当前金山店铁矿地下开采地表平安新问题分析 金山店铁矿地下开采地表平安新问题分析 英文标题underground of iron ore of golden hill inn extracts upper and safe problem is analysed 文章标号bxbl 文章级别硕士论文 本篇论文剩余部分,请联系九旭论文代写网站客服qq论文写作1210196822 论文发表 739878127 论文咨询1210196822②,联系电话013155803009。 关键词 地下采矿; 地表塌陷; 安全对策; 梗概 以工程地质条件和矿山开采情况为基础,分析和探索了金山店铁矿东区地表塌陷情况及地表平安新问题的影响因素和策略。结果表明,民采造成了地表塌陷,非凡地质缺陷导致了塌陷范围的扩大,为确保地表平安,应采取对采坑和塌陷坑进行充填,对一定区域居民实行搬迁、撤离,以及对地表和深部岩体进行变形监测等策略。 英文梗概 with project geology condition and mine mine situation are a foundation, analyse and discussed iron ore of golden hill inn east the influencing factor of circumstance of cave in of area the earths surface and upper and safe problem and countermeasure. the result makes clear, civilian collect caused upper dent, special and geological blemish brought about the amplification of cave in limits, to ensure the earths surface is safe, should adopt undertake filling up to picking hole and cave in hole, cute to particular area resident remove, withdraw, and undertake is out of shape monitoring waiting for countermeasure to the earths surface and deep cliff body.