特殊阀门在 工业里的应用特殊阀门在 工业里的应用 典型应用一典型应用一LNG 工业中的防喘振控制阀。工业中的防喘振控制阀。 LNG 加工工艺流程加工工艺流程 Inlet Inlet Raw GasRaw Gas Inlet Inlet ScrubberScrubber Amine Amine TreaterTreater Propane Chiller Propane Compressor Ethylene Compressor Methane Compressor D Heat ExchangersHeat Exchangers Heat ExchangersHeat Exchangers Heat ExchangersHeat Exchangers ScrubberScrubber DehydratorDehydrator Carbon Carbon FilterFilter Dry Gas Filter Heavies Heavies RemovalRemoval Propane Propane SurgeSurge Ethylene Ethylene SurgeSurge DD Transfer PumpTransfer Pump Storage Storage Tanks Tanks PumpsPumps Optimized Cascade Phillips LNG Process Optimized Cascade Phillips LNG Process 石油天然气 防喘振控制阀在丙烷压缩机组的应用防喘振控制阀在丙烷压缩机组的应用 Propane Refrigeration CyclePropane Refrigeration Cycle 1 1 stst StageStage 2 2 ndnd StageStage 3 3 rdrd StageStage KOKOKO Chiller 3rd Stg Chiller 1st Stg Chiller 2nd Stg 9 9- -10 Bar,g10 Bar,g Suction Suction 0.4 Bar,g0.4 Bar,g Discharge Discharge 1212- -13 Bar,g13 Bar,g 5 5- -6 Bar,g6 Bar,g Compressor Surge Applications Compressor Surge Applications 防喘振控制阀在乙烯压缩机组的应用防喘振控制阀在乙烯压缩机组的应用 Ethylene Compressor 1 1 stst StageStage 2 2 ndnd StageStage KOKO Cooler 5 5- -7 Bar,g7 Bar,g Suction Suction 1.1 Bar,g1.1 Bar,gDischarge Discharge 1818- -19 Bar,g19 Bar,g Compressor Surge Applications Compressor Surge Applications 防喘振控制阀在甲烷压缩机组的应用防喘振控制阀在甲烷压缩机组的应用 Methane Refrigeration Compressor Surge ControlMethane Refrigeration Compressor Surge Control Suction Suction KO KO DrumDrum LP LP StageStage IP IP StageStage HP HP StageStage InterstageInterstage CoolerCooler InterstageInterstage KO DrumKO Drum InterstageInterstage KO DrumKO Drum Air Fin Air Fin Heat Heat ExchangerExchanger 1313- -14 Bar,g14 Bar,g Suction Suction 0.2 Bar,g0.2 Bar,g Discharge Discharge 4040- -45 Bar,g45 Bar,g 3 3- -5 Bar,g5 Bar,g Compressor Surge Applications Compressor Surge Applications 主要问题主要问题 1.压差通常较大,噪音较大, 2.流通能力要求较大, 通常阀门尺寸较大, 3.动作要快,快速反应应在 1 秒以内,双向调节过程在 3-4 秒。 4.密封要求严 。 解决方案一解决方案一72000 系列角阀系列角阀 8-36” Inlet sizes 12-42” Outlet sizes Strokes 30” Low noise trim One stage Lo-dB Two stage Lo-dB V-LOG ANSI Class IV V shutoffs NACE trims Piston actuators through 600 in2 Double acting positioners 解决方案二解决方案二 41000 系列系列 V-LOG Characterized trim – 12 stage V-LOG Bottom – Full ported cage Top Globe or angle designs 典型应用二天然气库中的应用典型应用二天然气库中的应用 工艺流程工艺流程 Gas storage application biGas storage application bi- -directional directional Compressor Dehydration Pipeline EHAEHA EHAEHA FMFM 典型工艺参数典型工艺参数 在供气时的工况 Min Max P1 3000 psig P1 3000 psig P2 1000 psig P2 1600 psig Q 2 MMscfD Q 60 MMscfD Cv 0.53 Cv 16.8 SL75.1 dBA SL 84.2 dBA 在储气时的工况 Min Max P1 3000 psig P1 800 psig P2 2999 psig P2 799 psig Q 1 MMscfD Q 15 MMscfD Cv 8.2 Cv 251 SL 70 dBA SL 70 dBA 主要问题主要问题 1. 双向流动, 同一条管线,在存贮时往地下注气,在使用气时,往外输气。 2. 差压较大, 温度变化大, 3. 流体(天然气)膨胀。 4. 噪音大。 解决方案一解决方案一41000 系列角阀,系列角阀,V-LOG 阀心阀心 4”, ANSI 1500 Cast globe body Characterized trim – 12 stage V-LOG Bottom – Full ported cage Top Bi-direction shutoff – Class V EHA actuation REXA 解决方案二解决方案二 SE20 系列阀门系列阀门 8”, ANSI 1500 Forged body Full V-LOG stack Balanced plug Uni-directional shutoff 典型应用三油气田应用典型应用三油气田应用 现场图片现场图片 主要问题主要问题 1. 流体含有泥沙等杂质, 2. 压力高, 压差大,膨胀程度大, 3. 含有腐蚀性物质,如 H2S。 4. 常常是阻塞流,流体为油,气,水或者其混合物。 5. 野外环境恶劣,防腐要求高。 解决方案一解决方案一77000 系列系列 Multi-stage design to reduce the well pressure across smaller steps. Expanded area to account for expansion of gas. 解决方案二解决方案二SE20 V-LOG Tungsten Carbide V-Log Trim Hardened materials to prevent against erosion from debris in gas well Inconel clad valve bodies Stellite clad guiding surfaces API rated valves