复杂海滨地质环境下嵌岩灌注桩基施工案例 郭子锋中海福建天然气公司 莆田 351100 [提 要] 本文对于嵌岩式灌注桩基工程的施工及技术管理,进行了认真的总结分析,具有针对性很强的借鉴作用。 [关键词] 嵌岩桩 地质构造 钻孔灌注桩 飘石 主动力矩 Construction case of socketed cast-in-place piling in complicated geological shore Guo zi-feng Abstract This article summarized and analyzed construction process and technical management of socketed pile, pered “point to point” function of references. Key wordsSocketed pile; geological stratum; bored cast-in-place pile; float rocks; driving moment.