SH 3501-2002 石油化工剧毒、可燃介质管道工程施工及验收规范 中英文版.pdf
备案号J249-2003 SH 中华人民共和国石油化工行业标准中华人民共和国石油化工行业标准 Standard for Petrochemical Industry of PRC SH 3501-2002 代替 SH 3501-2001 SH 3501-2002 A substitute version of SH 3501-2001 石油化工有毒、可燃介质管道石油化工有毒、可燃介质管道 工程施工及验收规范工程施工及验收规范 Specification for construction and acceptance of hypertoxic and combustible medium piping engineering in petrochemical industry Chinese language is the “original“ language and if inconsistencies exist between English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version takes precedence and the Chinese version is the legally binding version. 原本以中文书就,如果英文和中文版本之间存在不一致,以中文版本为准,中文版本具有法律约束力。 2003-02-09 发布 2003-05-01 实施 国家经济贸易委员会 国家经济贸易委员会 发布发布 1 SH 3501-2002 2 Issued on Feb. 9, 2003 Implemented on May 1, 2003 Issued by State Economy otherwise, additional test shall be done according to GB 4159. 5.1.7 凡按规定作抽样检查或检验的样品中,若有一件不合格,必须按原规定数加倍抽检,若 仍有不合格,则该批管道组成件不得使用,并应作好标识和隔离。 5.1.7 凡按规定作抽样检查或检验的样品中,若有一件不合格,必须按原规定数加倍抽检,若 仍有不合格,则该批管道组成件不得使用,并应作好标识和隔离。 5.1.7 If one of samples is unqualified during sampling inspection, certain amount specified in the Specification of products shall be inspected. If there still is unqualified product, the batch of products can’t be used. And they shall be marked and separated with other products. 5.1.8 管道组成件应分区存放,且不锈钢管道组成件不得与非合金钢、低合金钢接触。 5.1.8 Constituent elements of pipeline shall be stacked by areas. Constituent elements of stainless steel pipeline can’t contact non-alloyed steel and low alloy steel. 5.2 管子检验 5.2 管子检验 Inspection of pipe 5.2.1 输送有毒、可燃介质的管子,使用前应按设计文件要求核对管子的规格、数量和标识。 5.2.1 Specification, quantity and mark of pipe conveying hypertoxic and combustible medium shall be checked according to the design document. 5.2.2 管子的质量证明文件应包括以下内容 5.2.2 Certificate of Qualification of pipe shall contain following contents a 产品标准号; a Product standard number of product; b 钢的牌号; b Brand of steel; c 炉罐号、批号、交货状态、重量和件数; c Stove number, lot number, delivery state, weight and number of packages; d 品种名称、规格及质量等级; d Name, specification and quality level of variety; e 产品标准和订货合同中规定的各项检验结果; e Results of all inspections specified in product standard and contract; f 制造厂检验印记。 f Inspection stamp of manufacturer. 5.2.3 若到货管子钢的牌号、炉罐号、批号、交货状态与质量证明文件不符,该批管子不得使 用。 5.2.3 若到货管子钢的牌号、炉罐号、批号、交货状态与质量证明文件不符,该批管子不得使 用。 5.2.3 If brand, stove number, lot number and delivery state of pipe steel don’t con to certificate of qualification, the batch of pipes can’t be used. 5.2.4 有耐晶间腐蚀要求的材料,产品质量证明文件应注明晶间腐蚀试验结果,否则应按 GB/T 4334.16 中的有关规定,进行补项检验。 5.2.4 If the material is required to resist intercrystalline corrosion, result of intercrystalline corrosion test 7 SH 3501-2002 shall be written in the certificate of qualification; otherwise, additional test shall be done according to GB/T 4334.16. 5.2.5 输送毒性程度为极度危害和高度危害介质管子的质量证明文件中应有超声波检测结果,否 则应按 GB 5777 的规定,逐根进行检验。 5.2.5 Ultrasonic detection result for pipe conveying utmost hazard or high hazard medium shall be written in certificate of qualification; otherwise, each pipe shall be detected according to GB 5777. 5.2.6 钢管的表面质量应符合下列规定 5.2.6 Surface quality of steel pipe shall meet following specifications a 钢管内、外表面不得有裂纹、折叠、发纹、扎折、离层、结疤等缺陷; a There shall be no crack, fold, hairline crack, wrinkle, separation layer or scab on inner or exterior surface of steel pipe. b 钢管表面的锈蚀、凹陷、划痕及其他机械损伤的深度,不应超过相应产品标准允许的壁厚 负偏差; b Depth of rust, hollow, scratch and other mechanical damages can’t exceed the permissible variation of wall thickness. c 钢管端部螺纹、坡口的加工精度及粗糙度应达到设计文件或制造标准的要求; c Working accuracy and roughness of thread and groove at end of steel pipe shall meet the requirements in design document of manufacture standard. d 有符合产品标准规定的标识。 d Have marks meeting standard. 5.2.7 SHA 级管道中, 设计压力等于或大于 10MPa 管子, 外表面应按下列方法逐根进行无损检测, 检测方法和缺陷评定应符合 JB 4730 的规定,检验结果以 I 级为合格 5.2.7 5.2.7 SHA 级管道中, 设计压力等于或大于 10MPa 管子, 外表面应按下列方法逐根进行无损检测, 检测方法和缺陷评定应符合 JB 4730 的规定,检验结果以 I 级为合格 5.2.7 Nondestructive test shall be done for surface of each pipe whose design pressure ≧≧10MPa among SHA level pipelines. Test s and uation of defect shall meet specifications of JB 4730. Grade ⅠⅠ will be qualified. a 外径大于 12mm 的导磁性钢管,应采用磁粉检测; a a 外径大于 12mm 的导磁性钢管,应采用磁粉检测; a Magnetic-particle inspection shall be carried out for magnetic permeable steel pipe with external diameter larger than 12mm. b 非导磁性钢管,应采用渗透检测。 b 非导磁性钢管,应采用渗透检测。 b Penetration test shall be done for magnetic impermeable steel pipe. 5.2.8 SHA 级管道中,设计压力小于 10MPa 的输送极度危害介质(苯除外)的管子,每批(指同 批号、同炉罐号、同材质、同规格)应抽 5且不少于一根,按本规范 5.2.7 条规定的方法和评定 标准进行外表面磁粉检测或渗透检测,检验结果以 II 级为合格。抽样检验不合格时,应按本规 范 5.1.7 条的规定处理。 5.2.8 SHA 级管道中,设计压力小于 10MPa 的输送极度危害介质(苯除外)的管子,每批(指同 批号、同炉罐号、同材质、同规格)应抽 5且不少于一根,按本规范 5.2.7 条规定的方法和评定 标准进行外表面磁粉检测或渗透检测,检验结果以 II 级为合格。抽样检验不合格时,应按本规 范 5.1.7 条的规定处理。 5.2.8 Exterior surface magnetic-particle inspection or penetration test shall be done for 5 at least one piece of each batch of the same lot number, stove number, material and specification of pipes conveying utmost hazard medium except benzene with design pressure less than 10MPa according to s and criteria for uation in Clause 5.2.7. Grade ⅡⅡ will be qualified. If it is unqualified, the pipes shall be treated according to Clause 5.1.7. 5.2.9 管子经磁粉检测或渗透检测发现的表面缺陷允许修磨,修磨后的实际壁厚不得小于管子公 称壁厚的 90,且不得小于设计文件规定的最小壁厚。 5.2.9 Surface defect found by magnetic-particle inspection or penetration test can be grinded. But the 8 标准分享网 w w w .b z f x w .c o m 免费下载 SH 3501-2002 wall thickness after grinding can’t be less than 90 of nominal thickness of the pipe and min. thickness specified in design document. 5.3 阀门检验 5.3 阀门检验 Inspection of valve 5.3.1 设计文件要求做低温密封试验的阀门,应有制造单位的低温密封性试验合格证明书。 5.3.1 If cryogenic seal test for valve is required in design document, certificate of qualification for cryogenic seal test shall be provided by the manufacturer. 5.3.2 用于 SHA 级管道的通用阀门,其焊缝或阀体、阀盖的铸钢件,应有符合 SH 3064 规定的 无损检测合格证明书。 5.3.2 Certificate of qualification meet SH 3064 for nondestructive test of weld joint and steel casting of body and cover of universal valve for SHA level pipeline shall be provided. 5.3.3 阀门安装前,应按设计文件中的“阀门规格书” ,对阀门的阀体、密封面及有特殊要求的垫 片和填料的材质进行抽检,每批至少抽查一件;合金钢阀门的阀体应逐件进行光谱分析。若不符 合要求,该批阀门不得使用。 5.3.3 Before installation of valve, sampling inspection shall be done for materials of valve body, sealing face, gasket and filler having special requirement. At least one of each batch shall be inspected. Spectral analysis shall be done for valve body of each alloy steel valve. If it is unqualified, the batch of valves can’t be used. 5.3.4 阀门的外观质量应符合产品标准的要求,不得有裂纹、氧化皮、粘砂、疏松等影响强度 的缺陷。 5.3.4 阀门的外观质量应符合产品标准的要求,不得有裂纹、氧化皮、粘砂、疏松等影响强度 的缺陷。 5.3.4 Appearance quality of valve shall meet requirement in product standard. There shall be no crack, scale, sand fusion, loose and other defects that can impact strength of valve. 5.3.5 阀门在安装前, 应逐个对阀体进行液体压力试验, 试验压力为公称压力的 1.5 倍, 停压 5min, 无泄漏为合格。 5.3.5 Before installation, hydraulic test shall be done for each valve body. Maintain the test pressure at 1.5 times of nominal pressure for 5min. if the valve is not leaky, it is qualified. 5.3.6 具有上密封结构的阀门,应逐个对上密封进行试验,试验压力为公称压力的 1.1 倍。试验 时应关闭上密封面,并松开填料压盖,停压 4min,无渗漏为合格。 5.3.6 If the valve has upper seal structure, each upper seal shall be tested. Upper seal face shall be closed and cover of filler shall be loosened. Maintain the test pressure at 1.1 times of nominal pressure for 4min. If the valve is not leaky, it is qualified. 5.3.7 阀门液体压力试验和上密封试验应以洁净水为介质。不锈钢阀门液体压力试验时,水中的 氯离子含量不得超过 100mg/L,试验合格后应立即将水渍清除干净。 5.3.7 Clean water shall be used as medium for hydraulic test and upper seal test. When hydraulic test is done for stainless steel valve, content of chloride ion in water can’t exceed 100mg/L. After test, water spot shall be removed. 5.3.8 阀门的阀座密封面应按 SH 3064 的规定进行密封性试验。 5.3.8 Leakage test for sealing surface of valve seat shall be done according to SH 3064. 5.3.9 凡按 SH 3064 或 API 标准制造并有相应认证标志,且用户到制造厂监造和验收的阀门,每 9 SH 3501-2002 批可按 5且不少于一个进行抽检,若有不合格,应按本规范 5.1.7 条的规定处理。 5.3.9 If valves are manufactured according to SH 306 or API standard, have certification marks and are supervised and inspected by the user in the manufacturer’s plant, 5 of each batch at least 1 piece will be checked. If there is unqualified valve, it shall be treated according to Clause 5.1.7. 5.3.10 安全阀应按设计文件规定的开启压力进行调试。调压时压力应平稳,启闭试验不得少于 3 次。调试合格后,应及时进行铅封。 5.3.10 Commissioning of safety valve shall be carried out with cracking pressure specified in design document. The pressure shall be stable. At least three times of start-stop test shall be done. Qualified safety valve shall be sealed with lead after commissioning. 5.3.11 检验、试验合格的阀门,应作出标识,并填写阀门检验、试验记录。 5.3.11 Qualified valves shall be marked, and inspection and test records shall be made. 5.4 其他管道组成件检验 5.4 其他管道组成件检验 Inspection of constituent elements of other pipes 5.4.1 对其他管道组成件的产品质量证明文件, 应进行核对, 且下列项目应符合产品标准的要求 a 化学成分及力学性能; b 合金钢锻件的金相分析结果; c 热处理结果及焊缝无损检测报告。 5.4.1 Certificate of qualification of constituent elements of other pipes shall be checked. Following items shall meet the requirements in product standard. a Chemical constitution and mechanical property. b Metallographic analysis result of alloy steel forging c Heat treatment result and nondestructive test report of weld joint. 5.4.2 管件外表面应有制造厂代号(商标) 、规格、材料牌号和批号等标识,并与质量证明文件 相符,否则不得使用。 5.4.2 管件外表面应有制造厂代号(商标) 、规格、材料牌号和批号等标识,并与质量证明文件 相符,否则不得使用。 5.4.2 Exterior surface of elements shall have code name trademark, specification and brand and lot number of material that are con to certificate of qualification. Otherwise, it can’t be used. 5.4.3 管件的表面不得有裂纹,外观应光滑、无氧化皮,表面的其他缺陷不得超过产品标准规 定的允许深度。坡口、螺纹加工精度应符合产品标准的要求。焊接管件的焊缝应成形良好,且与 母材圆滑过渡,不得有裂纹、未熔合、未焊透、咬边等缺陷。 5.4.3 管件的表面不得有裂纹,外观应光滑、无氧化皮,表面的其他缺陷不得超过产品标准规 定的允许深度。坡口、螺纹加工精度应符合产品标准的要求。焊接管件的焊缝应成形良好,且与 母材圆滑过渡,不得有裂纹、未熔合、未焊透、咬边等缺陷。 5.4.3 Surface of elements shall be smooth without crack and scale. Other defects on surface can’t exceed the permissible depth specified in product standard. Working accuracy thread and groove at end shall meet the requirements in product standard. Weld joint of pipes shall be smooth and well join with the pipe. There shall be no crack, stick-out weld, faulty fusion and undercut. 5.4.4 SHA 级管道的管件应按本规范 5.2.7 条、5.2.8 条的规定进行表面无损检测。 5.4.4 SHA 级管道的管件应按本规范 5.2.7 条、5.2.8 条的规定进行表面无损检测。 5.4.4 Nondestructive test for surface of elements of SHA level pipeline shall be carried out according to Clause 5.2.7 and 5.2.8 of the Specification. 5.4.5 螺栓、螺母的螺纹应完整,无划痕、毛刺等缺陷,加工精度符合产品标准的要求。螺栓、 螺母应配合良好,无松动或卡涩现象。 5.4.5 Threads of bolt and nut shall be complete without scratch or burr. Working accuracy shall meet the 10 标准分享网 w w w .b z f x w .c o m 免费下载 SH 3501-2002 product standard. Bolt and nut shall fit with each other without loose or lock. 5.4.6 设计压力等于或大于 10MPa 管道用的合金钢螺栓、螺母,应逐件进行快速光谱分析,每批 应抽两件进行硬度检验,若有不合格,按本规范 5.1.7 条的规定处理。 5.4.6 Quick spectral analysis test of each alloy steel bolt and nut for pipeline with design pressure ≧ 10MPa shall be done. Hardness inspection of two elements each batch shall be tested. If it is unqualified, it shall be treated according to Clause 5.1.7. 5.4.7 设计温度低于-29℃的低温管道合金钢螺栓、螺母,应逐件进行快速光谱分析检验,每批 应抽两根螺栓进行低温冲击性能检验。若有不合格,应按本规范 5.1.7 条的规定进行处理。 5.4.7 Quick spectral analysis test of each alloy steel bolt and nut for pipeline with design temperature lower than -29℃ shall be done. Low temperature impact perance test of two bolts each batch shall be done. If it is unqualified, it shall be treated according to Clause 5.1.7. 5.4.8 其他合金钢管道组成件的快速光谱分析,每批应抽检 5,且不少于一件。若有不合格, 应按本规范 5.1.7 条的规定处理。 5.4.8 5 at least one piece of each batch of alloy steel elements for other pipelines shall be tested with quick spectral analysis. If it is unqualified, it shall be treated according to Clause 5.1.7. 5.4.9 密封垫片应按产品标准进行抽样检查验收,每批不得少于一件。缠绕垫片不得有松散、翘 曲现象,表表面不得有影响密封性能的伤痕、空隙、凹凸不平及锈斑等缺陷。金属垫片、石棉橡 胶板垫片的边缘应切割整齐,表面应平整光滑,不得有气泡、分层、折皱、划痕等缺陷。 5.4.9 Sampling inspection at least one piece per batch of gasket seal shall be carried out according to the product standard. The gasket can’t be loose or warped. There shall be no scar, gap, sag, crest and rusty stain that may impact sealing property on surface. Edge of metallic gasket and rubber slat gasket shall be smooth. The surface shall be smooth and even without bubble, separation layer, fold or scratch. 5.4.10 现场制作石棉橡胶板垫片,不得在低于 15℃的环境中进行,且自板材制成之日起,耐油 石棉橡胶板储存期限不得超过一年半,普通石棉橡胶板储存期限不得超过两年。 5.4.10 Temperature of workshop for production of asbestos-packing gasket can’t be less than 15℃. Storage life of oil-proof asbestos packing sheet can’t exceed one and half year, and that of common asbestos packing sheet can’t exceed two years. 5.4.11 法兰密封面不得有径向划痕等缺陷。 5.4.11 Flange shall be sealed without radial scratch. 6 管道预制及安装 6 管道预制及安装 Prefabrication and installation of pipeline 6.1 管道预制 6.1 管道预制 Prefabrication of pipeline 6.1.1 管道预制加工应按现场审查确认的设计单线图或依据管道平、剖面图绘制的单线图进行, 预制加工图上应标注管线编号、现场组焊位置和调节裕量。 6.1.1 Prefabrication of pipeline shall be carried out according to designed single line diagram, or single line diagram drawn based upon plane and section of pipeline that are approved on site. Number of pipeline, position of gang welding and overmeasure shall be indicated in the working diagram. 11 SH 3501-2002 6.1.2 管道预制过程中的每一道工序,均应核对管子的标识,并做好标识的移植。不锈钢管道、 低温钢管道,不得使用钢印作标识。 6.1.2 During each sequence of prefabrication, marks of pipeline shall be checked. Transfer of marks shall be done well. Steel mark can’t be used for stainless steel pipe and low temperature steel pipe. 6.1.3 弯管最小弯曲半径应符合设计文件要求,当设计文件未规定时,应符合表 2 的规定。 6.1.3 Min. bending radius of elbow pipe shall meet the requirement in design document. If it is not specified in the design document, it shall meet the specification in table 2. 表 2 弯管最小弯曲半径 表 2 弯管最小弯曲半径 Table 2 Min. Bending Radius of Elbow Pipe 管道设计压力 Design pressure of pipe MPa 弯管制作方式 Fabrication mode 最小弯曲半径 Min. bending radius 热 弯 Hot bending 3.5D0 <10 冷 弯 Cold bending 4.0D0 ≥10 冷、热弯 Cold and hot bending 5.0D0 注D0为管子外径。 Notes Dn is exterior diameter of pipeline 6.1.4 当设计允许用焊接钢管弯制弯管时,焊缝应避开受拉或受压区。 6.1.4 If it is allowable that elbow pipe can be fabricated by welding of pipes, the weld joint can’t be in tensile or compressive region. 6.1.5 弯管制作后,弯管处的最小壁厚不得小于管子公称壁厚的 90,且不得小于设计文件规定 的最小壁厚。弯管处的最大外径与最小外径之差,应符合下列规定 6.1.5 After fabrication of elbow pipe, min. wall thickness at elbow can’t be less than 90 of the nominal thickness and min. thickness specified in the design document. Difference between max. exterior diameter and min. exterior diameter at elbow shall meet the following specifications a SHA 级管道应小于弯制前管子外径的 5; a For SHA level pipeline, the difference shall be less than 5 of exterior diameter of pipe before fabrication. b SHB、SHC 及 SHD 级管道应小于弯制前管子外径的 8。 b For SHB, SHC and SHD level pipelines, it shall be less than 8 of exterior diameter of pipe before fabrication. 6.1.6 弯管制作后,直管段中心线偏差△不得大于 1.5mm/m,且不得大于 5mm。 6.1.6 After fabrication o