国产第一套电动高温闸阀 在催化裂化装置上的应用 李振兴 薛稳曹 丁振君 丁平安 中国石化洛阳总厂 471012 摘 要 介绍了国产首台电动高温闸阀的主要性能参数与结构特点,对该阀在FCCU上的应用情况进 行了技术总结。 关键词 催化裂化装置 电动高温闸阀 性能 结构 1 前言 中国石化洛阳总厂以下简称洛石化 1989年 从美国英2兰公司引进一套催化裂化装置能量回收 机组。烟机入口高温平板闸阀设计流通直径为 1000mm。由于该阀受阀板材料及制造工艺的限制, 实际采用了公称直径为1000mm、 流通直径为 800mm的高温平板闸阀, 制约了烟机的回收功率。 为解决这一难题,洛阳石油化工工程公司与洛石化 共同开发、 设计了新型DZ1100电动高温闸阀,由兰 炼机械厂制造,并于1996年4月在洛石化催化裂化 装置安装投用,替代了原来的PZ1000高温平板闸 阀。投用3个多月,运行工况良好,无任何故障,并 取得可观的经济效益。 2 DZ1100电动高温闸阀主要性能参数与结构特点 a1 主要性能参数见表 1 。 b1 组件 DZ1100电动高温闸阀由阀体和电动装置两部 分组成。阀体部分主要包括阀体、阀盖、支架、阀 座圈、导轨、阀板、下阀杆和上阀杆等;电动装置 采用SM C系列产品,属阀门专用驱动设备,主要由 主箱体、驱动电机、传动部分、转矩保护开关、防 冲击设施、齿轮限位开关、手动部分及L FK阀门控 制器等组成。 c1 主要结构特点 1采用球形头盖式阀板和特殊的单面密封平 板结构,摆脱了平板闸阀对阀板厚度的要求。厚度 为25mm的阀板可满足Dg1100, Dg1200阀门的制 造要求,突破性的结构改造,使大口径高温闸阀的 制造成为现实。 2阀板密封面为堆焊3mm厚的钴铬钨硬质 合金,并进行精加工,保证与阀座圈密封面间隙平 均0105mm。 阀板密封面中间有一道环形槽,阀座圈 收稿日期19962072 25 造,改造后效果显著。以上两个方面的努力,可保 持机械密封在良好的工况下工作有很大的益处,大 大减少了机械密封的泄漏几率。 f1 正确操作 1使水封的回水压力在015~0155M Pa间; 2停泵后及时冲洗机泵; 3定期使用唇封冲洗线。 g1 其它方法 提高机械密封的安装及制造精度、合理运用密 封填料用材,防止抽空及振动等均可减少机械密封 的泄漏。 参 考 文 献 1 方浴宇,姜国骅,朱瑞东 1 轻烃泵机械密封泄漏原因分 析,石油化工设备技术, 1995, 16 435~37 2 石油大学 1 机械密封制造与安装 11990 3 大庆石油学院 1 机械密封 11993 动设备 石油化工设备技术, 1997, 18327 Petro2Chem ical Equipment Technology 8个 10mm均布的密封蒸汽注入孔与之对应,通入 大约175kgh的1M Pa表蒸汽,使阀在关闭时形 成蒸汽阻尼环,可有效地阻止烟气泄漏。 表1 高温闸阀主要性能参数 型 号DZ1100 工作介质 含微量催化剂 的高温烟气 设计压力表M Pa013 设计温度 ℃700 短时 780 设计压降全开kPa 2 设计最大压差表全关M Pa013 公称直径mm1100 流通直径mm1100 泄漏量标准状态m3m in- 1013 全行程时间s 设计40 实际40 执行机构型式电动 动力源V380 全行程mm1200 额定电流A25 功率kW715 最大输出转矩Nm2000 3两条L形导轨与阀板之间设计有1312斜 度,使阀在关闭时阀板与座圈之间间隙最小。 4阀杆密封结构采用先进的串联填料密封结 构,外侧工作填料为柔性石墨,内侧备用填料为油 浸石棉盘根,中间有隔环,设有阀杆吹扫口和液体 填料注入口。正常时备用填料松套在阀杆上不起作 用,当泄漏需更换外侧工作填料时,从注入口注入 液体填料,并将备用填料压紧,既可方便安全地更 换外侧工作填料。 5阀体与阀盖之间采用方法兰唇型密封,保 证密封面高温下不泄漏。 6采用了SM C专用阀门电动装置,具有多回 转、抗冲击、力矩大等特点,适合高温、高速、防 爆、短时工作环境。其碟型弹簧组件可吸收高达10t 的冲击力,有效地防止阀门卡死。当阀门开关阻力 矩过大,转矩开关动作可停止阀门工作,保护电机 和阀门。 7选用715kW特殊电机,启动力矩大,适合 短时操作,既使电流超过设计值7倍,电机也可工 作。 8手动操作后,可由手动自动转到电动控制, 十分方便。 9在现场和仪表室均可操作阀门,无论远传 还是就地,阀位显示清楚,便于操作人员日常检查、 维护及事故处理。 10烟机原有控制信号接入L FK阀门控制器 自保开关,即可用原控制器实现开阀及事故联锁关 闭,无需大的改动。 3 现场测试、试运与注意事项 a1 现场测试 1冷态下阀板与阀座圈密封面间隙测量数据 见表2。 表2 冷态阀板与阀座圈间隙测量值 阀板密封面位置上下左右 间隙mm0011001120110 注设计值0105mm。 2电动执行机构冷态测试数据见表3。 b1 试运行热态测试数据见表4。 表3 电动执行机构冷态测试数据 项 目 全 开全 关 时间s启动电流A正常电流A行程mm时间s启动电流A正常电流A行程mm 第一次34140 第二次40482011803 34044151182 第三次4044171183 4044151183 3 第一次是在制造厂台架上试验,阀门水平放置。 3 3 阀门全行程为0~1200mm,其中,0阀位定为1196mm,100阀位定为16mm,以保证阀板密封面处于最佳位置,实际行程 1180mm。 82石 油 化 工 设 备 技 术1997年 表4 热态测试数据 时间 1996年4月 烟气温度 ℃烟气压力表M Pa 全 开全 关 时间 s 启动电 流A 正常电 流A 行程 mm 时间 s 启动电 流A 正常电 流A 行程 mm 21日900110404420404418 21日1000110404420404418 23日93030701096405018405017 24日93543440421811864044181186 24日94043440401811864044181188 25日1430457404018404418 25日150053801098391182 c1 对测试结果的几点看法 1上述测试结果表明,该阀动作灵活、可靠, 全开、全关时间40s,没有卡涩现象,阀门位置误差 小于016 ,达到了设计要求,完全满足能量回收机 组对特殊阀门的需要。 2PF1000高温平板闸阀压降表设计为≤ 1kPa,是指在1600m 3 m in烟气流量标准状态下, 而洛石化烟机入口流量标准状态估计在2800m 3 m in以上。 因此,原高温平板闸阀实际压降应远远大 于设计值。 3由于DZ1100高温闸阀采用了新型密封结 构,其泄漏量较老式平板闸阀大。 在实际生产中,使 用蒸汽进行密封后,只是少量密封蒸汽从该阀漏向 烟机,而烟气的泄漏量会大大减少。 d1 阀门投用时注意事项 1清扫阀道和阀座圈,保证密封面干净。 2要保证阀板与阀座之间密封蒸汽环形成,阀 板定位要准,注汽要对。 3使用前一定要测试转向及行程开关动作情 况。 4不同温度下反复测试,活动阀板,受热均 匀,防止卡涩。 5自保联锁要反复试,及早发现问题,及早 解决。 4 节能效果分析 新型高温闸阀投用后,再生器至烟机入口压差 下降01004M Pa,电机电流平均下降35A ,每天可节 电约4662kW h, 一个生产周期按115年计算,节 电约255万kW h, 每kWh按0135元计算,价 值89万元以上。 敬告作者 石油化工设备技术杂志,于1996年由中宣 部、国家科委、新闻出版署组织的全国期刊评比中 荣获三等奖。这一成绩的取得,是与广大作者多年 来的热心支持分不开的,借此机会向广大作者深表 感谢。 为把本刊办得更好,使本刊成为深受广大科技 人员欢迎的、 推广先进技术和传播科技信息的园地, 特对来稿作以下基本要求 1目前稿件较多,内容重复。故望选题新颖、 技术先进、内容有深度,本刊将择优录用; 2来稿手写、打字均可,手写稿务请字迹清 楚;打印稿请留有必要的行间距,以便修改; 3为确保文摘译文的准确性,较特殊的单位、 专业名词、外文缩写等请作者译出; 4计量单位一律采用国际单位制。 石油化工设备技术编辑部 92 第18卷第3期李振兴等.国产第一套电动高温闸阀在催化裂化装置上的应用 ABSTRACTS PETRO2CHEM ICAL EQU IPM EN T TECHNOLOGY Started Publication in 1980. Bi monthly. M ay. 1997 Vol . 18 No. 3 EXPLANATI ONONSOM EPROBLEM SOFJB4732 STRESS ANALYSIS DESIGNSTANDARDOFSTEEL PRESSURE VESSEL L i J ianguo.China national standardiz tion comm ittee f or p ressure ves2 sel,B eijing,P.C100088 Abstract The editor’s noteAfter published the concerned article w ritted by L i Jianguo in first issue of this magazine for 1995, in the process of certificate for design qualification, many incorrect points even m istakes for understanding some problem s on JB4732 stndard were founded. For this reason, thew riter prepares this article for fur2 ther explanation. Keywords Steel pressure vessel,Design analysis, Problem, Expla2 nation CALCULATI ON ANALYSIS FOR SEIS M IC LOAD ING OF SI LO Zu rongqi,Chen N ianchun.China tex tile industry design institute,B ei2 jing,P.C100037 Abstract A s viewed fromthe structure and load bearing, for large,medium size silo, the calculation of seism ic loading as per dif2 ferent wall tuickness of vessel is not necessary;Based on this point, the simplified calculation procedure is provided. Keywords Large medium size silo, Seism ic loading,Calculation DESIGN AND CONSTUCTI ON OF PRODUCT STORAGE TANK OF REFINERY M a J iguo,Zhang W enqing.chem icals p lant ofoil f ield ofH uabei petroleum adm inistration,R enqiu,P.C062552 Abstract In connection w ith the working practice, some issues of design for product storage tanksuch as welding, cutting plan, hole openning, ETCare described. Keywords Storage tank,Design,Construction STRENGTH CALCULATI ON FOR CHANNELFLANGE OF M ULTIPASS SHELLTUBE HEAT EXCHANGER US- INGSTEELPIPESEAL INGATPASSPARTITI ON GROOVE Gao H ongkun.Changlingpetrochem icalinstitute,Yueyang,P.C 414012 Abstract Throuth the analysis of bearing force for correlation parts while using steel pipe sealing at pass partition groove, the strength calculation procedure for channel flange of multipass shell tube heat exchanger. Keywords M ultipass shelltube heat exchanger, Tight2pressing force of gasket,Bolt loading ANALYSIS OF COKING ON SIEVE PIPE INSI DE THE FRACTI ONATOR OF DELAYED COKING UNIT S un Fengquan.ref inery of D aqing general petrochem ical w orks,P.C 163711 Abstract The causes for coking on sieve pipe inside the fracitona2 tor was analysed and its improvement scheme was proposed. So the problem of long period operation caused by coke plugging was also solved. Keywords Delayed coking, Fractionator, coking on sieve pipe, analysis, improvement PRECOOLTHERMODYNAM ICCALCULATI ONFOR L IQUI D NITROGEN STORAGE TANK L i Yam ing,L i Guocheng.petroleum university , S handong , P.C 257602 Abstract This paper presents the analysis of thermodynam ic pro2 cess for the precool of liquid nitrogen storage tank, and some infor2 mations such as liquid nitrogen flow rate , temperature of storage tank as well as the relationship between storage tank temperature and precool time under constant pressure, and provides the theorecti2 cal basis for establishing precool scheme of liquid nitrogen tank. Keywords Acrylonitrile, Storage tank, L iang2linaginsulating glue, Temperature reducing PERANCE ANALYSIS FOR CONSTRUCTI ON OF 2AC˚45 M3 TYPE CENTRIFUGAL A IR COM PRESSOR W ang X iadong.construction co.ofA nqing general petrochem ical w orks,P.C246001 Abstract The construction characteristic and operation experience of 2AC˚45M3 type centrifugal air compressor are recommended in detail for client reference while using the same type machine. Keywords Centrifugal air compressor, Construction feature, Per2 ance analysis ANALYSIS OF THE LEAKAGE REASON FOR DUAL FACEM ECHANICAL SEAL OF COPPER SLURRY PUM P Fang Yuyu,J iang Guohua.chem ical aux iliary w orks of D aqing oil f ield,P.C163411 Zhu R uidong.D aqing petroleum institute,P.C151400 Abstract Through the analysis of leakage reason for xx2zuv type dual face mechanical seal, from the aspects of lip packing,mechanical seal design and operation, the leakage reason and solvingmeasure for dual face mechanical seal of cu slurry pump w ill be found out. Keywords Dual facemechanical seal,Cu slurry catalyst,L ip pack2 ing, Shaft sleeve, Seal packing. APPL ICATI ON OF FIRST SET OF DOM ESTICPRO- DUCEDELECTRICDRIVENHIGHTEM PERATURE GATE VALVE IN FLUI D CATALYTIC CRACKING UNIT FCCU L i Zhenx ing,X ue H uichao,D ing Zhenjun,D ing P ingan.L uoyang general petrochem ical w orks,P.C471012 Abstract The main perence parameters and construction fea2 tures for first set of domestic produced electric driven high tempera2 ture gate valve are recommended and its technical summary for appli2 cation in FCCU is carried out. Keywords Fluid catalytic cracking unit, Electric driven high tem2 perature gate valve, Perance construction FINITE ELEM ENT CALCULATI ON AND ANALYSIS OF RIBBED SLAB CRACK FOR BLOWER CASING Yan X iangzhen.petroleum university dongy ing,P.C257062 Abstract The linear elastic finite element and the reason of ribbed slab crack were analyzed. the calculation of internal stress of blower casing affected by temperature and internalpressure changewas also provided in this paper. Keywords Blower, Finite element, Stress strength. APPL ICATI ONOFAUTO-SPEEDCONTROLTECH- NIQUES OF PLC ANDFREQUENCY CHANGE CON- TROLLER INM IXING EQUIPM ENT X iao X iangm ing.catalyst p lant of Changling general ref ining and chem ical w orks,Yueyang,P.C414012 Keywords Programmable logic controller, Frequency change con2 troller,M ixing equipment REASON ANALYSIS AND CORRECT M EASURES FOR VIBRATI ON OF HEATER TUBE UNDER HYDROTREAT- ING REACTI ON Zhu J iang.ref inery ofZhenhai ref ining and chem ical co. ,N ingbo, P.C315207 Abstract Through the theoretical analysis and actual testing, the reason for producing vibration on right side tube in which the media is transferred from convection to radiant section of hydrotreating heater is discussed, and its improvement measures are also proposed. Keywords Hydrotreating heater,V ibration of heater tube,Reason analysis of vibration EXPERI M ENTAL STUDY AND SAFTY ANALYSIS FOR HYDROTREATING HEATER TUBE Cui X uezheng,L u Yongm ing,W ang X iny in,Zhou X ianjun.petroleum universityS handong , D ongy ing,P.C257062 S un J ilong,T ang X ingw ei,Peng R uix iang,Fei K angshun.olef in p lant of Q ilu petrochem ical corp. ,Z ibo,P.C255411 Abstract The chem ical composition inspection,mechanicalperfor2 mance testing under ambient temperature, metallurgical check and corrosion analysis for servicing hydrotreating heater tube are made. In addition, the integrated uation for equipment safty is also car2 ried out. Keywords Hydrotreating heater,Heater tube, Safty uation CAUSES AND SOLVING M ETHOD OF BO I LER STEAM PRODUCTI ON BELOW THE RATED VALUE L eng S hucheng.L inyuan ref inery,D aqing,P.C163813 Keywords Boiler,A ir rate,Burner THESUCCESSFULPRATICES OF“OVERHAUL ING ONCE IN T WO YEARS”AND THE COUNTERM EASURES FOR TRANSITING TOWARDTHE GOA I OF“OVER- HAUL ING ONCE IN THREE YEARS”OF L IAOYANG PETROCHEM ICAL FIBRE COM PANY Gao J inji.L iaoyang petrochem ical f ibre company,P.C111003 DEVELOPM ENTOF SPECIAL PROTECTI ON FOR CRIT- ICAL MACHINE OF CATALYTIC CRACKING UNIT AND ITS EFFECT UATI ON L iang Yuze.ref inery of M aom ing petrochem ical corp. ,P.C525011 Abstract Through the effect analysis and uation of special protection for criticalmachine of catalytic cracking unit. It is deemed that special protection for critical machine is a effective for refinery equipment maintanance. Keywords Equipment maintanance, Critical machine, Special pro2 tection APPL ICATI ON OF PRED ICTED MA INTANACEPM SYSTEM IN LARGE SCALE CRITICAL MACHINE W eiW ei.Fushun petroleum Co. ,P.C113008 Abstract The application of predictedmaintanacePMsystem of U. S. ENTAK scientific Co.in large scale machinemain blower of FCCw ith specialprotection was recommend. This system has high2 er directive value for specifying the vibration amplitude and cause of failure diagnosis . Keywords Predicted maintanancePMsystem,Large scale ma2 chine w ith special protection,V ibration testing and analysis, Failure diagnosis APPL ICATI ON OFSUPERHIGHPRESSURE WATER CUTTINGMACHINE IN THE PETROCHEM ICAL INDUS- TRY S unW eizhen.J inhui jet f low technique co.L td of J inling petrochem2 ical corp. ,N anjing,P.C210042 Abstract The working principle of superhigh pressure water cut2 ting machine and its exmaple of application are recommended. Keywords Superhigh pressure water cutting machine, Working principle,Application APPL ICATI ONOFPLAS MASPRAYCOATING TECHIQUE IN ROOTS BLOWER W ang H uaren.surf ace engineering research institute of oriental steam turbine w orks Abstract The procedure for restorating roots blower using plasma spray coating technique and the selection of anti2corrosion, process testing, operating equipment and process situation of spray coating were described in detail . After restorating, the perance of roots blower can satisfy the production need. Keywords Roots blower,Anti2corrosion coating, Plasma spray APPL ICATI ON OF FLOW DRAWOUT-WELD ING TECH- NIQUE FOR THE MA INTANANCE OF REFINING E2 QUIPM ENT H ong f usheng.ref inery of U rum oqi general petrochem ical w orks,P. C830019 Keywords Flow2drawout,W elding technique,M aintanance ABSTRACTS PETRO2CHEM ICAL EQU IPM EN T TECHNOLOGY Started Publication in 1980. Bi monthly. M ay. 1997 Vol . 18 No. 3