探讨Xpress-MP在铝土矿配矿优化中的应用 xpress-mp在铝土矿配矿优化中的应用 英文标题xpress-mp matchs mine to optimize medium application in bauxite 文章标号dsnk 文章级别硕士论文 本篇论文剩余部分,请联系九旭论文代写网站客服qq论文写作1210196822 论文发表 739878127 论文咨询1210196822②,联系电话013155803009。 关键词 xpress-mp; 铝土矿; 配矿; 数学模型; 梗概 合理的配矿和规划是整个铝土矿山生产中的重要环节。根据矿山生产实际,通过建立配矿的数学模型,利用先进运筹学优化仿真软件xpress-mp进行运算,确定了最优的配矿方案;同时指出,xpress-mp在矿业领域有很大的应用前景。 英文梗概 distributing mine and program reasonably is whole bauxite the important segment in hill production. produce according to mine actual, through building the mathematical model that distributes mine, use advanced operational research to optimize emulation software xpress-mp to have operation, decided; of best plan matching mine points out at the same time, xpress-mp has very big application perspective in mining industry domain.