1 DRILLING PROFESSONAL WORDS unit one -personnel and post STUDY STUDY STUDY LEARNING PRACTISE 1.Are you a driller 2.Are you a technician of this crew 3.What is this toolpushers name 4.Is he a mud engineer Yes. He is a senior engineer. 5.He is a directional engineer. 6.He is an assistant driller. He is not a driller. Who is the driller of this shift 7.Mr. Leo is the driller of this shift. We are all roughnecks of this shift. 8.How many roughnecks and motormen are there in this shift 9.Is the driller on the drillfloor No .He is on the mud tank. 10. When did he begin to work as a rig manager How long have you worked as a toolpusher 11. How long have you worked as a mechanist 2 12. He is in charge of drilling operation. 13. Where do the floormen work The work on the drillfloor. 14. What is the toolpushers job He is in charge of the shift operation. 15. What is the derrickman responsible for Who is he responsible to 16. Derrickma is responsible for attaching or detaching the elevators, for clearing, oiling, greasing, inspecting and repairing the pulley blocks, etc. He is responsible to the toolpusher. 17. Who is the toolpusher responsible to He is responsible to the drilling supervisor. 18. What is the drilling supervisor responsible for He is responsible for all drilling operations. 19. The man driving the earthmover is LEO. 20. The man 0perating brake bar is our driller. 21. There are two roughnecks helping the driller get everything read for running in hole. 22. The man who operates a brake bar is a driller. 23. Here comes our superintendent. unit two-drilling fluids 1.How long have you worked as a mud boy I have been working as a mud boy since taking part in job. 2.In the petroleum industry, what is mud The fluid for cooling the bit is called mud. 3.Who mixes the mud Where is the mud mixed The floormen mix it at the mud tanks. 4.What is bentonite Bentonite is a clay .It consists of calcium, magnesium and aluminum. 5.How does the mud reach the bit It passes through the hollow string. 6.What do you take to check the quantity of salt in the mud 7.How many tons of barite can be placed there 8.On the day there was some mud in the tank .How many water was there in that one It is about ten cubic meters. 9.Will more salt water be needed Yes. It needs 50 cubic meters more. 10. Do you know how to keep this kind of mud material Under no conditions should this kind of mud material be put in the sun for too long. Otherwise its properties will go bad. 11. Do you know how to use these mud materials Before using these mud materials,we must know their properties. 12. How long will it take you to clear the mud tank This work takes up too much time to clear the mud tank. It will take us about three hours. 13. How often do you make an experiment with the mud properties Every four hours. 14. What is the name of the special fluid This fluid is called mud. 15. Who is the person in charge of the drilling fluid This fluid is called mud. 16. How do you check the mud from the bottom of the hole First,waiting for the mud to travel from the bottom up through the annulus to the surface. 17. Is the specific gravity of the drilling fluid programmed to be higher or lower than the specific gravity of the cuttings Why It must be higher so that it can hold the cuttings in suspension if the mud circulation stops. 18. If for any reason the mud circulation stops, the cuttings will be held in suspension 。 How Why Because the specific gravity of the mud is higher than the specific gravity of the cuttings. To prevent them from sinking and blocking up the bottom of the hole. 3 19. What are the principal purposes of drilling fluid There are six points of the principal purpose Clear the bottom of the hole; Cool the bit; cuttings from the hole; Support the walls of the well so that they do not cave in, Prevent the entry of ation fluid into the borehole; Lubricate the drill string stem. 20. What chemicals treating of mud is often used Many different kinds of chemicals are used to treat mud. 21. What chemical-treating reagent of mud did you used We have used many kinds of chemicals. For example SODA ASH sodium carbonate; SODIUM PHOSPHATE; SODIUM ACID PYROPHOSPHATE; CAUSTIC SODA sodium hydroxide ; QUEBRACHO; LIGNOSULFONATE; CALCIUM CHLORIDE; CMC carboxyl methyl cellulose; POLYACRYLAMIDE; EMULSIFYING AGENT; LIME calcium oxide. unit three-drilling fluids 1.We shall not need any more drilling fluid. 2.After starting the pump the drilling fluid is not getting cold. It is getting warm. 3.We went to the mud plant yesterday. 4.The mud here will not be polluted any more. 5.After stopping the pump the mud is not being heated .It is being cooled. 6.The circulating mud can give off heat. 7.The experiment carried out yesterday is very successful. 8.Using all kinds of mud materials, you must know each of them very well. 4 9.That mud tank is four times as large as this one. 10. The temperature of mud is as high as 70℃ centigrade. 11. The higher the temperature .the greater the pressure. 12. The level of mud liquid goes up or down as its temperature changes. 13. Mud can flow from one part to another as if it were water. 14. It is necessary for us to make great efforts to develop new material for drilling fluid. 15. After having carried out the experiment with the new type of mud in our laboratory ,I shall tell you the results. 16. It is know to be true that the greatest waste caused in mud is by pollution. Therefore it is necessary to overcome it in every way possible. 17. Do you think it is necessary for us to check the mud level It may be too low. 18. No proof has been given of this mud material being harmful .Therefore ,it is still much used. 19. Such mud materials as you are now supplying have distinct advantages over those we got before. 20. If a better mud material had been used, the efficiency would have been much increased. 21. Would you mind opening that valve for us 22. Ihave made it clear to him that precautions must be taken before the deals with this mixture. 23. Get me the mud scale, please. 24. We can’t get this work done by a mud boy. 25. This sort of mud material has many properties. 26. There was something wrong with the mud instrument. They had to repeat their experiment once again. 27. We can’t have you wasting the mud material in this way. 28. You had better improve the equipment with the mud engineer. 29. Yesterday they made two times of experiment in mud property. 30. We must make the phenomena clear. 31. We manufacture mud tank of all makes in large quantities . 32. This road will take us to the mud plant. 33. This mud material will not take fire. 34. This mud material will soon take effect. 35. The cuttings are carried to the surface by a special fluid. 36. Mud is a mixture of clay ,water and chemicals. 37. The mud engineer tells the floormen how to mix the mud at the mud tanks. 38. We’ll have to check the mud tanks. 39. Mud is not only used for carrying the cuttings up to the surface and is also used for keeping the bit cool. 40. The drilling fluid is controlled by the mud engineer. 41. The mud man is checking the water loss of the drilling fluid. 42. Drilling mud often must be chemically treated to control viscosity and other properties. unit four-Drilling Fluids 1.泥浆 mud ,drilling fluid 5 2.泥浆挡板mud baffle 3.泥 将 比 重 秤mud balance 4.泥 浆 储 存 箱mud bin 5.泥 饼 结 构mud body 6.泥 饼 桥mud bridge 7.泥 饼mud cake 8.泥 饼 校 正mud cake correction 9.泥 饼 效 应mud cake effect 10. 泥 饼 电 阻 率mud cake resistivity 11. 每 分 钟 泥 浆 流 量 加 仑 数mud circulation gallons per minute 12. 泥 浆 柱mud column 13. 泥 浆 处 理 剂mud conditioner 14. 泥 浆 电 导 率mud conductivity 15. 泥 浆 性 能 控 制mud control 16. 泥 浆 杯mud cup 17. 泥 浆 密 度mud density 18. 除 砂 器mud desander 19. 泥 浆 槽mud ditchmud flume 20. 泥 浆 防 漏 纤 维 屑mud fiber 21. 泥 浆 滤 液mud filtrate 22. 泥 浆 流mud flow 23. 泥 浆 枪mud gun 24. 泥 浆(口语)mud laden fluid 25. 泥 浆 净 化 槽mud launder 26. 泥 浆 管 线mud line 27. 结 泥 饼mud lining 28. 泥 浆 录 井 图mud log 29. 泥 浆 录 井mud logging 30. 泥 浆 漏 失mud loss 31. 井 漏 探 测 器mud-loss instrument 32. 造 浆 岩 层mud making ation 33. 泥 浆 搅 拌 器mud mixer 34. 泥 封mud off 35. 泥 浆 池mud pit 36. 泥 浆 站mud plant 37. 泥 浆 压 力 计mud pressure indicator 38. 泥 浆 设 计mud program 39. 泥 浆 回 收mud reclamation 40. 泥 浆 记 录mud record 41. 泥 饼 圈mud ring 42. 泥 浆 试 样mud sample 43. 泥 浆 比 重 计mud scale 44. 泥 浆 筛mud screen 45. 泥 浆 分 离 器mud separator 6 46. 泥 浆 沉 淀 池mud settling sump 47.振 动 筛mud shaker 48.捞 砂 筒mud socket 49.泥 浆 稳 定 性mud stability 50.泥 浆 流mud stream 51.泥 浆 缸mud tank 52.泥 浆 增 稠 剂mud thickeners 53.泥 浆 减 稠 剂mud thinner 54.泥 浆 比 重mud weight 55.泥 浆 比 重 天 平mud weight balance 56.泥 浆 比 重 指 示 剂mud weight indicator 57.泥 浆 粘 度mud viscosity 58.水 基 泥 浆water-base mud 59.水 基 混 油 泥 浆water-base oil emulsion 60.油 包 水 乳 化 液water-in-oil emulsion 61.失 水 量water loss 62.淡 水 泥 浆water mud 63.初 切 力/静 切 力gel initial/get of mudgel strength 64.PH 值 PH-value; PH 值 记 录 仪PH-record; PH 值 测 定 计PH- meter 65.含 盐 量salt content; 含 盐 的salt bearing; 含 水 的water bearing 66.含 砂 量sand content; 盐 水 泥 浆 salt mud; 盐 水salt water 67.盐 水 基 泥 浆salt water base mud; 含 盐 泥 浆salt mud; 盐 析salting-out unite five-tools 1.What is this It is a jet bit. 2.What are these These are subs and X-overs crosssovers. 3.What are those They are lifting subs lifting nipple, elevator plug. 4.Is this a slip Yes. It is a 5” slip. 5.They are safety slips and elevators, aren’t they 6.Which one is longer The drill pipe or heavy weight drill pipe 7.Do they use these wellhead tools every day 8.We made two subs in the machine shop. 9.Is there any taper tap in the tool house There are 3 box bells and 2 taper taps. 10. Is there any tool box in the doghouse 11. There are many hand tools in the toolbox. 12. How many monkey wrenches are there in the toolbox 13. I am looking for a short sub. 14. We are going to put these two new tongs into that room. 15. Have you measured those spiral collars and flex joints 16. You must have used the hydraulic bent subs knuckle which are made in our company The efficiency is very good. 17. The tool I need is a cutting torch. 7 18. Did you see those new fishing tools 19. Does the pipe yard make elevator 20. Did he use this adjustable wrench 21. Whose hand vice is it 22. Where is the bench vice parallel vice 23. The big hammer is in the pump house. 24. Is there any chain wrench on the drillfloor 25. Please get a pipe wrench. 26. Put these bolts into that room. 27. Please pt these two elevator plugs onto drillfloor. 28. They have not measured the length of spiral drill collars and nonmagnetic collars. 29. We should go to machine shop to repair the Kelly spinner the day after tomorrow. 30. There screw drivers have not yet been used at all. 31. These are the screw jacks for you to repair. 32. They suggested that the hydraulic knuckle be carried out on the wellsite to check. 33. If I had such a single-shot inclinometer instrument on my hand, I would let you have it for some time. 34. I put two pliers into the toolbox yesterday. 35. We have just installed the grinding machine abrasive machine yesterday. 36. The bench drill does no t work. Please repair it. 37. There are two tube cutters pipe cutting machine on the worksite. 38. Please tell me where the pushcart is 39. Do you operate this fork lift truck unite six-wellsite and vehicles 1.Is the crane on the location No, it is on the way. 2.How many tractors are there on the drillsite There is a dozer on the drillsite. No tractor over there. 3.Is there any truck on the drilling worksite 4.Are there any pipe racks on the drilling location 5.We shall build a new warehouse here. 6.He cleared the truck with water this morning. 7.How long have you lived in the worksite I have lived here for a long time. 8.While they were loading the truck with bad elevators, we were unloading the truck with new one. 9.What fuel is burnt in this car It is number 85 of petrol gasoline. 10. What do you think of your working here It is an honour for me to be asked to work here. 11. What is the toolpusher doing He is finding more jobs for roughnecks to do. 12. Which direction is it to the wellsite 13. How much water will be used on the wellsite A wellsite cannot do without water. 14. He will try to get round the location to see what is being done. 15. How many kilometers does this truck make per hour 16. How many square meters does this drilling location take 8 17. Will you please measure that truck to see how wide it is 18. Please load the truck with bad tongs, slips and elevators. 19. All the spare parts ready to be delivered are stored in that warehouse. Please check them before the trucks come. 20. There is always more than enough of everything here. 21. It is an honour to us that you have come to visit our drillsite. 22. Let us get down to business. 23. How are you getting on with your job 24. Standing between the two water tanks is a big boiler. 25. The driver looked over the engine carefully lest it should go wrong on the day. unit seven-drilling equipment and rig up 1.When do you start to rig up 2.What can this equipment do for us 3.This is a mud separator. 4.Yesterday we buried dead man guy anchor. They installed guy lines. 5.How many guy clamps did you fit on the end of guyline The six clamps are fitted on each line. 6.Did they install all equipment in only day 7.How are you getting on with your work these days Our work has not advanced much these few days. 8.What time are you going to have rest I shall be working till you come 9.You ought to fulfill your duties. 10.What has been done to improve the equipment They installed one more lubricator on this equipment. 11.It will be cold tonight .Would you please use boiler to provide with steam 12.How much does this equipment weigh The equipment is so heavy that it cannot be moved without using a crane. But I don’t know the exact weigh. 13.What time are you going to install the drawworks 14.How long can we use this equipment for each time It is not good to be using this equipment for too long at a time .You d better check it every six hours. 15.Do you operate that type of electric rig Having been trained in a factory for some time ,We knew how to operate that type of electric rig and carry out the maintenance. 16.The decision being made we began to make out a plan in detail and prepare the necessary material. 17.When did they finish rigging up and adjusting work 18.Where did you see the installing instruction book of this rig 19.How long will it take you to finish installing this rig set 20.We need at least another fifty meters of wire line. 21.Which of you will go with me to the warehouse 22.How many kinds of equipment are there on this wellsite 23.Now finish rigging up, please spud in. 24.There have been more rigs here since last year. 9 25.Does the bolt fit the nut 26.To install with high precision is