一种新型高效自然通风隔声窗的设计与试验 * 俞悟周 王佐民 同济大学声学研究所, 上海 200092 摘要 针对降低交通噪声的影响, 提出一种采用透明双层微穿孔结构形成消声通风通道的新型自然通风隔声窗。 详 细介绍新型通风隔声窗的设计, 进行了窗体隔声量的理论计算、实验室测量和现场测量。 结果表明, 计算值和实验室 实测值吻合良好, 新型自然通风隔声窗具有良好的隔声性能和通风效果, 隔声指数达28 dB, 现场降噪效果良好, 室内 外差值达31 dB, 通风量可达到住宅室内空气质量的要求。 关键词 微穿孔 自然通风 隔声窗 *上海市重大科技攻关项目 03dz12020 。 0 引言 通风隔声窗具有良好的隔声和一定的通风效果, 是降低交通噪声对室内影响的重要措施 ,尤其适用于 声屏障降噪效果很低的交通干线两侧高层建筑。从 形式上可分为机械通风隔声窗 、 自然通风隔声窗。目 前大多数通风隔声窗采用机械通风方式 。机械通风 方式存在一定的卫生隐患, 长期使用需要较大能耗, 并需要对风机设备进行维护; 此外风机的噪声容易成 为新的噪声源。而对于自然通风隔声窗 ,隔声量和通 风量是一对矛盾。目前通风隔声窗通常含有采用纤 维材料或多孔材料的消声通道, 影响部分采光面积, 窗体较厚 ,基本接近30 cm, 同时吸声材料长期使用后 声学性能下降, 且由于耐候性的问题将造成二次污 染,对人体造成一定的危害。 [ 1-4] 合理设计的微穿孔共振吸声结构具有较宽的吸 声频带和较高的吸声系数 ,不存在纤维飞扬和使用后 声学性能下降的问题 ,在声学领域已得到广泛应用。 利用透明多层微穿孔共振吸声结构作为消声通道 ,在 综合考虑交通噪声主要频谱范围和窗体尺寸的基础 上,合理考虑自然通风量 ,提出了具有较好自然通风 效果和较高隔声效果的新型高效通风隔声窗 。 1 新型通风隔声窗的设计 1. 1 通风量的确定 美国 ANSI ASHRAE 62 标 准 [ 5] Ventilation for acceptable indoor air quality 为人们最为熟悉的室内空 气品质控制指南 。该标准规定商业建筑 、 公共机构建 筑和住宅建筑的通风量要求为每人一般不得 20 dB, 400 Hz以上 隔声量超过25 dB,现场隔声量略高于实验室测量值, 用于交通干线两侧可取得满意的降噪效果 。新型通 风隔声窗同时具有良好的通风性能 ,在上海地区市区 年平均风速和主要风向下 ,通风量能满足住宅建筑室 内空气质量的要求。 参考文献 [ 1] 翟国庆, 张邦俊. 通风隔声窗的设计. 噪声与振动控制, 2004, 24 1 45 -46 [ 2] Asdrubali F , Buratti C. 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Keywords water environment comprehensive treatment practice countermeasure ANALYSIS OF RESOURCE UTILIZATION IN THE USE OF SLUDGE FOR AGRICULTURE Cao Xiuqin Tan Jingjing 84 Abstract The valuable ingredients of sludge, such as organics, nitrogen and phosphorus etc inAustria was quantitatively analyzed, and the economical benefit and ecological safety in the use of sludge in agriculture were also discussed. Considering the actuality of sludge treatment and disposal in China, the correlative issues were discussed along with the above analysis, in order to use for reference to achieve the sustainable development and utilization of sludge in our country. Keywords use of sludge in agriculture resource utilization economic benefit ecological safety INDUSTRIAL EXPERIMENTS ON BIOTREATMENT OF THE OILY SLUDGE IN SHENGLI OILFIELDSun Zhenggui 88 Abstract Biodegradation technology of petroleum was used to treat the oily sludge in Binyi Oil-Containing Sewage Disposal Station, Shengli oilfield. Two different treatments, i. e. adding extraneous microorganisms and biostimulating the degradation activity of indigenous organisms, were made to treat the oil sludge in a 2 400 m2prepared bed.The initial content of oil in sludge is 126 g kg. The content of total petroleum hydrocarbon, the amount of different kinds of microorganisms and the physical and chemical properties of oily sludge were measured in the 230 d treatment course. The results indicates that adding extraneous oil -degradation microorganisms or biostimulating is an effective to decrease the oil content of sludge, improve the physical and chemical properties and reduce the biotoxicity of oily sludge. Keywords oily sludge biotreatment extraneousmicroorganisms indigenous organisms RESEARCH ON PREPARATION OF LOW -CLINKER CEMENTITIOUS MATERIAL VIA HEAT TREATMENT OF RED MUD AND FLY ASHDong Lumin Ni Wen Zheng Yongchao et al 92 Abstract According to the composition of red mud and fly ash, a low-clinker cementitious material has been made in our experiment via heat treatment of their mixture. The strength influencing factors and the hydration capability of the low-clinker cementitious material have been studied. The results are as follows The choice of mixture ratio is 47. 5 of red mud, 47. 5 of fly ash, 5of gypsum, which then is calcined at 700℃for 5 hours. The high -strength cementitious material can be made by adding 70 of the calcined material, 30 of cement clinker, 0. 5 of water reducing agent. The flexural and strengths compressive of 28 d are 7. 8MPa. and 45. 2 MPa respectively. Keywords redmud fly ash heat treatment strength THE DESIGN AND EXPERIMENT ON A NEW TYPE NATURAL VENTILATION WINDOW WITH HIGH SOUND INSULATIONYu Wuzhou Wang Zuomin 96 Abstract A new type natural ventilation window with high sound insulation using double -layer transparent micro -perforated panels is put forward to abate the effect of traffic noise. The design and theoretical calculation of the window are introduced in detail as well as experiment results in laboratory and in-situ.It is shown that the new type window has high sound insulation with sound insulation index of 28 dB and noise reduction of 31 dB in situ, as well aswith satisfactory ventilation to meet indoor air quality requirement. Keywords micro -perforated panel natural ventilation sound insulationwindow A FEASIBILITY STUDY ON NOISE CONTROL FOR NORTH FACTORY AREA OF TANGSHAN STEEL COMPANYWang Xiaopeng Wang Yupeng Li Shende et al 100 Abstract It was investigated that all the sound sourcesin a factory area. Itwas also selected the sound sourceswhichwouldprobably affect borderline of the yardfactory area on the basisof primary calculation. The acousticalmodelswere made by simplifying these noisy instruments. The radiation of sound of these instruments for the sensitive points on borderline of the factory area was calculated by programme.Estimated the correcteness and integrity of the calculationwere judgedby contrasting the calculationwith actualmeasurement. After they were affirmed, made the noise control scheme was made and calculationswere also done to see if the goalwould be reached. Keywords noise control sound source sensitive points of noise on borderline of factory Manager China Iron and Steel Association SponsorCentral Research Institute of Building and Construction of MCC Group PublisherIndustrial Construction Magazine Agency EditorThe Editorial Department of Environmental Engineering 33,Xitucheng Road,Haidian District, Beijing 100088, China Telephone 01082227638 82227678 Chief EditorBai Yun Vice Chief EditorShen Guiqiu Domestic All Local Posts DistributorChina International Book Trading Corporation P . O . Box 399, Beijing China China Standard Serial Numbering ISSN1000-8942 CN 11-2097 X E -mailhjgcpublic . yj. cn. net hjgctg 163. com http www. hjgc . com. cn http www. hjgc . net . cn 6 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Vol. 26, No. 3, June ,2008