SAE J1401-1993 使用非石油基液压流体的道路车辆的液压制动软管组件.pdf
SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright 2003 SAE International All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retri system or transmitted, in any or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE. TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDERTel 877-606-7323 inside USA and Canada Tel 724-776-4970 outside USA Fax 724-776-0790 Email SAE WEB ADDRESShttp// SURFACE VEHICLE STANDARD J1401 REV. JUN2003 Issued1942-01 Revised2003-06 Superseding J1401 SEP1999 Road VehicleHydraulic Brake Hose Assemblies for Use With Nonpetroleum-Base Hydraulic Fluids 1.ScopeThis SAE Standard specifies the perance tests and requirements for hydraulic brake hose assemblies used in the hydraulic braking system of a road vehicle. It also specifies the s used for identification of the hose manufacturer. This document applies to brake hose assemblies made of a hose fabricated from yarn and natural or synthetic elastomers and assembled with metal end fittings for use with nonpetroleum-base brake fluids as specified in SAE J1703 and SAE J1705. The nominal internal diameter of the brake hose shall fall within one of the following values a.3.5 mm or less 1/8 in or less b.4 to 5 mm 3/16 in 2.References 2.1Applicable PublicationsThe following publications a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply. 2.1.1SAE PUBLICATIONSAvailable from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001. SAE J1703Motor Vehicle Brake Fluid SAE J1705Low Water Tolerant Brake Fluids 2.1.2ASTM PUBLICATIONAvailable from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. ASTM B 117 of Salt Spray Fog Testing 2.1.3ISO PUBLICATIONAvailable from ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002. ISO R147Load calibration of testing machines for tensile testing of steel SAE J1401 Revised JUN2003 -2- 2.2Related PublicationsThe following publications are provided for ination purposes only and are not a required part of this document. 2.2.1SAE PUBLICATIONSAvailable from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001. SAE J1288Packaging, Storage, and Shelf Life of Hydraulic Brake Hose Assemblies SAE J1406Application of Hydraulic Brake Hose to Motor Vehicles 2.2.2ISO PUBLICATIONAvailable from ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002. ISO 3996Hydraulic brake hose assembliesNon-Petroleum hose hydraulic fluid standard 3.Definitions 3.1Brake Hose AssemblyA brake hose equipped with end fittings for use in a brake system. 3.2Brake HoseA flexible conduit manufactured for use in a brake system to transmit and contain the fluid pressure medium used to apply force to the vehicles brakes. 3.3Brake Hose End FittingA coupling, other than a clamp, designed for attachment to the end of a brake hose. 3.4Permanently Attached End FittingA coupling designed for permanent attachment to the ends of a brake hose by crimping or swaging. 3.5Free LengthThe linear measurement of brake hose exposed between the end fittings of a brake hose assembly while maintained in a straight position. 3.6Leaks, BurstThe loss of test fluid from the brake hose assembly other than by the designed inlets and outlets. 3.7CrackingThe interruption of a surface due to environment and/or stress. 3.8Hose Internal DiameterA dimensional description of the nominal inside diameter that is printed on the hose cover. This dimension is to be used to calculate the gage size for the constriction test. EXAMPLE3 mm 4.Perance TestsPerance tests for hydraulic brake hose assemblies include all of the tests listed in Table 1. These tests shall be conducted on each I.D. size and type1 from each hose manufacturer. A change in hose construction, that is, a change in material or a change in the manufacturing , shall require a complete perance test. Accordingly, each coupler shall conduct the perance test on each coupling crimp design for each hose construction. A change of coupling crimp design shall require a complete perance test. Variations that do not influence the integrity of the hose coupling joint, such as variation in thread size, port dimensions, hex size, and the like, shall not be considered new design. The sample sizes listed in Table 1 represent minimums for validation of a production process. The manufacturer of the hydraulic brake hose assembly is responsible for conducting appropriate design verification rcises and for controlling the production processes such that any hose assembly provided for sale or use on a vehicle will be capable of meeting the perance requirements listed in Section 5 when subjected to the tests listed in Table 1, pered per the procedures and conditions described in 4.1 and 4.2. 1.Various reinforcing cords and/or elastomers. SAE J1401 Revised JUN2003 -3- 4.1Test ConditionsThe assemblies for each perance test shall be new and unused and shall be at least 24 h old. The last 4 h prior to testing shall be at a temperature of 15 to 32 C 60 to 90 F. Prior to installation of the hose assembly on a whip or cold bend test, all external appendages such as mounting brackets, spring guards, and metal collars shall be removed or long tubes shortened, or both. The temperature of the testing room shall be between 15 and 32 C 60 and 90 F for all tests except brake fluid compatibility, cold bend, hot impulse, ozone, dynamic ozone, salt spray, and water absorption. SAE Referee Brake Fluid, RM 66-05, should be used for all tests requiring brake fluid. Different test results may be obtained using different fluids. 4.2Test Procedures 4.2.1100 PRESSURE TESTThe hose assembly shall be subject to a pressure test, using inert gas, air, water, or brake fluid as a pressure medium. Brake fluid shall meet SAE J1703/J1705. The test pressure shall be 10.3 MPa 1500 psi minimum, 14.5 MPa 2100 psi maximum for inert gas and air and 20.7 MPa 3000 psi minimum, 24.8 MPa 3600 psi maximum for water and nonpetroleum-base hydraulic brake fluid. Special care should be taken when gas or air is used. Under the pressure specified, gas or air is explosive if a failure should occur in the hose or hose assembly. The pressure shall be held for not less than 10 nor more than 25 s. 4.2.2CONSTRICTION TESTFor qualification and lab testing, the constriction of the hose assemblies shall be measured with a gage plug as shown in Figure 1. Hold the assembly vertically at the fitting and insert the “A” diameter portion of the constriction gage into the end of the fitting. Allow the gage to drop of its own weight for the full length of the probe. The time required for the gage to drop shall not exceed 5s. Repeat this step for the other end of the brake hose assembly. TABLE 1HYDRAULIC BRAKE HOSE ASSEMBLY PERANCE TEST SUMMARY1 1.When the hose assembly configurations make it impractical to conduct tests such as tensile, whip, and constriction, hose assemblies produced from equivalent type end fittings, production type equipment, and processes must be used to make the substitute brake hose assemblies. Sample SizePerance Test Test Procedure paragraph Perance Requirement paragraph All100 Pressure Test4.2.15.1 All2 2.Four brake hose assemblies may be used if assemblies must be cut to conduct constriction tests. Constriction4.2.25.2 4Volumetric Expansion4.2.35.3 Followed by Burst4.2.45.4 4Brake Fluid Compatibility4.2.55.5 4Whip4.2.65.6 4Tensile4.2.75.7 1Cold Bend4.2.85.8 1Ozone4.2.95.9 1Salt Spray4.2.105.10 Water Absorption4.2.115.11 4 Burst 4 Whip 4 Tensile 4Hot Impulse4.2.125.12 4Dynamic Ozone4.2.135.13 39Total Samples SAE J1401 Revised JUN2003 -4- FIGURE 1GAGE PLUG FOR TESTING CONSTRICTION OF BORE OF HOSE ASSEMBLY The design of some fittings makes it impossible to insert the gage plug externally. For these assemblies, insert a special elongated gage plug into the opposite fitting and pass the probe through the hose, into and through the crimped area of the fitting being tested. If the gage plug becomes misaligned at the entrance to the second fitting, it may be necessary to align the hose to allow the plug gage to pass through. The special gage plug shall meet all the requirements of Figure 1, with the exception of the 76 mm 3 in length, which must be increased appropriately so that its tip will extend past the hose opening. Some brake hose assemblies have fittings on both ends, brackets, and/or center fittings that cannot be entered with a gage plug. Cut these assemblies 50 mm 3 mm 2 in 0.1 in from the end of the fitting and then test with the plug gage. Reference Table 1, footnote 2. 4.2.3VOLUMETRIC EXPANSION TESTThe expansion test is designed to measure, by fluid displacement, the volumetric expansion of the free length of assembled hydraulic brake hose when subjected to specified internal pressures. Water or SAE Referee Brake Fluid RM 66-05 should be used as a pressure medium. the specimen used in this test has been subjected to a pressure above 20 MPa 2900 psi using any medium prior to this test, allow it to recover for 15 min. thread the hose assembly into the adapters designed to seal in the same manner as in actual use. Do not twist. Maintain the hose in a vertical, straight position, without tension, while under pressure. all the air from the system by allowing approximately 0.25 L 0.5 pt of brake fluid or water to flow through the hose assembly and into the buret. Removal of air bubbles may be facilitated by moving the hose back and forth. Close the valve to the buret and apply 20.0 MPa 0, −0.14 MPa 2900 psi 0, −20 psi to the hose assembly. Within 10 s, inspect the hose assembly for leaks at the connections and then release the pressure completely in the hose. Adjust the brake fluid or water level in the buret to zero. With the valve to the buret closed, apply 6.9 MPa 0, −0.14 MPa 1000 psi 0, −20 psi to hose assembly and seal this pressure in the hose within 5 s 3 s. Within 3 s, open the valve to the buret for 10 s 3, −0 s and allow the brake fluid or water level in the expanded hose to rise in the buret. The brake fluid or water level in the buret should be constant within that time period. the preceding step two times, so the amount of brake fluid or water in the buret will be the total of the three expansions. Measure this buret reading to the nearest 0.05 cm3. volumetric expansion is calculated by dividing the buret reading by three and subtracting the calibration factor. This figure divided by the free length in meters feet will give the volumetric expansion per meter feet of hose. SAE J1401 Revised JUN2003 -5- the brake fluid or water level in the buret to zero as previously stated and repeat the procedure to obtain the expansion at pressures of 10.3 MPa 0, −0.14 MPa 1500 psi 0, −20 psi and 20 MPa 0, –0.14 MPa 2900 psi 0, –20 psi. If the pressure in the hose should inadvertently be raised to a value above that specified, but not above 24 MPa 3500 psi, completely release the pressure and allow the hose to recover for at least 15 min and then repeat the test. If the hose was subjected to a pressure above 24 MPa 3500 psi, repeat the test using a new brake hose. If at any time during the test an air bubble flows out of the hose, repeat the test after allowing at least 3 min for the hose to recover. ApparatusTest apparatus shall consist essentially of the following a.A source for required fluid pressures, test fluid consisting of brake fluid or water without any additives and free of air or gas bubbles. b.A reservoir for pressure gages, fittings where the hose assembly may be mounted vertically for application of pressure under controlled conditions. c.A graduated buret with 0.05 cm3 increments for measuring the volume of liquid corresponding to the expansion of the hose under pressure. d.Plumbing hardware as required. All piping and connections shall be smooth bore without recesses or offsets so all air may be freely removed from the system before running each test. Valves shall be capable of withstanding pressures involved without leakage. See Figure 2. FIGURE 2EXPANSION TEST APPARATUS of ApparatusThe apparatus shall be tested prior to use to determine its calibration correction factors. These correction factors should be established at pressures of 6.9, 10.3, and 20 MPa 1000, 1500, and 2900 psi using an assembly, which shall consist, for example, of 1.52 mm 0.060 in minimum wall, hydraulic steel tubing with a free length of 305 mm 6 mm 12 in 0.2 in, and 6.3 mm 0.25 in outside diameter. All fittings and adapters used in testing of the assembly shall be in this system. This may require the attachment of the tubing to the brake hose fittings in the case of special end configurations. The calibration correction factors shall be subtracted from the expansion readings obtained on the test specimens. The maximum permissible calibration correction factor shall be 0.08 cm3 at 10.3 MPa 1500 psi. SAE J1401 Revised JUN2003 -6- 4.2.4BURST STRENGTH TESTConnect the specimen to the pressure system and fill completely with water or SAE Referee Brake Fluid RM 66-05, allowing all air to escape. Removal of air bubbles may be facilitated by moving the hose back and forth. Apply 27.6 MPa 0, −1.4 MPa 4000 psi 0, −200 psi pressure at the rate specified in and hold for 2 min 0, −10 s. At the expiration of this hold period, increase the pressure at 172.5 MPa/min 69 MPa/min 25 000 psi/min 10 000 psi/min until the hose bursts. Read the maximum pressure obtained on the calibrated gage to the nearest 1 MPa 100 psi and record as the bursting strength of the hose assembly. ApparatusThe apparatus shall consist of a suitable pressure system where hose is connected so that controlled and measured fluid pressure may be applied internally. The pressure shall be obtained by means of a hand- or power-driven pump or an accumulator system and it shall be measured with a calibrated gage. Provision shall be made for filling the hose with water or brake fluid and allowing all air to escape through a relief valve prior to application of pressure. This is important as a safety measure. The hold and burst pres-