SAE J1616-1994 压缩天然气汽车燃料推荐规程.pdf
SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER 724 776-4970 FAX 724 776-0790 SAE WEB ADDRESS http// Copyright 1994 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved.Printed in U.S.A. SURFACE VEHICLE 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 RECOMMENDED PRACTICE An American National Standard J1616 ISSUED FEB94 Issued1994-02 Recommended Practice for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle Fuel ForewordThis document has been changed to comply with the SAE Technical Standards Board at. Definitions have changed to Section 3. All other section numbers have changed accordingly. 1.ScopeCompressed Natural Gas CNG is a practical automotive fuel, with advantages and disadvantages when compared to gasoline. It has a good octane quality, is clean burning, easy to meter, and generally produces lower vehicle exhaust emissions. CNG is used to fuel internal combustion engines. Natural gas is normally compressed 20 690 to 24 820 kPa 3000 to 3600 psig to increase its energy density thereby reducing its on-board vehicle storage volume for a given range and payload. The properties of natural gas are influenced by 1 the processing of natural gas by the production and transmission companies and 2 the regional gas supply, storage, and demand balancing done by distribution companies often in concert with pipeline companies to maintain uninterrupted service throughout the year, e.g., peakshaving with propane-air see U.S. Bureau of Mines Publication 503. Ination on the properties of distribution system natural gas and its variability has been included in Figure 1 and can be found in GRI-92/0123. The analysis in this reference summarizes the expected composition of natural gas in 26 cities. Composition can vary hourly under certain operating conditions in certain areas of the country. Thus the data should generally be considered representative for the areas mentioned with due consideration for local variation. Natural gas is comprised chiefly of methane generally 88 to 96 mole percent with the balance being a decreasing proportion of non-methane alkanes i.e., ethane, propane, butanes, etc.. Other components found in natural gas are nitrogen N2, carbon dioxide CO2, water, oxygen, and trace amounts of lubricating oil from compressors and sulfur found as hydrogen sulfide H2S and other sulfur compounds. Before entering the transmission system, it is processed to meet limits on hydrogen sulfide, water, condensibles of heavier hydrocarbons, inert gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen, and energy content. Mercaptan odorants e.g., tertiary butyl mercaptan are added by local distribution companies LDCs for safety reasons to detect the presence of natural gas which otherwise would be odorless. Water content and other corrosion precursors, heavier hydrocarbons which may condense within the fuel container, particulate matter, oil and energy content need to be controlled in order to minimize corrosion and provide satisfactory low-temperature vehicle operation, perance, and emissions levels. SAE J1616 Issued FEB94 -2- FIGURE 1NATIONAL WEIGHTED DISTRIBUTIONS SAE J1616 Issued FEB94 -3- The provisions contained in this SAE Recommended Practice are intended to protect the interior surfaces of the fuel container and other vehicle fuel system components such as fuel injector and exhaust catalyst elements from the onset of corrosion, poisoning, the deposition of liquids or large dust particles, or the ation of water, ice particles, frost, or hydrates. The provisions contained in this document are not intended to address the composition of natural gas as delivered to a fueling station, but rather at the outlet of the fueling station as delivered into the containers on the vehicle. Limits on gas composition constituents currently not included in this document may be added when data are available to substantiate them. 1.1PurposeThis document presents the more important physical and chemical characteristics of compressed natural gas vehicle fuel and describes pertinent test s for defining or uating these properties. In order for compressed Natural Gas Vehicles NGVs to effectively provide satisfactory and safe operation for users, there is a need to address specific issues relative to the use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel. The two primary areas relate to 1 compressed storage of natural gas and 2 vehicle fuel system and engine perance issues. These provisions have been derived through a joint effort of the SAE TC-7 Natural Gas Vehicle Task Force and the Technology Committee of the Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition. NOTEThis document is intended as a guide and is subject to change to keep pace with experience and technical advances. The following are separate documents that are not part of the document, but are added as an Inative Appendix Appendix A. Background StatementSummarizes the development of the maximum water content provision for SAE J1616. Excerpts from ANSI AGA/NGV2Basic Requirements for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle Fuel Containers Bibliography of SAE Publications and Other Publications. Rationale Document for SAE J1616. 2.References 2.1Applicable PublicationsThe following publications a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. The latest issue of SAE publications shall apply. 2.1.1SAE PUBLICATIONSAvailable from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001. SAE Paper 902069Ambient Temperature and Driving Cycle Effects on CNG Motor Vehicle Emissions, Gabelle, P., Crews, W., Perry, N., Lenning, J., Knapp, K. T., Ray, W.D., Snow, R. SAE Paper 920593The Impact of Natural Gas Fuel Composition on Fuel Metering and Engine Operational Characteristics, King, S.R. 2.1.2ANSI PUBLICATIONAvailable from ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002. ANSI AGA/NGV2, 1992Basic Requirements for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle NGV Fuel Containers 2.1.3ASHRAE PUBLICATIONAvailable from ASHRAE, 1791 Tullie Circle NE, Atlanta, GA 30329. ASHRAE Handbook SAE J1616 Issued FEB94 -4- 2.1.4ASTM PUBLICATIONSAvailable from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. ASTM D 1142-90Test for Water Vapor Content of Gaseous Fuels by Measurement of Dew Point Temperature ASTM D 1945-91Test for Analysis of Natural Gas by Gas Chromatography ASTM D 3588-91Standard for Calculating Calorific Value and Specific Gravity “Relative Density” of Gaseous Fuels ASTM D 4084-88Test for Analysis of H2S in Gaseous Fuels Lead Acetate Reaction 2.1.5ADMINISTRATION PUBLICATIONAvailable from National Climatic Data Center, Federal Building, Asheville, NC 28001. Climatography of the U.S. No. 20, Climatic Summaries for Selected Sites, 1951–80 Comparative Climatic Data for the United States through 1991, U.S. Dept. of Commerces National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 2.1.6GRI PUBLICATIONSAvailable from Gas Research Institute, 8600 West Byr Mawr Avenue, Chicago, IL 60631. GRI-91/1011,92/0123Variability of Natural Gas Composition in Select Major Metropolitan Areas of the United States, Final Report, March 1992, Liss, W.E. and Thrasher, W.R. GRI-92/0150Effect of Gas Composition on Octane Number of Natural Gas Fuels, Kubesh, J. Gas Engineers Handbook, Industrial Press Inc., New York, 1965 2.1.7NFPA PUBLICATIONAvailable from National Fire Protection Agency, 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101. NFPA 52 1992 EditionCompressed Natural Gas CNG Vehicular Fuel Systems 2.1.8U.S. BUREAU OF MINES PUBLICATIONAvailable from U.S. Bureau of Mines, Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20250. U.S. Bureau of Mines Publication 503, Copyright 1952 2.2Related PublicationsThe following publications are provided for ination purposes only and are not a required part of this document. 2.2.1GRI PUBLICATIONAvailable from Gas Research Institute, 8600 West Byr Mawr Avenue, Chicago, IL 60631. GRI 92/0158, 1992Proceedings of the Gas Research Institute Natural Gas Vehicle Fuel Composition Workshop Held February 13, 1992, Rosemont, IL 2.2.2ISO PUBLICATIONSAvailable from ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002. ISO 6326-2-1981Gas analysisDetermination of sulfur compounds in natural gasPart 2 Gas chromatographic using and electrochemical detector for the determination of odoriferous sulfur compounds ISO 6570-3-1989Natural gasDetermination of potential hydrocarbon liquid contentPart 3, Volumetric ISO 6977-1983Natural gasDetection of water and methanol content, gas chromatograph SAE J1616 Issued FEB94 -5- 3.Definitions 3.1Dew Point TemperatureThe temperature, referenced to a specific pressure, at which water vapor or other vapor phase components begin to condense. 3.2Pressure Water Dew Point At Container PressureThe water dew point temperature of the gas at the maximum anticipated pressure in the fuel storage containers of the CNG vehicular fuel system usually measured in the fueling station storage containers prior to pressure reduction. When presenting or referencing dew point, the value shall be given in terms of the container pressure; e.g., −20 C, −4 F dew point at 24 820 kPa 3600 psig. 3.3Pressure Hydrocarbon Dew Point At Container PressureThe hydrocarbon dew point temperature of the gas at the maximum anticipated containers pressure of the CNG vehicular fuel system usually measured in the fueling station storage containers prior to pressure reduction. When presenting or referencing dew point, the value shall be given in terms of the container pressure; e.g. −20 C −4 F dew point at 24 820 kPa 3600 psig. 3.4MicrometreA metric measure with a value of 10−6 m or 0.000001 m also referred to as “micron”. The ANSI spelling of “micrometre” for dimension and “micrometer” for the measuring tool is used in this document. 3.5PPMRepresents parts per million and can be given on a volume or mass basis. The abbreviation shall be ppm v/v for volume, or m/m for mass e.g., 1.0 ppm v/v, which corresponds to 1.0 m3 CO2 or other limited constituent per million 1 000 000 m3 of natural gas at standard conditions of pressure and temperature. There are numerous “standard conditions” in use in the gas industry. For purposes of this document, the values being adopted by ISO of 101.325 kPa 14.7 psig and 288.15 K 15 C or 59 F are used. 3.6Specific GravityAlso known as relative density, is the ratio of the density of natural gas kg/m3 to the density of air measured at standard conditions of pressure and temperature. 3.7Wobbe Index WIAlso known as Wobbe Number WN, is a measure of fuel energy flow rate through a fixed orifice under given inlet conditions. 4.Properties Related to Containers and Vehicle Fuel System CorrosionNatural gas for vehicle fuel use is typically stored in a high-density gaseous state at CNG fueling stations at peak tank pressures of 24 820 to 34 480 kPa 3600 to 5000 psig and on board vehicles at peak tank pressures of 20 690 to 24 820 kPa 3000 to 3600 psig in cylinders made of metal e.g., steel or aluminum, metal liners with resin-reinforced filament winding, or non-metallic liners with resin-reinforced filament winding. It is essential that all safety factors must provide adequate safety margin for rupture pressure as well as resistance to corrosion, fatigue, fire, vibration, and mechanical damage. Cylinder failures can be caused by corrosion or corrosion-related damage, i.e., stress corrosion cracking essentially hydrogen embrittlement or corrosion fatigue. Specific fuel components can impact cylinder integrity. The most critical potential issue is crack growth due to corrosion fatigue. This process occurs due to the combined action of corrosion agents in natural gas hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, water or water vaporand the pressure cycling associated with periodically expending and replenishing the fuel storage cylinder. Complementary discussion of issues related to compressed gas storage is available in Appendix A. SAE J1616 Issued FEB94 -6- 4.1Pressure Water Dew Point TemperatureThe pressure water dew point temperature of the fuel should be compatible with the specific geographical location in which the vehicle will operate and should be set such that condensation of water will not occur in the storage cylinder at the maximum operating container pressure. The local dew point temperature of the fuel should be defined as 5.6 C 10 F below the monthly lowest dry-bulb temperature as found in U.S. Dept. of Commerces National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Publication “Comparative Climatic Data for the United States through 1991,” at the maximum operating container pressure. Data for specific states/cities can be found in the Departments “Climatography of the U.S. No. 20 Climatic Summaries for Selected Sites, 1951–80.” The margin of 5.6 C 10 F is intended to provide some allowance for expansion cooling as gas flows throughout the fuel system components. Expansion cooling will generally lead to greater temperature decreases than 5.6 C 10 F. Hence, freezing in the fuel system may occur if the fuel gas is not extremely dry. It should be noted that current hydromatic devices have been found to be inherently inaccurate below 1.6 x 105 kg/m3 1 lb/mmscf. Future engineering development programs are expected to better define the appropriate specification in this regard. The fuel provider or station operator should determine the most appropriate to maintain the pressure water dew point limit. Future changes to NFPA-52 will address specific safety requirements. Pressure water dew point is determined by ASTM D 1142-90. 4.2Hydrogen Sulfide ConcentrationGiven that the corrosive environment is controlled via the limited water concentration per 3.1, no limitations are required on the concentration of hydrogen sulfide for this purpose. However, the total content of sulfur compounds, including odorants, should be limited to 1.0 grain per 2.83 m3 100 ft3 [8 to 30 ppm mass] to avoid excessive exhaust catalyst poisoning. Hydrogen sulfide concentration is determined by ASTM D 4084-88. 4.3Carbon Dioxide ConcentrationGiven that the corrosive environment is controlled via the limited water concentration per 3.1, no limitations are required on the concentration of carbon dioxide CO2 for this purpose. However, a limit of 3.0 CO2 by volume is recom