ASME B16.33-2002 压力在125PSI以下燃气系统用手动金属制燃气阀门.pdf
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers A N A M E R I C A N N A T I O N A L S T A N D A R D MANUALLY OPERATED METALLIC CAS VALVES FOR USE IN GAS PIPINC SYSTEMS UP TO 125 PSI WES NPS V2THROUGH NPS 2 ASME B I 6.33-2002 Revision 01 ASME 61 6.33-1 990 Date of Issuance July 30, 2002 The next edition of this Standard is scheduled for publication in 2007. There will be no addenda or written interpretations of the requirements of this Standard issued to this edition. ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American National Standards. The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was made available for public review and comment that provides an opportunity for additional public from industry, academia, regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large. ASME does not “approve,“ “rate,“ or “endorse“ any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity. ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any items mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability for infringement of any applicable letters patent, nor assumes any such liability. Users of a code or standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility. Participation by federal agency representatives or persons affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted as government or industry endorsement of this code or standard. ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the established ASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals. No part of this document may be reproduced in any , in an electronic retri system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 Copyright O 2002 by THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. Foreword ....................................................................................... Committee Roster ............................................................................... Correspondence with the B16 Committee .......................................................... 1 Scope ................................................................................... 1.2 Design ................................................................................... 1.3 Standards and Specifications ............................................................... 1.4 Quality Systems .......................................................................... 1.5 Convention ............................................................................... 1.6 Codes and Regulations .................................................................... 2 Construction ........................................................................... 2.1 General .................................................................................. 2.2 Tamper-Proof Features .................................................................... 2.3 Configuration ............................................................................. 2.4 Marking ................................................................................. 2.5 Lubrication Sealant .................................. ................................. 3 Materials ............................................................................... 3.1 Metallic Materials for Valve Parts ......................................................... 3.2 Lubricants, Sealants, and Seating Materials ................................................. 4 Design Qualification ................................................................... 4.1 General .................................................................................. 4.2 Gas Tightness ............................................................................ 4.3 Temperature Resistance ................................................................... 4.4 Structural Provision ....................................................................... 4.5 Flow Capacity ............................................................................ 1.1 General .................................................................................. 5 Production Testing ..................................................................... Figure 1 Test Assembly ........................................................................... Tables 1 Materials for Metallic Valve Parts ......................................................... 2 Torque Values 3 Bending Moment Values .................................................................. 4 Tensile Load Values ..................................................................... 5 Maximum Turning Torque Values ......................................................... 6 Minimum Gas Flows ..................................................................... Anns A References ............................................................................... B Quality System Program .................................................................. ............................................................................ iv vi vii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 6 8 ... 111 FOREWORD The B16 Standards Committee was organized in the Spring of 1920 and held its organizational meeting on November 21 of that year. The group operated as a Sectional Committee later redesignated as a Standards Committee under the authorization of the American Engineering Standards Committee subsequently named American Standards Associ- ation, United States of America Standards Institute, and now, American National Standards Institute. Sponsors for the group were The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve however, they should not contain proprietary names or ination. Requests that are not in this at will be rewritten in this at by the Committee prior to being answered, which may inadvertently change the intent of the original request. ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of any interpretation when or if additional ination that might affect an interpretation is available. Further, persons aggrieved by an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME Committee or Subcommittee. ASME does not “approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity. Attending Committee Meetings. The B 16 Main Committee regularly holds meetings, which are open to the public. Persons wishing to attend any meeting should contact the Secretary of the B16 Main Committee. vii ASME 616.33-2002 MANUALLY OPERATED METALLIC GAS VALVES FOR USE IN GAS PIPING SYSTEMS UP TO 125 PSI SIZES NPS THROUGH NPS 2 1 SCOPE 1.4 Quality Systems 1.1 General This Standard covers requirements for manually oper- ated metallic valves sizes NPS ‘/2 through NPS 2, for outdoor installation as gas shut-off valves at the end of the gas service line and before the gas regulator and meter where the designated gauge pressure of the gas piping system does not exceed 125 psi 8.6 bar. The Standard applies to valves operated in a temperature environment between -20F and 150F -29C and 66C. Nonmandatory requirements relating to the manufac- turer’s Quality System Program are described in Non- mandatory Annex B. 1.5 Convention For the purpose of determining conance with this Standard, the convention for fixing significant digits where limits, maximum or minimum values, are speci- fied shall be “rounding off’ as defined in ASTM Practice E 29. This requires that an observed or calculated value shall be rounded off to the nearest unit in the last right-hand digit used for expressing the limit. Decimal values and tolerances do not imply a particular of measurement. 1.2 Design This Standard sets forth the minimum capabilities, characteristics, and properties, which a valve at the 1.6 Codes and Regulations time of manufacture must possess, in order to be A valve used under the jurisdiction of the Code of considered suitable for use in gas piping systems. Federal Regulation CFR such as Title 49 Part 192, Details of design and manufacture other than those the ASME Code for Pressure Piping such as ASME stated in this Standard, including such design and B31.8, or the National Fuel G a s Code, 2223.1, is production tests that will produce a valve that will subject to any limitation of that code or regulation. have the required capabilities to meet this Standard remain the responsibility of the manufacturer. 2 CONSTRUCTION 2.1 General 1.3 Standards and SDecifications Each valve at the time of manufacture shall be capable of meeting the requirements set forth in this Standard. The worhanship employed in the manufac- ture and assembly of each valve shall provide gas tightness, safety, and reliability of perance and freedom Erom injurious imperfections and defects. Standards and specifications adopted by reference in this Standard and the names and addresses of the sponsoring organizations are shown in Nonmandatory Annex A. It is not considered practical to refer to a specific edition of each of the standards and specifica- tions in the individual references. Instead the specific edition references are included in Nonmandatory Annex A. A product made in conance with a prior edition 2.2 Tamper-Proof Features of reference standards and in all other aspects con- ing to this Standard will be considered to be in confor- mance even though the edition reference may be changed in a subsequent revision of this Standard. Where valves are specified to be tamper-proof, they shall be designed and constructed to minimize the possibility of the removal of the core of the valve with other than specialized tools. 1 ASME 816.33-2002 MANUALLY OPERATED METALLIC GAS VALVES FOR USE IN GAS PIPING SYSTEMS UP TO 125 PSI 2.3 Configuration 2.3.1 Operating Indication. The valve shall be so marked or constructed that the operator can visually determine a when a v4 turn valve is in the open or closed position if flat head, longitudinal axis of the head shall be perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the valve when valve is in the closed position; b when the valve requires more than v4 turn to operate valve, turning direction to open or close the valve. 2.3.2 Valve End. Valve ends shall comply with a ASME B1.20.1 Pipe Threads; b ASME B16.1 Cast Iron Flanges and Flanged c ASME B16.5 Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged the following standards where applicable Fittings; and Fittings. 2.4 Marking 2.4.1 General. Except as may be modified herein, valves shall be marked as required in MSS SP-25 and shall include the following requirements. Name. The manufacturer’s name or trademark and, where space permits, the designation “B16.33”. The B16.33 mark is the manufacturer’s ac- knowledgement that the valve was manufactured in conance with ASME B16.33. Pressure Rating. Marking for pressure ratings such as 60G, 125G, etc., may be shown on the head, stem, or body. Tamper-Proof. The designation “T” for tamper-proof construction where tamper-proof features are not easily identifiable without disassembling the valve. This designation may be shown on the head or stem. 2.5 Lubrication Sealant Valves which require pressure lubrication by the injection of lubricant through fittings to the sealing surface of the valve shall be capable of being lubricated while subjected to the pressure rating. Compliance with this provision can be met if lubrication can be accomplished with the valve in both the fully opened and fully closed positions. The design must be such as to minimize entry of lubricant into the gasway when lubricated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction. TABLE 1 MATERIALS FOR METALLIC VALVE PARTS Cast Iron Malleable Iron Ductile Iron Steel Casi Bronze Cast Brass Forged Brass Rod Brass Sintered Brass ASTM A ASTM A ASTM A ASTM A ASTM A ASTM A ASTM A ASTM A ASTM A ASTM B ASTM B ASTM B ASTM B ASTM B MPIF Std 126 48 47 197 395 536 1 O8 505 589 62 584 283 16 282 35 Class 6 Class 30 Grade 60-40-18 or Grade 65-45-12 Alloy UNS C83600 Alloy UNS C84400 Alloy UNS C37700 Alloy UNS C36000 Code CZP 3002 or CZP 2002 3 MATERIALS 3.1 Metallic Materials for Valve Parts Metallic materials known to be acceptable for compli- ance with this Standard are listed in Table 1. Other metallic materials may be used when the product incor- porating them meets the requirements of this Standard. 3.2 Lubricants, Sealants, and Seating Materials 3.2.1 Lubricants and Sealants. Lubricants and or sealants shall