摘 要 三河尖煤矿隶属徐州矿务集团,地处江苏省沛县龙固镇境内,距徐州市92KM,距沛县县城约27KM。交通便利,矿区有徐(州)沛(屯)铁路专用线在沙塘车站与陇海线接轨,通向全国各方。矿区内无山,属淮河流域的黄泛冲积平原,矿井陆地部分地势平坦,略向东北倾斜,地面标高31.86~36.64m,地表广泛分布第四系松散冲积物,平均厚度177m。三河尖煤矿井田面积走向长度12.2km,南北倾向宽度为2.3~4.8km。井田面积约33.3 km2。本井田含煤地层为下二迭统石盒子组和山西组、上石岩统太原组群,共含煤25层,煤层总厚15.35m,可采煤层为四层,即山西组的7、8号层,太原群的17、21号层。现开采7、8号煤层,可开采煤层总厚8.07m,可开采系数3.9。生产井实测煤尘爆炸指数35以上,火焰长度100~750mm。各煤层均有煤尘爆炸危险。矿井沼气相对涌出量为10m3/t,属低沼气矿井。本矿设计能力为240万吨/年,服务年限为70年。大巷采用集中岩石大巷,布置在煤层底板的稳定岩层中,两层间使用集中石门联系。工作面采用单一煤层一次采全高的走向长壁综合机械化放顶煤采煤法。顶板管理采用全部跨落法。矿井通风为两翼对角式通风,东、西翼采区分别布置一个回风井。由副井进风,两采区回风井单独回风,通风方式为抽出式。运输大巷采用钢芯胶带机运输,辅助运输使用1.5吨固定箱式矿车,主井提升使用两对12吨箕斗,副井采用多绳摩擦式绞车提升一对1.5吨矿车的双罐笼完成提升、运人、运料的任务。 关键词层间距 立井 两翼对角式通风 多水平开采 分煤层大巷 Abstract Sanhejian coal mine belongs to Xuzhou mining group, located in Longgu town, Peixian County in Jiangsu Province. It is about 92 km away from Xuzhou city and about 27 km away from Peixian County. The traffic is very convenient to the coal mine. There is the railway line from Xuzhou to Peitun, which is intersected with Longhai railway line by Shatang station, opening into national parties. In the mining area, having no mountains, it is alluvial plain in the Huaihei valley flooded by Yellow River. The terrain of land in the mine is flat, slightly inclining to the northeast. The ground elevation is 31.86 36.64m, the quaternary loose alluvium is widely distributed on the surface and its average thickness is 177 m. It’s about 12.2 km on the strike and 2.3~4.8 km on the dip, with the total area about 33.3 km2.The coal-bearing series in the mine field are Lower Permian Shihhotze series、Shanxi ation and Upper Rock Taiyuan group, totally including 25 seam, and its total thickness is 15.35 m. There are four minable coal seam, that is ,7、8 of Shanxi ation and 17、21 of Taiyuan group. The 7 and 8 are the main mining coal seam now, and the total thickness of minable coal seam is 8.07 m, exploitation coefficient is 3.9. The index of coal dust explosibility is above 35 through measuring, the flame length is 100~750 mm. The coal seam has the characteristic of explosion hazard. The relative gas emission rate is 10 m3/t, belonging to a low gas mine. The designed mine capacity is 2.4 Mt/a, and the mine life is 70 years. Main roadway uses gathering rock main roadway, arranging in the stable rock of coal seam floor, with gathering cross-cut keeping the link between the two seams. Single coal bed of mining all height at one time, that is, strike long-wall fully-mechanized top coal caving is used in coal face, using fully caving to deal with goal. The mine ventilation is two-wing diagonal ventilation, respectively arranging one return-air shaft in east and west mining-district. The ventilation mode is exhaust ventilation, which enters air through auxiliary shaft and returns air through return-air shaft. Steel core belt conveyor to transport coal resource is used in main haulage way, and mine car with 1.5 ton to be assistant transport. Main shaft uses skip with 16 ton to lift coal resource, double-cage with 1.5 ton lifted by multi-rope friction type winch to be assistant transport. Keywords interlayer distance; shaft; two-wing diagonal ventilation; multi-level mining; main roadway for double seam