用灰色聚类关联分析法对水环境质量的评价 * 王清芬 王伯铎 马俊杰 王文春 西北大学环境科学系, 陕西 西安 710127 冯护国 王秋侠 咸阳市环境保护局, 陕西 咸阳 712000 摘要 将灰色聚类关联分析法应用于水环境质量评价中, 介绍评价方法和步骤。 并用该方法对渭河咸阳段兴平、南 营、铁路桥、中隆 4 个监测断面 2005 年的水质监测结果进行评价。 根据关联度判断出 4 个监测断面水质皆为Ⅴ类水 质, 水质优劣次序为 南营兴平中隆铁路桥。 根据关联系数分析出每个断面污染较严重的因子。 对渭河咸阳段 4 个监测断面水质的评价结果, 可为渭河咸阳段水污染治理和水环境保护提供参考依据。 关键词 灰色聚类关联分析法 水环境质量评价 渭河咸阳段 *国家哲学社会科学基金资助项目 03BJY025 ; 陕西省教育厅科研 基金资助项目 06GK181 。 0 引言 在环境质量评价中, 灰色关联分析法和灰色聚类 法得到了广泛应用 [ 1-2] ,但这两种方法均存在一些不 足。灰色聚类关联分析法是在灰色聚类法和灰色关 联分析法的基础上建立起来的 ,它综合了两种方法的 优点又弥补了两者的不足 。该方法所采用的超标加 权法既突出了主要污染物的影响又考虑到其他单个 污染物对环境的综合作用 ,其值的计算既与污染指标 的实测值有关, 又与各级标准值的范围有关 ,计算结 果精度更高 ; 此外, 灰色聚类关联分析法是一种加权 的宽域聚类法, 信息利用率高, 能区分各监测点环境 质量的优劣并进行排序 [ 3-4] 。 1 灰色聚类关联分析法评价水环境的步骤 灰色聚类关联分析法是利用灰色聚类法计算各 评价样本对各级别的从属度, 然后再分别计算样本与 清晰综合评判间的灰色加权关联度 ,根据关联度的大 小确定各测点环境质量的优劣 [ 5 -7] 。 1. 1 水质聚类样本的构成 设 n 个对象 监测点或断面 , m 个指标 污染物 种类 ,每个指标有 s 个不同灰类 环境质量等级 ,灰 类别计为 k k 1,2, , s ,则第 i 个对象 i 1,2, , n 关于指标 j j 1,2, , m 的监测数值计为 Cij。 1. 2 数据的标准化处理 1. 2. 1 样本指标白化值的标准化处理 采用污染指数法对样本指标进行标准化处理 ,计 算公式为 X′ ij Cij Soj , i ∈ [1 ,2, , n] , j ∈ [ 1,2, , m] 1 式中 X′ ij 第 i 个对象 监测点 第 j 个指标 污 染因子 的标准化值; Cij 第 i 个对象 监测点 第 j 个指标 污染 因子 的实测值 ; Soj 第 j 个指标 污染因子 的参考标准 ,其 值一般根据对象所在水域的环境目标 而确定 。 评价指标按正负相关关系可分为正向型指标和 负向型指标 。正向指标值越大污染越严重; 负向指标 值越小污染越严重 。由于灰色关联聚类分析法强调 指标方向的正向性和一致性, 同时为了便于构造白化 函数 ,需将负向型指标按下式进行正向化处理 。 Xij1 X′ ij 2 式中 Xij X′ ij正向化处理后的值。 1. 2. 2 灰类的标准化处理 建立白化函数的首要条件是对灰类进行标准化 处理, 为便于原始白化数与灰类之间的比较分析, 仍 用 Soj进行灰类的无量纲化 ,并对负向型指标标准进 行正向化处理, 公式如下 λ ′ik Sjk Soj , j ∈ [ 1,2, ,m] , k ∈ [ 1,2, , s] 3 λ jk1 λ ′ik 4 式中 λ ′ik 第 j 个指标第k 个灰类值Sjk的标准化 处理值 ; λjk λ ′ik正向化处理后的值; Sjk 灰类值。 1. 3 白化函数的建立 参照国家规定的水质分级标准并结合评价区的 实际情况, 选取适当的分级标准构造白化函数, 对于 59 环 境 工 程 2008年 6 月第26 卷第3 期 极端级 k 1 和 k s ,白化函数图分别为图 1 中 a 和 c 所示 ; 对于中间级 1 3 。 从以上结果可以看出 ,渭河咸阳段各监测点的地 表水环境质量均未达到功能区的规划要求。目前 ,渭 河属于重污染水体, 从影响水质的主要污染物因子 看,河流污染属于有机型污染 。造成河流污染的主要 原因是上游来水污染严重 ,两岸大量未经处理的工业 废水和生活污水的大量排入河流,上游灌溉取水使河 流流量降低 ,干旱少雨的自然环境使河流自净能力大 为降低造成地面水污染, 另外乡镇企业的不断发展以 及农业生产过程中农药、化肥的大量使用也是造成水 质污染的重要原因之一 [ 9-10] 。 61 环 境 工 程 2008年 6 月第26 卷第3 期 表 3 各监测断面各指标白化函数值 监测断面溶解氧 高锰酸 盐指数 COD BOD5 总氮挥发酚石油类总磷氟化物 粪大肠 杆菌 1Ⅰ0000000010 Ⅱ0000000000 Ⅲ0000000000 Ⅳ000000. 6000. 938000. 800 Ⅴ111110. 4000. 062100. 200 2 Ⅰ0000000010 Ⅱ0000000000 Ⅲ0000000000 Ⅳ000000. 7110. 998000. 800 Ⅴ111110. 2890. 002100. 200 3Ⅰ0000000000 Ⅱ0000000000 Ⅲ00000. 2000000. 980 Ⅳ0. 8670000. 8000. 5560. 66000. 020. 800 Ⅴ0. 13311100. 4440. 340100. 200 4Ⅰ0000000000 Ⅱ0000000000 Ⅲ0. 65700000000. 920 Ⅳ0. 34300000. 8220. 83400. 080. 800 Ⅴ011110. 1780. 166100. 200 表 4 各监测点各种指标的权重 监测点溶解氧 高锰酸 盐指数 COD BOD5 总氮挥发酚石油类总磷氟化物 粪大肠 杆菌 10. 0710. 1010. 1210. 1760. 1950. 0630. 0520. 1420. 0250. 054 20. 0790. 1060. 1360. 1910. 1250. 0560. 0560. 1610. 0280. 062 3 0. 0490. 0990. 0930. 2150. 0490. 0770. 0750. 2510. 0310. 061 4 0. 0350. 1070. 0970. 2110. 1260. 0410. 0670. 2210. 0330. 063 表 5 关联度的计算结果 监测点ⅠⅡⅢⅣⅤ 1 0. 3500. 3330. 3330. 3970. 882 2 0. 3520. 3330. 3330. 4110. 873 30. 3330. 3330. 3550. 4330. 794 40. 3330. 3330. 3600. 4060. 849 3 结果分析与讨论 1 运用灰色关联聚类分析法将水环境质量评价 中多污染目标评价归结为单目标决策, 计算结果可以 直接反映某地区水质的综合水平。灰色关联聚类分 析法所得结论与实际污染状况吻合较好 。 2 实例分析中, 根据灰色关联度计算结果可以 判断渭河咸阳段 4 个监测断面水质皆为Ⅴ类水质 ,水 质优劣次序为 南营 兴平中隆铁路桥。分析灰 色关联系数计算结果可以看出 1 和 2监测断面的 溶解氧 、 高锰酸盐指数、 COD、 BOD5、总氮 、 总磷 6项指 标,3 监测断面的高锰酸盐指数 、 COD、 BOD 5、总磷 4 项指标 ,4 监测断面的高锰酸盐指数、COD、BOD 5、总 氮、 总磷 5项指标浓度都已达到 Ⅴ类标准 ,超标严重。 1 、 2 和 4监测断面的挥发酚 、 石油类、粪大肠杆菌 这3 项指标, 3 监测断面的溶解氧 、 总氮 、 挥发酚、石 油类 、 粪大肠杆菌这 5 项指标都已达到Ⅳ类标准。 下转第 95 页 62 环 境 工 程 2008年 6 月第26 卷第3 期 看出水化产物比较密集, 形成了致密的硬化体 ,保证 了较高的强度。当赤泥的含量逐渐增加 ,分解出的氧 化钙越来越多, 更容易破坏粉煤灰中的玻璃体网络结 构,这样就可以对更多的粉煤灰产生激发效应 。当赤 泥与粉煤灰的含量相当时 ,在热处理过程中可以完全 发挥赤泥的激发效应 ,得到活性较好的赤泥与粉煤灰 混合物 ,适量的赤泥保证了胶凝材料的早期强度, 适 量的粉煤灰则保证了胶凝材料的后期强度有稳定的 增长余量 ,所以制得的胶凝材料力学性能较好 。 图 11 C 样水化 3 d 的 SEM 图 图12 C 样水化 28 d 的 SEM 图 4 结论 1 试验表明 ,赤泥和粉煤灰的比例合适时 ,对其 混合物进行热处理后, 加入一部分水泥熟料 ,可以制 备性能较好的胶凝材料, 其强度可达到普通硅酸盐水 泥42. 5 强度等级的指标,测得其安定性合格。 2 通过试验 ,建议赤泥的加入量为47. 5, 粉煤 灰的加入量为 47. 5, 石膏的加入量为 5 , 制得的 胶凝材料28 d的抗折强度可以达到6. 8MPa , 抗压强 度可以达到45. 2 MPa。 3 将赤泥与粉煤灰的混合物在700 ℃下进行热 处理, 可以增加赤泥与粉煤灰的活性, 使其满足作为 制作胶凝材料原料的要求 。 参考文献 [ 1] 岳云龙, 芦令超, 常均, 等. 赤泥-碱矿渣水泥及其制品的研究. 硅酸盐通报, 2001, 20 1 46-49 [ 2] 张广, 贾廷耀, 万山. 粉煤灰分类及其在混凝土中的应用. 国外 建材科技, 2007, 28 2 24-26 [ 3] 周文献, 谢友均, 刘宝举. 赤泥对粉煤灰激发作用的试验研究. 混凝土, 2002 1 37-40 作者通信处 董鲁闽 471039 河南洛阳建设路 206 号 河南洛阳中 信重工机械股份公司矿山机械工程设计研究院 E -mail dlm282 163. com 2007- 09-04 收稿 上接第 62页 参考文献 [ 1] 朱庆峰, 廖秀丽, 陈新庚, 等. 用灰色聚类法对荔湾湖水质富营 养化程度的评价. 中国环境监测, 2004,20 2 47 -50 [ 2] 赵志坚. 灰色聚类法在水环境质量评价中的应用. 四川环境, 1997, 16 3 49 -51 [ 3] 肖新平. 灰色聚类关联分析法及其在大气环境质量评价中的应 用. 环境科学进展, 1997, 5 4 56 -62 [ 4] 郑建青. 水环境质量评价的灰色聚类分析. 科技进步与对策, 2004 9 40 -41 [ 5] 刘思峰, 党耀国, 方志耕, 等. 灰色系统理论及其应用. 北京 科 学出版社,2004 50 -150 [ 6] 储金宇, 柴晓娟. 用灰色聚类法对长江镇江段水环境质量的评 价. 人民长江,2006, 37 11 76 -78 [ 7] 赵光影, 华德尊. 灰色聚类法在地表水环境质量评价中的应用. 北方环境, 2005,30 2 84 -86 [ 8] GB 3838 -2002, 地表水环境质量标准 [ 9] 陈渝. 渭河咸阳段水质分析及污染治理策略. 水资源与水工程 学报,2005, 16 2 55 -58 [ 10] 刘引鸽, 郭叶红, 卫旭东, 等. 渭河流域地表水资源未来变化趋 势分析. 水土保持通报, 2005,25 5 81 -84 致谢 对咸阳市环境保护局提供的水质监测数据在此表示衷 心的感谢 作者通信处 王清芬 710127 西安市长安区学府大道 1号 西北大 学南区 192 信箱 2007- 09-03 收稿 95 环 境 工 程 2008年 6 月第26 卷第3 期 95. The maximum volume loading of COD for UBF was 6~ 7 kg m3d .pH alkalinity, regurgitation ratio were important factors of system stabilization. When MLSS10 000 mg L, the membrane was greatly polluted.The membrane flux was achieved 75 of its original one after washed by acid, alkaline andNaClO solutions. Keywords UBF AOMBR membrane pollution CHANGEOFBIOMASSINACTIVATEDCARBONFILTERSBEFOREANDAFTER BACKWASHINGZhang Zhaohui Shao Lin Wang Liang et al 42 Abstract The success of biological activated carbon BACfilters depends on effective backwashing. The main purpose of backwashing is to carefully control and maintain the biomass with a suitable range on the media. In this experiment it was found that suspended biomass was the main body whichwasremoved during backwashing, and itwas the attachedbiomass that should be carefully controlled during backwashing of BAC filters. Keywords biological activated carbon filters backwashing biomass PRETREATMENT TECHNOLOGY OF CHEMICAL WASTEWATER WITH HIGH CONCENTRAT- ION BY Fe C INNER -ELECTROLYSIS Han Rongxin Li Yanfeng Yu Fenggang et al 45 Abstract A study on pretreatment of chemical industry wastewater with high concentration contamination by non -aeratd inner -electrolysis was carriedout. The optimum operation conditions are as follows pH is4~ 5, the rate of the solid quality and the liquid bulk is 0. 8 g mL, HR T is60 min, The ratio of the iron and the active carbon quality is 3∶ 1, the removal rates of COD and chromaticity were 71. 6 and 87. 5 respectively, the BOD5 COD ratio was improved from 0. 09 to 0. 19, and the reached a good pretreatment effect. And the effect of the reaction temperature on the inner -electrolysis was studied, too. Keywords inner -electrolysis industrial wastewater COD chromaticity TECHNIQUEOFTREATINGCOLDROLLINGEMULSIONWASTEWATERANDITS APPLICATIONLi Zhengyao Song Cunyi Wang Li 48 Abstract The treatment of cold rolling emulsion wastewater from an iron and steel corporation was studied, whose oil and COD were 6 200mg L and 3 400 mg L respectively. Organic polymer SYS and polyaluminium chloride were used as efficient emulsion breaker. The rate of oilremoval was 99. 58 and the rate of COD removal was 97. 79 after two -step demulsification.The suited conditions of the two step demulsification were confirmed after examining the effectsof the amount of emulsion breaker, time for demulsification, mixing intensity and pH on demulsification. The process of separating oil -demulsification-airfloatation-filtration has been adopted. The effluent meets the second-order of the national sewage discharge. Keywords cold rolling emulsion wastewater demulsify application TREATMENT OF OILY WASTE EMULSION BY MICROELECTROLYSIS-FENTON PROCESS Li Chuncheng 51 Abstract Treatment of the oily waste emulsion produced in the machining by microelectrolysis -Fenton processwas studied. The influences of pH, the quantity of H2O2, the quantity of iron fragment, the ratio of Fe C and the reaction time on treatment effectswere explored. Onthe best influent condition, the removal rate of COD was above 97. Keywords waste emulsion microelectrolysis -Fenton COD removal rate TREATMENT OF HEXAVALENT CHROME CrⅥ IN WASTEWATER FROM VANADIUM INDUSTRYXie Jinglong 54 Abstract The redox reaction can be produced by the reducing property of Na2S in the original treating system and hexavalent chrome Cr Ⅵ in the wastewater, which can reduce CrⅥto CrⅢ, then chemical deposition is used to remove it. Project practice proves that this has an obvious effect. Keywords hexavalent chrome oxidation reduction solubility product treatment THE DETERMINATION OFDENITRIFICATION RATEOFSTEP-FEED A ONITROGEN REMOVAL PROCESSWang Sheping Wang Qingqing Hui Lingling et al 56 Abstract The denitrification rate is determined in batch reactor, the results indicated that there are three stages with obvious different denitrification rates in the denitrification process, and with the reaction time prolonging , the denitrification rate declined gradually. According to the experimental results, the reference values of the denitrification rate and hydraulic retention time HR Tare suggested, which are used in designing and calculating the anoxic selecting tank and the bio -reactor anoxic zone of the municipal wastewater treatment plant MWTP . Keywords municipal wastewater denitrification rate step -feed nitrogen removal process THE APPLICATIONS OF GREY CLUSTER RELATION ANALYSIS TO ASSESS THE WATER ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYWang Qingfen Wang Boduo MaJunjie et al 59 Abstract This paper applies grey cluster relation analysis in water environmental quality assessment to introduce its and procedure. After using this to uates Xingping, Nanying, Tieluqiao and Zhonglong monitoring sections of Weihe River in Xianyang based on the year of 2005 water quality monitoring result, water quality of four monitoring sections are classified to Ⅴ , whose order is Nanying 4 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Vol. 26, No. 3, June ,2008 XingpingZhonglongTieluqiao, and the most serious factors contributed to pollution are pointed out. According to which this paper can provide references for water pollution control and water environment protection. Keywords grey cluster relation analysis water environmental quality assessment Weihe River in Xianyang CHARACTERISTICS OF SLUDGE AND DISCUSSION ON TREATMENT S Liu Hong Cui Suping Tian Wei et al 63 Abstract Municipal sludge and several electroplating sludges were selected,whose components, composition, thermal characteristic and the distribution of different heavy metals Zn, Cr, Cd, Pb, Hg, Co, Ni and Aswere studied. The results of experiment show that the components of municipal sludge are closed to clay s, so the clay may be replacedwith municipal sewage sludge. They have highmass loss at lower temperature and the tend of weight loss is moderate at higher temperature; Zn,Ni and Cr are easy to remain in the bottom ash; Cu, As and Hg are difficult to enrichment, they are easy to volatilize. Treatment suggestion is given according to the characteristic of sludge at last. Keywords municipal sludge electroplating sludge thermal analysis heavy metal THE ENGINEERING USE OF COPPER PICKLING WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND COPPER RECOVERYZhao Jiqiang Gu Xiaoming Lin Xihua 67 Abstract A metal surface treatment limited company is taken as an example, it introduced that the treatment of production wastewater and water reuse zero emission technology for the copper acid surface treatment industry . It is proved by many years of operation and practice that the technology is advanced and feasible can achieve wastewater zero emission; and the grade of the recycling copper isvery high. It has great social, economic and environmental benefits. So it is a very practicalwastewater treatment and water reuse technology. Keywords copper pickling zero emissions copper recovery RESEARCH ON TREATMENT OF CORN STARCH WASTE WATER BY AEROBIC BIOLOGICAL PROCESSLi Zhanchen YuKai Li Xinyan 69 Abstract It is introduced that the present situation of study on treatment of starch waste water in our country and abroad, and the experimental research is done on the waste water of one firm in Xiongxian County of Baoding . After increaseing flocculant for recycling protein, this waste water enters into biochemical treatment, which then undergoes activated carbon adsorption. The total removal rate of COD is more than 95 and the water quality meets the local discharge standard. Keywords starchwaste water biotreatment of waste water activated carbon adsorption STUDY ON FACTORS AFFECTING BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF OILY SEWAGE FROM OIL FIELDSJiang Haiyang Chen Jinfu 71 Abstract Integrative reactor filledwith bio -membrane cultured and enriched spontaneously was employed to dispose oily wastewater from oil field.The main influencing factors are investigated in experiments, such as temperature, HRT, mineralization, COD volumetric load and packing material. Experiment results show that the microorganisms cultured and enriched using this can endure high temperature and high mineralization. The ideal effluent can be achieved under the temperature 45~ 65℃, HRT 10 h, COD volumetric load 0. 38~ 0. 49 kg m3d, oil concentration 22. 1~ 78. 3 mg L and mineralization 15 000 mg L, respectively.Study shows the average concentration of COD and oil in disposed wastewater is reduced to 67. 9 mg L and 3. 6 mg L respectively , which could meet the first-order of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard GB8978-1996. Keywords oily -wastewater bio -membrane hydrolysis-acidification biological aerated filter BAF AN EXAMPLE OF TREATING HIGH -CONCENTRATION METHANOL WASTEWATER WITH HYDROLYTIC ACIDIFICATION -TWO PHASE ANAEROBIC PROCESS Ma Wencheng Han Hongjun QuJiang et al 75 Abstract Hydrolytic acidification-two phase anaerobic processwas taken to treat the high -concentration methanolwastewater. Tests showed that this process presented well perance in the treatment of high-strength methanol wastewater.When the inflow COD of this process was between 7 000~ 11