AWWA C550-2005 阀门和给水栓用防护性内部涂层.pdf
Errata to ANSI/AWWA C550-05 Standard for Protective Interior Coatings for Valves and Hydrants May 2005 P. 3, Sec. 4.1 Materials, the paragraph should be replaced with the following Materials shall comply with the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act and other federal requirements. The Authoritative Resource on Safe WaterSM ANSI/AWWA C550-05 Revision of ANSI/AWWA C550-01 AWWA Standard Effective date May 1, 2005. First edition approved by AWWA Board of Directors June 23, 1991. This edition approved Jan. 16, 2005. Approved by American National Standards Institute March 23, 2005. Protective Interior Coatings for Valves and Hydrants Advocacy Communications Conferences Education and Training Science and Technology Sections 6666 West Quincy Avenue Denver, CO 80235-3098 T 800.926.7337 Copyright 2005 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved. Approved by American National Standards Institute May 21, 2002. 标准分享网 w w w .b z f x w .c o m 免费下载 ii AWWA Standard This document is an American Water Works Association AWWA standard. It is not a specification. AWWA standards describe minimum requirements and do not contain all of the engineering and administrative ination normally contained in specifications. The AWWA standards usually contain options that must be uated by the user of the standard. Until each optional feature is specified by the user, the product or service is not fully defined. AWWA publication of a standard does not constitute endorsement of any product or product type, nor does AWWA test, certify, or approve any product. The use of AWWA standards is entirely voluntary. AWWA standards are intended to represent a consensus of the water supply industry that the product described will provide satisfactory service. When AWWA revises or withdraws this standard, an official notice of action will be placed on the first page of the classified advertising section of Journal AWWA. The action becomes effective on the first day of the month following the month of Journal AWWA publication of the official notice. American National Standard An American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions. An American National Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general public. The existence of an American National Standard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether that person has approved the standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not coning to the standard. American National Standards are subject to periodic review, and users are cautioned to obtain the latest editions. Producers of goods made in conity with an American National Standard are encouraged to state on their own responsibility in advertising and promotional materials or on tags or labels that the goods are produced in conity with particular American National Standards. CAUTION NOTICEThe American National Standards Institute ANSI approval date on the front cover of this standard indicates completion of the ANSI approval process. This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. ANSI procedures require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of publication. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current ination on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036; 212 642-4900. Science and Technology AWWA unites the entire water community by developing and distributing authoritative scientific and technological knowledge. Through its members, AWWA develops industry standards for products and processes that advance public health and safety. AWWA also provides quality improvement programs for water and wastewater utilities. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any ination or retri system, except in the of brief excerpts or quotations for review purposes, without the written permission of the publisher. Copyright 2005 by American Water Works Association Printed in USA Copyright 2005 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved. Approved by American National Standards Institute May 21, 2002. iii Committee Personnel The AWWA Standards Committee on Valves and Hydrants, which reviewed and approved this standard, had the following personnel at the time of approval Keith A. Nadeau, Chair Jerry Bottenfield, Vice-Chair General Interest Members S.J. Defrancesco, EarthTech Inc., Concord, Mass.AWWA G.E. Laverick,* Underwriters Laboratories, Northbrook, ILAWWA P.I. McGrath Jr., Birmingham, Ala.AWWA J.A. Minneci, Covina, Calif.AWWA B.G. Mui, Alvord Burdick bearing surfaces; mating surfaces of gaskets or other elastomeric stem seals; interior dry barrel hydrant surfaces above the shoe; interior wet barrel hydrant surfaces below the upper barrel; corrosion-resistant ferrous surfaces, such as stainless steel; and other surfaces that, if coated, would impair the effective perance and operation of the valve or hydrant. sealing surfaces.It may be necessary to limit the protective coating thickness on gasket sealing surfaces of valve and hydrant end connections to maintain a functional joint. The coating shall not be the cause of joint leakage. 4.2.3Coating system qualification. coating materials shall con to Sec. 4.1.2 of this standard. testing.The coating system shall be tested in accor- dance with Sec. 5.2.1 of this standard. to coating system.If the coating material’s chemical composition or application-procedure parameters, or both, are modified from the original composition and parameters, the modified coating system shall be retested in accordance with protocols in Sec. 4.1.2 and Sec. 5.2.1 of this standard. Copyright 2005 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved. Approved by American National Standards Institute May 21, 2002. PROTECTIVE INTERIOR COATINGS FOR VALVES AND HYDRANTS5 SECTION 5VERIFICATION Tests described in Sec. 4.2 shall be pered on valves, hydrants, and their component parts on an ongoing, routine, daily basis. Sec. 5.1Inspection With prior arrangement between the purchaser and the manufacturer, the application of the protective coating may be inspected by the purchaser. This inspection shall not relieve the manufacturer or coating applicator of the responsibil- ity to provide material and to per work in accordance with this standard. The purchaser shall have access to the assembly and testing facilities. Sec. 5.2Test Procedures 5.2.1Qualification testing. coupon.Test coupons shall be approximately 4 in. by 4 in. 100 mm by 100 mm. The test coupon shall be made of the same material and approximate thickness as the product to be coated, and surface roughness of the test coupon shall be similar to the product to be coated. The coating shall be applied to all surfaces. The surface preparation, coating application procedures, coating thickness, and curing parameters shall be the same as those used for the valve or hydrant parts. water immersion.A 3 in. 75 mm wide by 3 in. 75 mm tall X shall be scribed with a sharp instrument through the coating material to the metal surface of the test coupon that is to be immersed in distilled water only. The coated coupon is to be immersed in distilled water at a temperature of 70 C 1 C 158 F 2 F for 90 days. Following the exposure, the test coupon is to be visually examined. There shall not be any evidence of disbondment, undercutting, or blistering of the coating. chloride immersion.A coated test coupon is to be immersed in sodium chloride solution 2 percent by weight at a temperature of 70 C 1 C 158 F 2 F for 90 days. Following the exposure, the test coupon is to be visually examined. There shall not be any evidence of disbondment, undercutting, or blistering of the coating. biphthalate immersion.A coated test coupon is to be immersed in potassium biphthalate solution pH4 at a temperature of 70 C 1 C Copyright 2005 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved. Approved by American National Standards Institute May 21, 2002. 标准分享网 w w w .b z f x w .c o m 免费下载 6AWWA C550-05 158 F 2 F for 90 days. Following the exposure, the test coupon is to be visually examined. There shall not be any evidence of disbondment, undercutting, or blistering of the coating. carbonate immersion.A coated test coupon is to be immersed in sodium carbonate solution pH-10 at a temperature of 70 C 1 C 158 F 2 F for 90 days. Following exposure, the test coupon is to be visually examined. There shall not be any evidence of disbondment, undercutting, or blistering of the coating. impact.No cracking or disbonding of the coating material under the indentor of the impact apparatus as described in ASTM D2794 shall be visible without magnification after a direct impact of 20 in.-lbf 2.26 J is applied near the center of the test coupon. Only that section of ASTM D2794 describing the impact apparatus shall be applicable to this standard. 5.2.2Production testing.Coated surfaces of each valve or hydrant shall be examined before assembly and when practical, after assembly. During each day that valves, hydrants, or their component parts are produced, the tests described in Sec. and Sec. shall be pered. examination.Visual examination of coated surfaces shall disclose no blisters, cracks, disbondment, or lack of coating coverage. thickness.The film thickness of the cured coating shall be randomly measured with a nondestructive instrument on selected valves, hydrants, or component parts thereof. The thickness shall not be less than the minimum thickness of the coating on the qualification test coupon. 5.2.3Holiday testing.Holiday testing requires special handling and treat- ment of valve and hydrant parts and is not a routine production test. If experience indicates that severe service conditions exist that justify the special handling and treatment of parts required to per a holiday test, the purchaser may request a special, electrically void-free coating. When so requested, interior coated surfaces of valve and hydrant parts shall be shown to be holiday-free when tested with a low-voltage 22.5 V to 80 V, with approximately 80,000 ohms holiday detector, using a sponge saturated with water or when tested in accordance with NACE Standard RP0188. Copyright 2005 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved. Approved by American National Standards Institute May 21, 2002. PROTECTIVE INTERIOR COATINGS FOR VALVES AND HYDRANTS7 Sec. 5.3Notice of Nonconance Products with coatings found not to con to the requirements of this standard may be repaired and retested. SECTION 6DELIVERY* Sec. 6.1Marking This standard has no applicable ination for this section. Sec. 6.2Shipping, Handling, and Storage Coated valves, hydrants, or components thereof shall be shipped, handled, and stored in a manner that will prevent damage to the coating. Storage shall be in a manner consistent with the recommendations of the manufacturer. If approved by the purchaser, coatings damaged in shipment or by field handling may be repaired at the jobsite, provided materials and procedures recommended by the manufacturer are used and the applicable requirements of Sec. 4.1.2 and Sec. 5.2.2 of this standard are met. Sec. 6.3Affidavit or Certificate of Compliance The manufacturer shall, when required by the purchaser for valves and hydrants, provide the purchaser with an affidavit or certificate of compliance stating 1 that the coating supplied cons to the applicable requirements of this standard; and, 2 that inspections and tests required have been pered and test requirements of Sec. 4.2 Coating Process, Sec. 5.1 Inspection, and Sec. 5.2 Testing Procedures have been met. *Governmental marking, packaging, and shipping references reflect US requirements. Users of ANSI/ AWWA C550 outside the US should contact the appropriate authority having jurisdiction. Copyright 2005 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved. Approved by American National Standards Institute May 21, 2002. 标准分享网 w w w .b z f x w .c o m 免费下载 This page intentionally blank. Copyright 2005 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved. Approved by American National Standards Institute May 21, 2002. This page intentionally blank. Copyright 2005 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved. Approved by American National Standards Institute May 21, 2002. 标准分享网 w w w .b z f x w .c o m 免费下载 1P-3.6M-43550-04/05-CMPrinted on recycled paper. AWWA is the authoritative resource for knowledge, ination, and advocacy to improve the quality and supply of water in North America and beyond. AWWA is the largest organization of water professionals in the world. AWWA advances public health, safety and welfare by uniting the efforts of the full spectrum of the entire water community. Through our collective strength we become better stewards of water for the greatest good of the people and the environment. Copyright 2005 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved. Approved by American National Standards Institute May 21, 2002.