地理信息系统论文基于遥感和GIS的泸定县生态地质环境质量评价 【中文摘要】泸定县地处川西高原与四川盆地过渡地带,属于高山峡谷地貌,生态环境脆弱,一旦破坏将很难恢复。区内主要以发展农业、林业、牧业为主,近年来由于人为的过度农垦、砍伐及放牧,使得研究区地质灾害频发,因此进行生态地质环境评价,将为农业、林业和土地资源的合理开发利用提供科学决策依据。本文以地理信息系统技术作为管理地质环境空间数据和空间分析的手段,利用遥感数据提取相关生态环境信息,应用地理学、地质学、生态学等多学科知识,结合生态地质环境评价理论和方法进行评价,取得研究成果包括1通过对研究区地形地貌数据、水文数据、降水数据、地层岩性、地质构造数据、地质灾害、土壤数据及ETM遥感影像等多源数据的分析并通过地理信息系统技术将其统一到同一坐标系下,在此基础上提取高程、坡度、流域分布及土壤等环境信息。2在分析泸定县地质环境概况的基础上,揭示出泸定县主要的生态环境地质问题,并对地质灾害、水土流失、地震活动等地质环境问题及其产生的环境效应进行分析,并在此基础上进行生态地质环境的现状评价。3运用生态地质环境评价的基本原理,借鉴前人在生态地质环境评级的成功经验,结合泸定县生态地质环境实际情况,将泸定县生态地质环境类型分为农业生态地质环境和森林生态地质环境,优选出评价因子,分别建立相对应的评价指标体系,运用层次分析法计算两种生态地质环境的指标因子权重,建立模糊综合判别模型,分区进行定量评价。4根据生态地质环境定量评价结果,结合沪定县地形地貌、气候分异特征及农业经济活动的分布特征,相应划定评价亚区,并对各个亚区进行生态地质环境质量的综合评价。 【英文摘要】LuDing County, which is located in the transition zone between western Sichuan plateau and Sichuan Basin, belongs to high canyon landscape. And it mainly develops agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry. In the recent years, geological disasters have occurred very often because of over-agricultural reclamation, over cut and herding. So the ecological environment becomes so weak that it will be very hard to recover if it is destroyed. At present, the geological environment uation will be the basis of making scientific decision on exploiting agriculture,forestry and land-resource.First, the thesis regards GIS as a to manage environmental geology space database and Spatial Analysis. Second, it picks up some environmental data by using remote sensing data. Thirdly, it uses multidisciplinary knowledge, such as geography, geology and ecology and combines uation theory and of Ecological and geological environment to uate. The achievements obtained are below1 Basing on analyzing multi data of topography, hydrology, geological structure and precipitation, ation litho logy as well as geological disasters, soil and ETM remote sensing image, and unifying them under the same coordinate system by using GIS, geological environment ination, such as heights, grades, basin distribution and soil will be collected.2 Basing on analyzing the general situation of geological environment, the main Ecological environment geology problems will be revealed in LuDing County. And environmental effect caused by environment geology problems, such as geological disaster, soil erosion, and seismic activity are analyzed and present uation of Ecological geological environment will be made. 3 Using the ultimate principles of uating Ecological geological environment and taking successful experiences of Ecological geological environment ratings done by predecessors as examples, combining the actual situation of ecological geological environment of LuDing county, the patterns of Ecological geological environment can be divided into agriculture and forestry respectively. Select uate factors, whose system of uation are built respectively, and use AHP to calculate the weights of the two patterns of Ecological geological environment and build a fuzzy comprehensive estimation model and carry on quantitative uation in every zone.4 According to the result of quantitative uation on ecological geological environment, and combining with topography, climate differentiation characteristics and distribution characteristics of agricultural economic activities, uation sub regions, whose Ecological geological environment qualities are uated, are delimited relevantly. 【关键词】地理信息系统 遥感 生态地质环境质量评价 泸定县 【英文关键词】Geographic Ination System Remote Sensing Assessment of Eco-geological Environment LuDing 【目录】基于遥感和GIS的泸定县生态地质环境质量评价 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 目录 7-9 第1章 绪论 9-17 1.1 选题依据与研究意义 9 1.2 研究现状与发展趋势 9-15 1.2.1 生态环境地质理论研究现状 9-11 1.2.2 生态环境地质调查研究现状 11-13 1.2.3 生态地质环境评价研究现状 13-15 1.3 研究内容与技术路线 15-17 第2章 泸定县生态地质环境概况 17-36 2.1 自然地理 17-20 2.1.1 地形地貌 17-18 2.1.2 气候特征 18-19 2.1.3 水文特征 19-20 2.2 地层岩性与岩土体工程地质特征 20-25 2.2.1 地层岩性 20-23 2.2.2 岩土体工程地质特征 23-25 2.3 区域地质构造 25-28 2.3.1 地质构造 25-27 2.3.2 新构造运动与地震 27-28 2.4 水文地质条件 28-29 2.5 土地资源 29-33 2.5.1 土地资源构成 29-30 2.5.2 土地资源利用现状 30-31 2.5.3 土地资源开发规划 31-33 2.6 矿产资源 33-35 2.6.1 矿产资源构成 33-34 2.6.2 矿产资源开发利用现状 34 2.6.3 矿产资源开发规划 34-35 2.7 生物资源 35 2.8 旅游资源 35-36 第3章 遥感和GIS技术提取生态环境信息 36-46 3.1 高程信息提取 36 3.2 坡度坡向信息提取 36-39 3.3 流域分割 39-41 3.4 降雨信息提取 41-43 3.5 土壤信息提取 43 3.6 植被覆盖度信息提取 43-46 第4章 泸定县生态环境现状分析 46-65 4.1 景观生态学分析 46-51 4.1.1 土地利用景观分类 46 4.1.2 土地利用景观空间分异规律分析 46-49 4.1.3 景观格局对环境影响分析 49-51 4.2 水土流失分析 51-59 4.2.1 水土流失概述 51 4.2.2 评价模型的选择 51-52 4.2.3 评价因子提取 52-56 4.2.4 水土流失分级评价 56-58 4.2.5 水土流失分布特征 58-59 4.2.6 水土流失的生态环境效应分析 59 4.3 地震及其次生环境效应 59-61 4.3.1 地震活动及其分布特征 59-61 4.3.2 地震次生环境效应 61 4.4 地质灾害生态环境效应分析 61-65 4.4.1 地质灾害分布特征 61-63 4.4.2 地质灾害生态环境效应分析 63-65 第5章 泸定县生态地质环境质量评价 65-86 5.1 生态地质环境质量现状评价 65-69 5.1.1 大渡河河谷生态地质环境质量现状 66-67 5.1.2 山地生态地质环境质量现状 67-69 5.2 生态地质环境定量评价 69-78 5.2.1 建立评价指标体系 69-72 5.2.2 定量评价方法 72-76 5.2.3 生态地质环境质量定量评价 76-78 5.3 生态地质环境质量分区综合评价 78-84 5.3.1 农业生态地质环境质量分区综合评价 78-82 5.3.2 森林生态地质环境质量分区综合评价 82-84 5.4 生态地质环境问题防治对策及建议 84-86 结论 86-88 致谢 88-90 参考文献 90-93 攻读学位期间取得学术成果 93