华中科技大学 博士学位论文 颗粒群平衡模拟的随机模型与燃煤可吸入颗粒物高效脱除的研 究 姓名赵海波 申请学位级别博士 专业热能工程 指导教师郑楚光 20070501 I 华华 中中 科科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论论 文文 摘摘 要要 可吸入颗粒物空气动力学直径小于 10m 的颗粒物, 简称为 PM 或 PM10已经成 为大气环境污染的突出问题. 由于 PM 的微观性和其生成、生长和演变所经历的复杂 物理化学过程, 无论是对其的采样和物理化学特征分析、在燃烧过程中的形成机理和 微尺度动力学演变规律, 还是在自然条件和外加条件下的非线性和非稳态运动规律、 各种高效捕集策略的设计和优化等方面, 人们都缺乏足够的认识, 特别是缺乏相关的 理论描述和定量描述. 本文正是在此背景下, 为燃煤 PM 复杂的动力学演变过程包括 碰撞、凝并、破碎、冷凝/蒸发、成核和沉积等动力学事件构建颗粒群平衡模拟随机 模型的完整数值模拟体系结构, 并以此为平台对静电除尘器和湿式除尘器的除尘过 程、自然环境中 PM 的干沉降和湿沉降过程进行颗粒群平衡模拟, 对这些除尘机理进 行深入分析, 最终以此为基础对两种高效PM除尘技术静电增强湿式除尘器和静电布 袋混合除尘器进行可行性分析和运行优化, 为其工业化应用提供理论基础和技术指 导. 本文的研究成果包括 1 零维颗粒群平衡模拟的随机算法零维颗粒群平衡模拟的随机算法 本文引入“加权虚拟颗粒”概念而发展了一种全新的零维颗粒群平衡模拟随机算 法多重 Monte Carlo Multi-Monte Carlo, MMC算法. 该算法具有时间驱动 Monte Carlo MC、常数目法和常体积法的特点, 由于跟踪数目较少的虚拟颗粒群而具备适 用于工程计算的计算代价, 由于保持恒定的虚拟颗粒总数目而具有稳定的计算精度, 由于保持恒定的计算区域体积和基于时间驱动技术而具有与两相湍流模型无缝耦合 的扩展性. 特殊工况下 MMC 算法结果与相应的理论分析解之间的良好吻合, 证明该 算法能够以较高计算精度和计算效率描述初始单分散性或多分散性颗粒群工况、单动 力学事件或复合动力学事件工况等. 本文首次建立了MC算法对颗粒尺度分布时间演变过程描述精度的定量评判方法. 以此为基础, 定量比较了时间驱动直接模拟 MC、阶梯式常体积法、常数目法和 MMC 算法对于各种动力学事件的描述精度, 并定性分析了各种 MC 数值误差的来源和计算 代价的主要贡献源. 针对 MMC 算法所表现的“常数目误差”, 通过建立“异数目权值虚 拟颗粒群策略”以及相应的“异数目权值虚拟颗粒凝并准则”、在时间驱动 MC 中引入接 受-拒绝法来数值实现标准 Markov 过程、 发展“常数目方案”和“阶梯式常数目方案”来恢 复虚拟颗粒数目等手段, 对 MMC 算法进行改进. 多种 MC 算法之间的定量比较表明, 改进的 MMC 算法已经成为时间驱动 MC 中计算精度和计算效率最高的算法之一. 基于事件驱动 MC 对解藕误差的免疫及高计算精度和效率的认识, 本文发展了另 II 华华 中中 科科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论论 文文 外一种全新的零维颗粒群平衡模拟随机算法事件驱动常体积EDCV 法. 该算法 仍然引入“加权虚拟颗粒”的概念和保持常体积特征, 并把“等数目权值虚拟颗粒群策 略”和“异数目权值虚拟颗粒群策略”、累积概率法和接受-拒绝法、“常数目方案”和“阶 梯式常数目方案”以及“重整方案”等技术统一在一个框架下. 通过对多种主流 MC 的 定量比较, 证明EDCV法成为目前零维颗粒群平衡模拟中计算精度和计算效率最高的 随机算法之一. 2 多维颗粒群平衡模拟的随机算法多维颗粒群平衡模拟的随机算法 通过把描述颗粒动力学演变的改进 MMC 算法与描述两相湍流场的欧拉-拉氏模 型的无缝耦合, 首次发展了一种多维颗粒群平衡模拟的随机算法多维 MMC 算 法. 该算法引入网格划分技术和设置合适的时间步长, 采用随机过程来判断碰撞/凝并 等动力学事件的发生、寻找碰撞/凝并伙伴、建立碰撞动力学等. 对细微颗粒流和粗重 颗粒流中颗粒碰撞和凝并过程进行了数值模拟, 模拟结果与直接数值模拟DNS结果 实现定量上的较好吻合, 证明所构建的多维多重 Monte Carlo 算法为四向耦合的两相 湍流模型和多维颗粒群平衡模拟提供一个高精度和高效率的数值描述方案. 采用所发 展的MC算法考察了轴对称突扩通道有旋气固两相流中颗粒碰撞对于两相流场的影响, 发现颗粒之间的相互碰撞使得颗粒速度和雷诺应力重新分配并趋于各向同性, 而颗粒 湍动能及颗粒-流体脉动速度关联降低. 3 传统除尘装置和自然环境对传统除尘装置和自然环境对 PM 的除尘机理研究的除尘机理研究 为了理解外加条件对 PM 动力学特性的作用机理, 采用事件驱动常体积法对典型 的静电和湿式除尘器进行了颗粒群平衡模拟. 发现静电力与惯性力的相互竞争导致 0.11m 的细微颗粒难以被静电除尘器捕集, 而布朗扩散和惯性碰撞机制对 0.11m 区间颗粒物影响最小也导致其难以被湿式除尘器的液滴所捕集. 对 300MW 燃煤锅炉 配备的静电除尘器进口和出口烟尘颗粒进行现场采样, 并进行实际静电除尘器的颗粒 群平衡模拟, 模拟结果和是试验结果达到定量的吻合. 为了描述从除尘器逃逸出来的 PM 在自然环境中的沉降过程, 并借鉴大自然的自 身净化机制, 采用多重Monte Carlo算法对自然环境中PM的干沉降和湿沉降过程进行 数值模拟. 发现大自然对 0.3m 附近的中等尺度颗粒物难以自身净化, 降雨量的增加 有利于各种尺度颗粒物的湿去除, 而雨滴几何平均尺度越小、雨滴几何标准偏差越小, 越有利于小尺度和中等尺度颗粒物的湿去除, 但稍稍不利于大尺度颗粒物的湿去除. 4 高效高效 PM 除尘技术的可行性分析和运行优化除尘技术的可行性分析和运行优化 通过对自然条件和外加条件下 PM 动力学演变规律的认识, 采用复合外加条件提 高 PM 的除尘效率. 对两种高效 PM 除尘技术静电增强湿式除尘器和静电布袋混合除 III 华华 中中 科科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论论 文文 尘器进行了颗粒群平衡模拟, 并以此为基础对这些除尘技术进行了可行性分析. 模拟 结果表明两种除尘技术均可能达到 99以上的整体质量除尘效率和整体数量除尘效 率. 对静电增强湿式除尘器的优化运行分析表明, 增大含尘气流输运速度或减小液滴 喷射速度、 增大液气比或液滴荷质比、 减小液滴几何平均尺度和几何标准偏差使得喷 雾液滴越细和越均匀, 可以提高该种除尘器对 PM 的除尘效率. 关键词关键词Monte Carlo 算法 颗粒群平衡模拟 可吸入颗粒物 颗粒尺度分布 除尘技术 数值模拟 多相流 V 华华 中中 科科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论论 文文 Abstract Inhalable particles or particulate matter PM or PM10, whose aerodynamic diameters are less than 10m, have been the serious problem of air pollution. Because of the micromechanism of PM and the complicated physicochemical process of its ation, growth and evolution, little ination relating with theoretical model and quantitative description was reported, not only about its sampling and analysis of the physicochemical characteristic, or its ation mechanism and micro-scale dynamic evolution during coal combustion, but also about its nonlinear and nonsteady evolution in natural environment or the imposed external force and condition, or even the design and optimization of high-efficiency capture strategy. On this condition, the integrated framework of the stochastic model of population balance modeling is constructed for the numerical simulation of dynamic evolution of PM from coal combustion, including particle collision, coagulation, breakage, condensation/evaporation, nucleation and deposition. Besides, the stochastic model of population balance modeling is used to simulate numerically the dust-removal process of electrostatic precipitator and wet scrubber, the dry deposition and wet scavenging of particles in the natural environment. Those removal mechanisms in those industrial or natural processes are analyzed quantificationally. Based on this, two techniques with high PM-removal efficiency, i.e., the gravitational wet scrubbers with electrostatic enhancement and the electrostatic-bag hybrid precipitator, are proposed. Therefore, feasibility analysis and operation optimization are taken against the two techniques, which will provide theoretical basis and technical guide for their industrial application. The main points are as following 1 Stochastic algorithm for zero-dimensional population balance modeling The concept of “weighted fictitious particle” is instructed and a new multi-Monte Carlo MMC is developed to realize numerically zero-dimensional population balance modeling. The MMC has characteristics of time-driven Monte Carlo, constant-number and constant-volume . It has the receivable computational cost in engineering because the fictitious particle population is tracked, whose number is greatly less than that of real particle population; it exhibits the stable and high computation precision because of the constant number of fictitious particles; it also shows the friend expansibility coupling perfectly with two-phase turbulent models due to its constant-volume characteristic and time-driven frame. The MMC is used to simulate some special cases including initial monodisperse or polydisperse particle population, independent or simultaneous dynamic events, in which complete or partial VI 华华 中中 科科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论论 文文 analytical solutions exist. The good agreement between MMC solutions and the corresponding analytical solutions proves that MMC has high and stable computational precision and efficiency. For the first time, the accuracy of MC s has been quantified on basis of standard deviations in calculation of properties of particle size distribution. This approach is be used for accuracy analysis of time-driven direct simulation Monte Carlo, stepwise constant volume, constant number and MMC . And then the source of numerical error and the contributor of numerical cost are analyzed qualitatively on the basis of quantitative comparison. With respect to the so-called “constant number error” of MMC , it is improved by some measures including the establishment of the procedure of “differently weighted fictitious particle population” and the corresponding coagulation rule between “differently weighted fictitious particles”; the introduction of the acceptance-rejection to realize numerically the standard Markov process in the time-driven MC; the development of “constant number scheme” and “stepwise constant number scheme” to restore the number of fictitious particles. The quantitative comparison among some kinds of MCs shows that the improved MMC has been one of the most high-precision and high-efficiency s among time-driven MC techniques. With the understanding that event-driven MC exhibits the congenital immunity to “uncoupling error” and high precision and efficiency, a new event-driven constant volume EDCV for zero-dimensional population balance modeling is developed. The still introduces the concept of “weighted fictitious particle” and conserves the characteristic of constant volume. Furthermore, the following different techniques, the procedure of “equally or differently weighted fictitious particle population”, the cumulative probabilities or acceptance-rejection s, “constant number scheme” or “stepwise constant number scheme” or “resetting scheme”, are unified within the one framework. By the comparison of several popular MCs, it’s concluded that the EDCV has come into the MC family of the highest precision and efficiency. 2 Stochastic algorithm for multi-dimensional population balance modeling The multi-dimensional MMC for multi-dimensional population balance modeling is founded by means of the perfect coupling of the improved MMC for the particle dynamic evolution and the Euler-Lagrangian model for two-phase turbulent flows. The introduces the spatially grid-plotting technique and sets the right time-step. Furthermore, the stochastic process is utilized to judge the occurrence of the dynamic events such as collision/coagulation, to search the collision/coagulation partner, and to establish the collision dynamics. Two standard cases, fine particle flows and heavy particle flows, are chosen to validate the multi-dimensional MMC for the description of particle collision and coagulation. The simulation results of MMC VII 华华 中中 科科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论论 文文 are in good agreement with those of direct numerical simulation DNS, which indicates the proposed multi-dimensional MMC has constructed a high-efficiency and high-precision numerical plat for four-ways coupling two-phase turbulent models and multi-dimensional population balance modeling. In order to investigate the influence of particle collision on the two-phase flows field, the proposed MC is used to simulate a swirling gas-particle flows which tack place in an axial symmetry and suddenly expanded pipe. The result shows, the velocity and Reynold stress of particle phase are redistributed and is inclined to isotropy; and turbulence kinetic energy of particle phase and fluctuation velocity correction of particle-gas phase are attenuated. 3 The research on the PM collection mechanisms in traditional dust control units and natural environment In order to understand the dynamic mechanism of PM when imposed by external force and condition, the event-driven constant volume is adopted to simulate the dynamic process of fly ashes in typical electrostatic precipitator and wet scrubber. The simulation results indicate that, the competition between the inertia force and the electric force of fly ash in electrostatic precipitator results in the low collection efficiency of fine particles with size 0.11m; and fine particles with size 0.11m in wet scrubber are scavenged by drops with low efficiency because not only Brownian diffusion mechanism but also inertial impaction mechanism have a weak effect on those intermediate particles. Moreover, low pressure impactor is used to sample locally the fly ashes of the inlet and outlet of electrostatic precipitator in a 300MW coal-fired boiler, and then the collection process is decribed by population balance modeling. The simulation results agree with the experimental results well. In order to describe quantitatively the sedimentation process of PM from the outlet of dust separator, and to learn the self-purification mechanism of nature, the dry deposition and wet removal process of particles are simulated by the multi-Monte Carlo . The numerical results show that, it’s difficult for nature to settle the intermediate particles of about 0.3m by its self-purification mechanism; the increase of rainfall intensity will benefit the wet scavenging of particles with any size; the smaller geometric mean diameter or geometric standard deviation of raindrops can help scavenge small and intermediate particles better, though large particles are prevented from being collected in some ways. 4 The feasibility analysis and operation optimization of two techniques with high PM-removal efficiency Owe to the understanding of the dynamic laws of PM in the natural and imposed condition, the hybrid external conditions or forces are adopted to enhance the collection efficiency of PM. Population balance modeling and then feasibility analysis are taken against two PM-removal techniques with high efficiency, saying, the gravitational wet VIII 华华 中中 科科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论论 文文 scrubbers with electrostatic enhancement and the electrostatic-bag hybrid precipitator. The simulation results indicate that overall number and mass efficiency reach to 99 in the two techniques. Operation optimization of the gravitational wet scrubbers with electrostatic enhancement shows that, the faster gas velocity or the slower droplet velocity, and the smaller geometric mean diameter or geometric standard deviation of droplets that is, the finer or evener droplets, and the bigger liquid-to-gas flow ratio or charge-to-mass ratio of droplets, can help remove PM. Keywords Monte Carlo Population balance modeling Particulate matter Particle size distribution Dust-removal technique Numerical simulation Multiphase flows 独创性声明独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的 研究成果。尽我所知,除文中已经标明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个 人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出贡献的个人和集体, 均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名 日期 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即学校有权保 留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本 人授权华中科技大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索, 可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。 保密□, 在 年解密后适用本授权书。 不保密□。 (请在以上方框内打“√” ) 学位论文作者签名 指导教师签名 日期 年 月 日 日期 年 月 日 本论文属于 1 华华 中中 科科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论论 文文 1 绪论绪论 1.1 研究背景研究背景 1.1.1 可吸入颗粒物的排放现状可吸入颗粒物的排放现状 1980 年以来中国经济的高速稳定增长促使了能源需求的快速增长和能源工业规 模的不断扩大. 中国的国情决定, 无论是过去、 现在还是可以预见的将来, 以燃煤为主 的火力发电机组是最主要的电力供应者[1]. 它在保障经济高速稳定增长和提高人民生 活品质的同时, 也对生态环境造成了极大的污染. 美国环境保护协会EPA[2]认为“燃 烧装置向大气排放的主要污染物有 有害的有机成分如苯平芘、硫化物、氮氧化物、 未燃尽可燃物以及重金属, 其中尤以亚微米量级颗粒形式存在的重金属排放物具有最 大的威胁性”. 一般把大气中粒径 100μm 以下的颗粒物称为总悬浮颗粒物TSP, 而可吸入颗粒 物Inhalable Particles, IP是指通过鼻和嘴进入人体呼吸道的颗粒物总称, 通常就是指 空气动力学直径小于 10μm 的颗粒, 用 PM10PM 是 Particulate Matter 的简写表示, 或 简称为 PM, 其中 10μm 以下的颗粒物可以进入口腔, 7μm 以下的细微颗粒物可以进入 咽喉, 而尺度小于2.5微米的颗粒称为可入肺颗粒Respirable Particles, 俗称PM2.5, 它 能够进入人体肺泡并沉积下来, 甚至进入血液循环系统中去[3]. 燃煤排放的烟尘和各种工业粉尘粒径范围在 0.01100μm 之间是大气悬浮颗粒 物的重要来源. 这些颗粒物逃逸出各种除尘装置电除尘器、 湿式除尘器、 机械除尘器、 过滤式除尘器等[4]而进入大气之中, 可以称其为一次颗粒物. 燃煤对大气中 PM 的另 外一大贡献是排放出的污染气体如 SOx、NOx、NH3、挥发性有机化合物、重金属蒸 汽、各种矿物质的挥发性组分等在大气中由于羟基、臭氧和光等作用、通过气-粒或 气-液转化过程而形成的二次颗粒物[5]. 根据各年度中国环境状况公报, 全国烟尘和工业粉尘的排放量仍然维持在一个 较高的水平, 如表 1.1 所示[6], 燃煤电厂是工业烟尘最大的贡献者. 我国绝大部分燃煤 电站、工业锅炉和炼钢厂、炼焦厂和水泥厂等均安装了除尘装置, 这些除尘装置对于 烟尘能够达到很高的质量除尘效率, 基本上能够清除 10μm 以上的粗颗粒, 但是对于 PM10特别是 PM2.5的捕集效率很低, 例如, 某燃煤电厂采用的静电除尘器整体质量除 尘效率高达 99.36, 但是对于 PM10和 PM2.5的质量除尘效率分别为 98.5和 90.6, 排入到大气中的PM10和PM2.5分别占烟尘总数目的35.56和92.47[7]. 也就是说, 排 2 华华 中中 科科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论论 文文 入到大气中的颗粒物中, 微米量级甚至亚微米量级的 PM 在数量百分比上占据很大的 份额. 全国人为一次颗粒物排放量目前基本维持在 2100 万吨/年以上, 且由于工业耗 煤量的增加趋势, 决定了烟尘和粉尘排放总量的增长趋势. 表 1.1 全国近年废气中主要污染物排放量单位万吨 一次颗粒物 二氧化硫 烟尘 项目 年度 工业 生活 合计 工业粉尘工业 生活 合计 2000 953.3 212.11165.41092.01612.5382.6 1995.1 2001 851.9 217.91069.8990.6 1566.6381.2 1947.8 2002 804.2 208.51012.7941.0 1562.0364.6 1926.6 2003 846.2 202.51048.71021.01791.4367.3 2158.7 2004 886.5 208.51095.0904.8 1891.4363.5 2254.9 2005 948.9 233.61182.5911.2 2168.43