BS 341.4-2004移动式气瓶阀门第4部分:压力泄放装置.pdf
BRITISH STANDARD BS 341-42004 Transportable gas container valves Part 4 Pressure relief devices ICS 23.060.40 移动式气瓶阀门 第4部分压力泄放装置 BS 341-42004 This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee, was published on 15 January 2004 BSI 15 January 2004 The following BSI references relate to the work on this British Standard Committee reference PVE/3/1 Draft for comment 00/716619 DC ISBN 0 580 43113 4 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by Technical Committee, PVE/3, Gas containers, to Subcommittee PVE/3/1, Valve fittings for gas cylinders, upon which the following bodies were represented British Compressed Gases Association DoH – Medical Devices Agency Health and Safety cutive Home Office L P Gas Association Ministry of Defence Personal Safety Manufacturer’s Association Scuba Industries Trade Association Ltd. Amendments issued since publication TextAmd No.Comments BS 341-42004 BSI 15 January 2004 i Contents Committees responsibleInside front cover Forewordii 1Scope1 2Normative references1 3Terms and definitions1 4Design of pressure relief devices2 5Relief pressure3 6Bursting disc test3 7Installation and application of pressure relief devices3 BS 341-42004 ii BSI 15 January 2004 Foreword This part of BS 341 has been prepared by Subcommittee PVE/3/1 on behalf of Technical Committee PVE/3 and partially supersedes BS 341-11991, which is obsolescent. BS 341-11991 detailed all aspects of the design, manufacture and testing of valves fitted to containers used for the conveyance of permanent, liquefiable and dissolved gases, except those for liquefied petroleum gas LPG applications. The scope of the 1991 version has been progressively superseded by a series of standards originating in the European Committee for Standardization CEN. This part of BS 341 has been issued to cover requirements for pressure relief devices. However, it is anticipated that it will be withdrawn on the publication of a future CEN standard on this subject. BS 341, Transportable gas container valves, is published in four parts Part 1 Specification for industrial valves for working pressures up to and including 300 bar obsolescent; Part 2 Valves with taper stems for use with breathing apparatus obsolescent; Part 3 Valve outlet connections; Part 4 Pressure relief devices. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises of a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages 1 to 3 and a back cover. The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. BS 341-42004 BSI 15 January 2004 1 1 Scope This part of BS 341 specifies requirements for the design and application of pressure relief devices for use with transportable gas cylinders manufactured for conveyance and storage of compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases for industrial and medical applications. This part of BS 341 does not include requirements for pressure relief devices for liquefied petroleum gas LPG. This part of BS 341 applies to pressure relief devices for containers limited to a charging pressure of 300 bar1 gauge. Developed pressures for particular gases may exceed this pressure. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document including any amendments applies. BS 29151990, Specification for bursting discs and bursting disc devices. BS EN 1802, Transportable gas cylinders Periodic inspection and testing of seamless aluminium gas cylinders. BS EN 1803, Transportable gas cylinders Periodic inspection and testing of welded carbon steel gas cylinders. BS EN 1968, Transportable gas cylinders Periodic inspection and testing of seamless steel gas cylinders. BS EN 12863, Transportable gas cylinders Periodic inspection and maintenance of dissolved acetylene cylinders. BS EN ISO 11114-1, Transportable gas cylinders Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas contents Part 1 Metallic materials. BS EN ISO 11114-2, Transportable gas cylinders Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas contents Part 2 Non-metallic materials. BS EN ISO 14246, Transportable gas cylinders Gas cylinder valves Manufacturing tests and inspections. 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this part of BS 341, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 pressure relief device device designed to reduce the possibility of failure of a charged container from excessive pressure particularly when the container is exposed to heat 3.2 pressure relief valve pressure relief device that is in direct contact with the gas, and is designed to open and close within predetermined pressure limits 3.3 bursting disc pressure relief device consisting of a disc that is in direct contact with the gas and is designed to rupture between predetermined pressure limits 3.4 fusible plug device containing a material of low melting point which is intended to yield or melt within predetermined limits of temperature and permit the discharge of the contained gas 11 bar 105 N/m2 100 kPa. BS 341-42004 2 BSI 15 January 2004 3.5 flow rating pressure pressure at the inlet of a pressure relief device which is used for establishing its rated flow capacity 3.6 rated flow capacity capacity of a pressure relief device measured in cubic metres per minute of free air at the designed flow rating pressure 3.7 specified bursting pressure nominal pressure at which a bursting disc is designed to rupture 3.8 maximum bursting pressure specified bursting pressure plus the upper permitted design tolerance 3.9 leakage unintended flow of gas or liquid in excess of 5 mbarl/h2 4 Design of pressure relief devices 4.1 There shall be no significant change in the function of the device and no detrimental corrosion or deterioration of the materials due to normal service conditions of the container to which it is fitted within the following period. For valves fitted to seamless steel containers excluding dissolved acetylene containers of water capacity 0.5 l and above, the inspection periods shall be as specified in BS EN 1968. For valves fitted to welded steel containers excluding dissolved acetylene containers of water capacity 0.5 l up to 150 l, the inspection periods shall be as specified in BS EN 1803. For valves fitted to seamless aluminium alloy containers excluding dissolved acetylene containers of water capacity 0.5 l and above, the inspection periods shall be as specified in BS EN 1802. For valves fitted to dissolved acetylene containers, the inspection periods shall be as specified in BS EN 12863. 4.2 The breakage or failure of any internal component shall not obstruct free and full discharge of the gas through the pressure relief device. 4.3 The materials of construction shall be mutually compatible and compatible with the gases to be conveyed see BS EN ISO 11114-1 and BS EN ISO 11114-2 and other service conditions, e.g. to prevent room temperature bonding of relief valve seat pads to relief valve seats. 4.4 The design shall be such as to deter tampering. 4.5 The outlets from all pressure relief devices shall be so designed and constructed as to minimize the collection of moisture or other foreign matter that could adversely affect the perance of the device. The outlets from all pressure relief devices shall be so sited that free discharge from the devices is not impaired, and the jet thrust effect of such discharges does not impose destabilizing forces on the container. 4.6 All pressure relief devices shall be designed and fitted so as to ensure that the cooling effect of the discharge does not prevent the effective operation of the devices. 4.7 Pressure relief devices shall be sized to be capable, under the most severe design requirements e.g. exposure to fire, of a discharge rate that prevents the pressure of the container contents exceeding the test pressure of the container. The minimum rated flow capacity for pressure relief devices fitted to non-insulated containers having water capacities of 11 l or more shall be as follows. 25 mbarl/h . 10–3 torrl/s 133.3 10–6 Nm/s. An approximate indication of this leakage rate would be the ation of four 3.5 mm diameter or ten 2.5 mm diameter bubbles per minute. BS 341-42004 BSI 15 January 2004 3 a For compressed gases Q1 0.00967Wc where Q1 is the rated flow capacity in cubic metres per minute of free air at 7 bar absolute; Wc is the water capacity of the container in litres. b For liquefied gases the rated flow capacity of the pressure device shall be twice that given by the equation in item a. For containers having water capacities of less than 11 l, the rated flow capacity shall be as given in items a and b, except that the value of Wc shall be 11, i.e. the rated flow capacity shall be 0.106 37 m3/min. 4.8 The yield temperature for fusible plugs used with acetylene containers shall be 100 2 C. 4.9 The s of manufacture, inspection and test shall con to those of the valve, as specified in BS EN ISO 14246. 4.10 Bursting discs shall con to BS 29151990, except that flat discs may be used, and shall be designed so as to ensure that rupture occurs at a pressure not greater than the test pressure of the container. If a container is liable to be subject to vacuum conditions during service, the bursting disc shall be fitted with vacuum supports. NOTEWhere flat discs are used, special measures should be taken in valve production to ensure it is not possible for more than one disc to be fitted to a valve. 4.11 Where practicable, fusible plugs shall be externally marked to indicate the temperature at which they are designed to operate. 5 Relief pressure Where the pressure relief device is a bursting disc fitted to the valve of a seamless or welded container, the maximum bursting pressure shall not exceed the test pressure of the container. Container valves are designed to operate between –20 C and 60 C and relief devices shall therefore be specified to operate within this temperature range. For containers used in carbon dioxide service, the minimum burst pressure shall be no less than 180 bar g. 6 Bursting disc test A number of bursting discs shall be subjected to a burst test in accordance with BS 29151990 to check that disc rupture occurs within its prescribed range see Clause 5. The number of bursting discs to undergo this test shall be subject to agreement between purchaser and manufacturer. NOTEThese burst tests should be carried out with the disc in the valve body. 7 Installation and application of pressure relief devices Valves to be fitted to containers filled with a toxic gas shall not be fitted with a pressure relief device. The design and location of a pressure relief device shall be compatible with the intended duty. Containers of 3.5 l water capacity and above which are filled with CO2 for industrial purposes shall be fitted with pressure relief devices. Bursting discs may be fitted to any container intended for the conveyance of non-toxic and non-flammable gases. Where pressure relief devices are fitted to dissolved acetylene containers, they shall have either one or more fusible plugs set to operate at 100 2 C or other such pressure relief devices as approved by the Health and Safety cutive. NOTEThe Health and Safety cutive should be consulted if it is proposed to fit containers, other than dissolved acetylene containers, with fusible plugs. BS 341-42004 BSI 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL BSI British Standards Institution BSI is the independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards. It presents the UK view on standards in Europe and at the international level. It is incorporated by Royal Charter. Revisions British Standards are updated by amendment or revision. Users of British Standards should make sure that they possess the latest amendments or editions. 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