 Cell or unit capacity 5.1.1 The rated capacity Crt in Ah is a reference figure, stated by the manufacturer, which is valid for a new unit, at a reference temperature of 20 C, which has a discharge time of t hours to the final voltage Uf. NOTE 1Recommended values of t in h are t 20, 10, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25. Of those various Crt values, one value may be selected and declared as the nominal capacity Cnom. The most commonly used rated values of t in h are between 10 and 1, and the final discharge voltage Uf may be obtained from B.3. 5.1.2 For the purposes of this standard the rated values shall be t 3; Uf 1.80 V per cell, Crt C3, and Irt I3. 5.1.3 The discharge current Irt in A that will flow from a unit of rated capacity Crt in Ah at a temperature of 20 C for a time t in h to a final voltage Uf in V is given by 5.1.4 The actual capacity Ca shall be determined by discharging a fully charged unit in accordance with the test specified in B.1. 5.2 Verification of battery capacity 5.2.1 General Battery capacity shall either be verified by consulting Table 1, which gives expected battery perance, supported by Table 3 and Table 4 which give unit perance and classification, or by pering a site test in accordance with 5.2.2. 5.2.2 Battery acceptance by site test If a site test is required, the test shall be conducted in accordance with B.2. NOTE 1The test in B.2 may be used for alternative rates of discharge in which case the criteria specified in B.3 apply. The following requirements apply a the temperature corrected battery capacity, CT, shall be greater than C3; and b the temperature corrected unit capacity shall meet the requirements for the appropriate perance class given in Table 4. NOTE 2In the case of marginal non-coning units i.e. where CT meets the class perance less 2 , a retest should always be considered as a precautionary measure against incomplete site charging. NOTE 3Table 1 can help the specifier to select the required perance stated in Table 2. Irt Crt t ------- - Licensed Copy Queens UniversityAthens, The Queens University of Belfast, 19/03/2010 1544, Uncontrolled Copy, c BSI 标准分享网 w w w .b z f x w .c o m 免费下载 w w w . b z f x w . c o m BS 6290-41997 BSI 2 October 2002 3 6 Safety features 6.1 Terminal pillars The terminal pillars shall be cast in lead or lead alloy and connect to a threaded insert male or female to which mechanical connections can be made. The insert shall be prepared so that a sound electrical and mechanical bond is made with the pillar. The primary current path shall be between a flat surface on the pillar assembly and any connector and not via any threaded parts. The covering of lead , or other electrolyte impermeable material, round the insert within the unit shall be not less than 2 mm. Where the manufacturer has added an adaptor to the main female or male terminal as an extension of that terminal e.g. front terminal adaptors, the adaptor shall sustain a 1h rate constant current discharge for 1h, and during this time the temperature rise of the adaptor shall not exceed 20 C. The maximum current capability of such an adaptor shall be calculated and specified by the manufacturer. 6.2 Containers and lids 6.2.1 Flammability of containers, lids and covers The containers, lids, and covers shall be made of flame retardant plastics materials. When tested in accordance with C.1, the materials shall be assigned to the category index rating stated in the test report see C.1.3. The manufacturer shall state the level of rating FV0, FV1, or FV2 achieved in the type test certificate. Note deleted. 6.2.2 Container integrity The containers and lids shall be so designed as to minimize flexing of the surfaces under normal internal operating pressures, and operating temperatures up to 40 C The lid shall be welded or bonded to the container, and the complete assembly, which includes the pillar to lid seal, shall be able to withstand without fracture for 5 h at 20 C an internal pressure of five times the mean venting pressure declared by the manufacturer. The complete assembly shall be designed to be gas-tight and electrolyte-tight. Table 1 Perance class 6.3 Gas emission The gas emission GE in the overcharge float condition shall be measured by the gas emission test specified in C.2. The manufacturer shall state the gas emission value for new units in the type test certificate. NOTE 1The overcharge float condition is defined at 2.4 V per cell. NOTE 2The value of GE may be used in Annex A of BS 6133 to calculate the ventilation requirements for racks, cabinets, and battery rooms. This can be achieved by converting the gas emission value GE into an equivalent current IE. The value of GE has been referenced to an atmospheric pressure of 1 bar1 and an ambient temperature of 20 C. To convert GE into the equivalent current IE the value of GE has to be referenced to 0 C. The equivalent current value IE is given by the following ula. NOTE 3The value of IE is that equivalent current flowing through the battery at 2.4 V per cell and at 20 C. If an estimate of the current flowing at higher temperatures is required, the value of IE should be doubled for every 10 C rise in temperature. Perance class Unit conityTemperature corrected capacity perance 48 V battery 3 h rate see Table 4Unit peranceBattery perance 199.9 C3All units CT 0.99 C3100 batteries CT C3 299 C3All units CT 0.97 C3100 batteries CT C3 399 C3All units CT 0.95 C375 batteries CT C3 490 C3All units CT 0.93 C30 batteries CT C3 The values for battery perance are based upon the 3 h rate of discharge and assume a battery size of 48 V. The battery perance for classes 3 and 4 will be different for larger battery sizes. 11 bar 105 N/m2 100 kPa. IE GEC32