工學院機械與機電工程學系 【機械與機電工程學系】 Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering 姓 名林正平 Cang-Pin Lin, Ph.D. 職 稱副教授兼系所主任Associate Professor and Chairman 學 歷美國馬里蘭大學機械工程博士 Maryland Univ., U.S.A. 專 長機械製造、電腦整合製造、生產控制與管理、系統模式與模擬 Mechanics Manufacturing, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Manufacturing Process Modeling and Optimization 電 話022462-2192 ext 3243 e-mail cplindavinci.me.ntou.edu.tw Refereed Papers 1. C.P. Lin, L.D. Jeng, Y.P. Lin and M.D. Jeng, 2005, “Management and Control of Ination Flow in CIM Systems Using UML and Petri Nets,” International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 182-3107-121. SCI 2. C.P. Lin, M.D. Jeng, 2006, An Expanded SEMATECH CIM Framework for Heterogeneous Applications Integration, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – Part A, 36176-90, January 2006. SCI 姓 名廖世平 Shih-Pin Liaw, Ph.D. 職 稱教授Professor 學 歷美國加州大學洛杉磯分校機械工程博士 UCLA, U.S.A. 專 長沸騰傳熱、流體力學、熱質傳 Boiling Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Mass Transfer 電 話022462-2192 ext 3214 e-mail spinmail.ntou.edu.tw Refereed Papers 1. Liaw, S.P., Yeh, R.H., and Yeh, W.T., 2005, “A Simple Design of Fin for Boiling Heat Transfer,“ International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 482493-2502.SCI 2. Yeh, R.H., Liaw, S.P. and Hong, J.Y., 2005, “Numerical and Experimental Study of Boiling Heat Transfer From a Single Cylindrical Fin,” Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 123225-237. SCI 3. Yeh, R.H., Liaw, S.P. and Ho, C.C., 2006, “Airside Heat and Mass Characteristics of Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchangers,“ Journal of Taiwan Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 252117-126. EI 4. Yeh, R.H., Liaw, S.P. and Tu, Y.P., 2007, “Transient Three-Dimensional Analysis of Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Plates,“ Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, 51573-592. SCI 5. 古介信,葉榮華,廖世平,2007, “STCW公約1995年修正案有關輪機方面之探討“,船舶科技,第三十三期, 31-53頁,中華民國船舶機械工程學會. 姓 名傅光華 Kuang-Hua Fuh, Ph.D. 職 稱教授 Professor 學 歷美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校機械工程博士 Wisconsin at Madison Univ., U.S.A. 專 長精密加工、精密量測 Precision Manufacturing, Precision Measurement 電 話022462-2192 ext 3223 e-mail a0065mail.ntou.edu.tw Refereed Papers 1. M.D. Chen, R.Q. Hsu and K.H. Fuh, 2005, “Effcets of Over-Roll Thickness on Cone Surface Roughness in Shear Spinning“, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 1591-8. 2. M.D. Chen, R.Q. Hsu and K.H. Fuh, 2005, “An Analysis of Force Distribution in Shear Spinning of Cone,“ International Journal of Mechanical Science, 47June902921. 姓 名林益煌 Yih-Hwang Lin, Ph.D. 職 稱教授 Professor 學 歷美國賓州州立大學機械工程博士 Pennsylvania State Univ., U.S.A. 專 長振動力學、結構控制、有限元素分析、機械設計 Mechanical Vibrations, Structural Control, Finite Element Analysis, Mechanical Design 電 話022462-2192 ext 3208 e-mail YHL2mail.ntou.edu.tw Refereed Papers 1. Y.-H. Lin*, H.-C. Wu, and C.-Y. Wu, 2006, “Automated condition classification of a reciprocating compressor using time–frequency analysis and an artificial neural network,” Smart Materials and Structures, 151576-1584. EI/SCI 2. C.-L. Chu, B.-S. Wu, and Y.-H. Lin*, 2006, “Active vibration Control of a Flexible Beam Mounted on an Elastic Base,” Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 4359-67. EI/SCI 3. H.-C. Yu, Y.-H. Lin* and C-L. Chu, 2007, “Robust Modal Vibration Suppression of a Flexible Rotor,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 21334-347. EI/SCI NSC 91-2611-E-019-024 4. C.-L. Chu, B.-S. Wu, and Y.-H. Lin*, 2007, “An Experimental Study on Active Micro-vibration Suppression of a Flexible Beam Mounted on an Elastic Base,” Measurerment Science and Technology, 181823-1830. EI/SCI. Other Publications 1. 林益煌,2005,具半正定特性之轉子的獨立模態振動控制,國科會專題研究成果報告。 2. 林益煌,2006,壓電慣性制動器應用於輸送流體之懸臂提摩憲柯管樑的被動與主動振動制抑,國科會專題研究成果報告。 3. 林益煌,2007,輸送流體管樑之動態分析與振動控制1/2,國科會專題研究成果報告。 姓 名黃男農 Nan-Nong Huang, Ph.D. 職 稱教授Professor 學 歷美國肯塔基大學工程力學博士 Kentucky Univ., U.S.A. 專 長複合材料力學、熱應力 Mechanics of Composite Materials and Thermal Stress 電 話022462-2192 ext 3227 e-mail b0120mail.ntou.edu.tw 姓 名洪瑞鴻 Jui-Hong Horng, Ph.D. 職 稱教授 Professor 學 歷國立中山大學電機工程博士 Natl. Sun Yat-Sen Univ., R.O.C. 專 長適應控制、電力工程 Supervisory Control, Data Acquisition 電 話022462-2192 ext 3247 e-mail b0243mail.ntou.edu.tw 姓 名王星豪 Shing-Hoa Gilbert Wang, Ph.D. 職 稱教授 Professor 學 歷美國科羅拉多礦冶學院冶金及材料工程博士 Colorado School of Mines, U.S.A. 專 長工程材料、物理冶金、材料機械行為、焊接冶金、金屬成形Engineering Materials, Physical Metallurgy, Mechanical Metallurgy, Welding Metallurgy, Metal ing 電 話022462-2192 ext 3221 e-mail shwangmail.ntou.edu.tw Refereed Papers 1. P.K. Chiu, K.L. Weng, S.H. Wang, J.R. Yang, Jason Fang, 2005, “Low-Cycle Fatigue Induced Martensite Transation in SAF 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel”, Material Science and Engineering A, 3982005349-359. NEC-91-2216-E-019-009 NEC-92-2216-E-019-010 NEC-93-2216-E-019-003 SCI, EI 2. Chih Sheng Huang, Shing Hoa Wang, Woei Shyan Lee, Tao-Hsing Chen, Charles Lien, 2005, “Dynamic Impact Behavior and Ferrite Variation of the Special stainless steels”, Scripta Materialia, 529843-849. NSC-91-2216-E-019-009 NSC-92-2216-E-019 -010 NSC-93-2216-E-019-003 SCI, EI 3. P.K. Chiu, S.H. Wang, K.L. Weng, J.R. Yang, Y.S. Huang, J. Fang, 2005, “A Study of Microstructure and Fatigue Property of Cyclic Plastic Deation in Duplex Stainless Steel and its Weldment”, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 372110-115. in Chinese NSC-91-2216-E-019-009 NSC-92-2216-E-019-010 NSC-93-2216-E-019-003 Referred 4. S.H. Wang, F.S. Chan, Y.D. Yao, 2005, “Stain Induced Electrical Resistivity and Magnetic Behavior in Inconel 600”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 447A4935-4938. SCI, EI 5. C.S. Huang, S.H. Wang, C.C. Wu, Y.S. Huang, Jason Fang, 2006, “Comparison of Strain Ratio Effect on Cyclic Plastic Deation for Special Stainless Steels“, Scripta Materialia, 5461181-1186. NSC-91-2216-E-019-009 NSC-92-2216-E-019-010 NSC-93-2216-E-019-003 SCI, EI 6. S. H. Wang, P.K. Chiu, J. R. Yang, Jason Fang, 2006, “Gammaγ phase Transation in Pulsed GTAW weld Metal of Duplex Stainless Steel”, Material Science and Engineering A, 4201-226-33. NSC-91-2216-E-019-009 NSC-92-2216-E-019-010 NSC-93-2216-E-019-003 SCI, EI 7. Feng Shiu Chan, Yeong Der Yao, Shing Hoa Wang, 2006, “Low Temperature Electrical Resistivity Study of Deed Inconel Alloy 600”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 3041e464-e466. SCI, EI 8. P.K. Chiu, S.H. Wang, J.R. Yang, K.L. Weng, Jason Fang, 2006, “The Effect of Strain Ratio on Morphology of Dislocation in Low Cycle Fatigued SAF 2205 DSS”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 981103-111. NSC-91-2216-E-019-009 NSC-92-2216-E-019-010 NSC-93-2216-E-019-003 SCI, EI 9. C.C.Wu, S.H.Wang, C.Y.Chen, J.R.Yang, P.K.Chiu, Jason Fang, April 2007, “Inverse effect of strain rate on mechanical behavior and phase transation of superaustenitic stainless steel”, Scripta Materialia, 568717-720. NSC-93-2216-E- 019-003 SCI,EI 10. C.C.Chiang, S.H.Wang, J.S.Chen, J.P.Chu, Y.F.Hsu, April 2007, “Bending embrittlement of as-welded FeAl alloys”, Intermetallics, 154564-570. NSC89-2216- E-019-005 SCI,EI 11. Shing-Hoa Wang, Pei-Hung Kuo, Hsiao-Tsung Tsang, Rong-Ruey Jeng and Yu-Lon Lin, 2007, “The influence of Sc addition on the welding microstructure of Zr-based bulk metallic glass the stability of the amorphous phase”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 91, P.171902. NSC-96-2221-E-019-017SCI 12. Shing-Hoa Wang, Chia-Chang Wu, Chih-Yuan Chen, Jer-Ren Yang, Po-Kay Chiu, Jason Fang, 2007, “Cyclic deation and phase transation of 6Mo superaustenitic stainless steel”, Metals and Materials International, Vol.13, No.4, PP.275-283. NSC-91-2216-E-019-009NSC-92-2216-E-019-010NSC-93-2216-E-019-003SCI Other Publications 1. 王星豪、黃義順、王誌聰、邱柏凱、黃智生、吳嘉昌,2005,特用型雙向不銹鋼銲件之低週期疲勞與高應變速率變形特性3/3,國科會專題研究成果報告。NSC 93-2216-E-019-003 2. 劉品鈞、施佑蓉、王星豪、洪敏雄,2005.08,材料科學與工程,W.F. Smith,第3版中譯本,McGraw-Hill。 3. 王星豪、楊家誌、李豪勳、蕭琬云,2006.07,高強度鈦合金腐蝕機械性質及接合特性研究--高強度鈦合金銲件殘留應力對塑性疲勞影響與高溫特性研究,國科會專題研究成果報告。NSC-94-2216-E-019-007 4. 王星豪、楊家誌、李豪勳、蕭婉云,2007.08,新α/β鈦合金素材及銲件之塑性疲勞殘留應力與高溫特性研究,國科會專題研究成果報告。NSC-95-2221-E-019-019 5. 蕭健男、王星豪,2007.07,材料科學與工程, W.F. Smith,4th 英文版,重點註解, McGraw Hill。 Patents 1. 王星豪, 郭倍宏, 林於隆, 常孝宗, 邱柏凱, 蔡宏營, ”含有微量鈧的鋯基金屬玻璃塊材的接合方法”, 中華民國發明專利,申請案號96144065, 2007年11月NSC-96-2221-E-019-017 2. 王星豪, 郭倍宏, 廖楷輝, 范國江, 常孝宗, 喬東春, 姜峰, ”塊狀金屬玻璃的擴散接合方法”, 中華民國發明專利,申請案號96148928, 2007年12月NSC-96-2221-E-019-017 姓 名劉進賢 Chein-Shan Liu, Ph.D. 職 稱特聘教授 Distinguished Professor 學 歷國立台灣大學土木工程博士 Natl. Taiwan Univ., R.O.C. 專 長塑性力學、應用數學、摩擦動力學、反算問題、數值方法 電 話022462-2192 ext 3252 e-mail csliumail.ntou.edu.tw Refereed Papers 1. Chein-Shan Liu, 2005, The asymptotic behavior of perfectly elastoplastic model under periodic square generalized strain paths, J. Chinese Inst. Engineers, vol.28, pp.131-146. SCI 2. Chein-Shan Liu and Chih-Wen Chang, 2005, Non-canonical Minkowski and pseudo-Riemann frames of plasticity models with anisotropic quadratic yield criteria,Int. J. Solids Structures, vol.42, pp.2851-2882. SCI 3. Chein-Shan Liu and Chi-Fu Li, 2005, Geometrical numerical algorithms for a plasticity model with Armstrong-Frederick kinematic hardening rule under strain and stress controls, Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng., vol.63, pp.1396-1423. SCI 4. Chein-Shan Liu, 2005, Computational applications of the Poincare group on the elastoplasticity with kinematic hardening, CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, vol.8, pp. 231-258. SCI 5. Chein-Shan Liu and Yu-Ling Ku, 2005, A combination of group preserving scheme and Runge-Kutta for the integration of Landau-Lifshitz equation,CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, vol. 9, pp.151-178. SCI 6. Chein-Shan Liu, 2005, Nonstandard group-preserving schemes for very stiff ordinary differential equations, CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, vol. 9, pp. 255-272. SCI 7. Chih-Wen Chang, Chein-Shan Liu and Jiang-Ren Chang, 2005, A group preserving scheme for inverse heat conduction problems, CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, vol. 10, pp. 13-38. SCI 8. Chein-Shan Liu, 2006, Reconcile the perfectly elastoplastic model to simulate the cyclic behavior and ratcheting, Int. J. Solids Structures, vol.43, pp.222-253. SCI 9. Chein-Shan Liu, 2006, Fractal basin of elastic shakedown attractors under cyclic rectilinear generalized strain paths, J. Chinese Inst. Engineers, vol. 29, pp. 109-124. SCI 10. Chein-Shan Liu, Po-Jui Su, 2006, Steady-state responses of a compliant friction slider under harmonic excitations, J. Chinese Inst. Engineers, vol. 29, pp. 549-555. SCI 11. Chein-Shan Liu, 2006, An efficient backward group preserving scheme for the backward in time Burgers equation, CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, vol.12, pp. 55-65. SCI 12. Chein-Shan Liu, Chih-Wen Chang and Jiang-Ren Chang, 2006, Past cone dynamics and backward group preserving schemes for backward heat conduction problems, CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, vol.12, pp. 67-81. SCI 13. Chein-Shan Liu, 2006, Preserving constraints of differential equations by numerical s based on integrating factors, CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, vol.12, pp. 83-107. SCI 14. Chein-Shan Liu, 2006, Computing Pragers kinematic hardening mixed-control equations in a pseudo-Riemann manifold, CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, vol.12, pp. 161-179. SCI 15. Chein-Shan Liu, 2006, A group preserving scheme for Burgers equation with very large Reynolds number, CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, vol.12, pp. 197-211. SCI 16. Chein-Shan Liu, 2006, The Lie-group shooting for nonlinear two-point boundary value problems exhibiting multiple solutions, CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, vol.13, pp. 149-163. SCI 17. Chein-Shan Liu, 2006, One-step GPS for the estimation of temperature-dependent thermal conductivity, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf., vol.49, pp.3084-3093. SCI 18. Chein-Shan Liu, 2006, Reids passive and semi-active hysteretic oscillators with friction force dependence on displacement, Int. J. Non-Linear Mechanics, vol.41, pp.775-786. SCI 19. Chein-Shan Liu, 2006, An efficient simultaneous estimation of temperature- dependent thermophysical properties, CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, vol.14, pp.77-90. SCI 20. Chein-Shan Liu, 2006, Efficient shooting s for the second order ordinary differential equations, CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, vol.15, pp.69-86. SCI 21. Chein-Shan Liu, 2006, The Lie-group shooting for singularly perturbed two-point boundary value problems, CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, vol.15, pp.179-196. SCI 22. Chein-Shan Liu, 2006, The computations of large rotation through an index two nilpotent matrix, CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, vol.16, pp.157-175. SCI 23. Chih-Wen Chang, Jiang-Ren Chang, Chein-Shan Liu, 2006, The Lie-group shooting for boundary layer equations in fluid mechanics, Journal of Hydrodynamics, vol. 18, Issue 3, Supplement 1, pp. 103-108. 24. Chein-Shan Liu, Chih-Wen Chang, Jiang-Ren Chang, 2006, The Lie-group shooting for steady-state Burgers equation with high Reynolds number,Journal of Hydrodynamics, vol. 18, Issue 3, Supplement 1, pp. 367-372. 25. Yung-Wei Chen, Chein-Shan Liu, Jiang-Ren Chang, 2007, A chaos detectable and time step-size adaptive numerical scheme for non-linear dynamical systems, J. Sound Vibration, vol.299, pp.977-989. SCI 26. Chein-Shan Liu, Li-Wei Liu, Hong-Ki Hong, 2007, Highly accurate computation of spatial-dependent heat conductivity and heat capacity in inverse thermal problem, CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, vol. 17, pp. 1-18. SCI 27. Chein-Shan Liu, 2007, A meshless regularized integral equation MRIEM for Laplace equation in arbitrary interior or exterior plane domains, ICCES on line Journal, vol. 3, pp. 57-67. 28. Chih-Wen Chang, Chein-Shan Liu, Jiang-Ren Chang, 2007, The Lie-group shooting for quasi-boundary regularization of backward heat conduction problems, ICCES on line Journal, vol. 3, pp. 69-79. 29. Chein-Shan Liu, Yung-Wei Chen, Jiang-Ren Chang, 2007, A new collocation for Motzs problem, ICCES on line Journal, vol. 3, pp. 93-99. 30. Chein-Shan Liu, 2007, A study of type I intermittency of a circular differential equation under a discontinuous right-hand side, J. Math. Anal. Appl., vol. 331, pp. 547-566. SCI 31. Jiang-Ren Chang, Chein-Shan Liu, Chih-Wen Chang, 2007, A new shooting for quasi-boundary regularization of backward heat conduction problems, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, vol. 50, pp. 2325-23